First Contact

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Status Completed Mission

The USS Intrepid stops to survey their first system while en route to Kaitos, expecting to discover a late 21st century civilization living on the fourth planet. Known to the Romulans as the Helivans, a species doomed to extinction as their planet shifted from Earth-like to almost entirely desert after a dramatic climate change.
The Helivans seemed to be holding onto their small amounts of water and growing barely enough food for one third of their population.
But as the Intrepid drops out of warp to perform a standard survey, they are shocked to discover multiple warp signatures leading from the planet’s surface.
Desperate times call for desperate measures and the Helivans may have made exponential gains toward warp development.

Start Date Sun Aug 27th, 2023 @ 4:17am
End Date Mon Jan 1st, 2024 @ 4:17am

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
The End?
by Captain Maxwell Culver & Lieutenant JG William Verhoeven & Captain Lorut Vila & Commander Rylen Lyo & Lieutenant Commander Jared Rush & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene & Lieutenant Dovenice Nyx & Lieutenant S'Tera & Lieutenant Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr & Lieutenant Roaa & Lieutenant Dr. Morgan Alexander-Harrington M.D.
MD5: 1200 hours USS Intrepid
A Bit of Discomfort
by Daniel Martinez & Lieutenant Dr. Morgan Alexander-Harrington M.D.
MD4: 0930 USS Intrepid: Sixkbay
Watching The Ship [Back Post]
by Captain Lorut Vila & Captain Maxwell Culver & Lieutenant Wara Tête
Observation Lounge
So Much Done, So Much More To Do [Back Post]
by Daniel Martinez & Captain Maxwell Culver
MD3: 1900 hours - After Something You Don’t See Every Day USS Intrepid: Captain’s Quarters
The Task at Hand
by Lieutenant Callan Armidale & Lieutenant JG William Verhoeven & Captain Maxwell Culver & Captain Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Commander Jared Rush & Commander Rylen Lyo & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene & Lieutenant Dovenice Nyx & Lieutenant S'Tera & Lieutenant Aurora House of Kor & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell
MD4: 1300 hours USS Intrepid
New Challenges
by Lieutenant Commander Ukram Gocx & Lieutenant Roaa & Lieutenant Dr. Morgan Alexander-Harrington M.D.
Something You Don’t See Very Often
by Captain Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Commander Ukram Gocx & Lieutenant Commander Jared Rush & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene & Captain Maxwell Culver & Daniel Martinez
MD3: 1800 hours USS Intrepid: Scotty’s Bar
Enigma Variations
by Commander Rylen Lyo & Lieutenant Dr. Morgan Alexander-Harrington M.D.
Mission Day Three, 0700 Medical Bay
Infinite Diversity in a Single Person
by Captain Maxwell Culver & Captain Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Dr. Morgan Alexander-Harrington M.D. & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell
MD3: 1650 hours USS Intrepid: Ready Room
Some Kind of Welcome
by Captain Maxwell Culver & Captain Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Roaa
MD4: 1600 hours Ready Room
Familiar Face, New Place
by Petty Officer 3rd Class Brix Saad & Captain Maxwell Culver & Captain Lorut Vila
MD3: 1130 hours USS Intrepid: Aft Docking Airlock
A Planet Sized Problem
by Lieutenant Wara Tête & Lieutenant JG William Verhoeven & Captain Maxwell Culver & Captain Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Commander Jared Rush & Commander Rylen Lyo & Lieutenant Dovenice Nyx & Lieutenant S'Tera & Lieutenant Aurora House of Kor & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell
MD3: 1000 hours USS Intrepid: Observation Lounge
Scientific Surprise [Part Two]
by Captain Maxwell Culver & Captain Lorut Vila & Lieutenant S'Tera & Lieutenant Aurora House of Kor & Lieutenant Sardeek
MD3: 0930 hours USS Intrepid: Astrometrics
Dinner as Diplomats [Part Two]
by Captain Maxwell Culver & Captain Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Commander Jared Rush & Commander Rylen Lyo & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene & Lieutenant Dovenice Nyx & Lieutenant S'Tera & Lieutenant Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr & Lieutenant Aurora House of Kor & Lieutenant Commander Ukram Gocx & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell
MD2: Evening USS Intrepid: Grand Hall
A Moment to Meet [Back Post]
by Captain Maxwell Culver & Captain Lorut Vila & Commander Rylen Lyo & Lieutenant Desha
MD2: 1200 hours USS Intrepid: Diplomatic Galley
Helivan Engineering
by Captain Maxwell Culver & Lieutenant Dovenice Nyx
MD2: Afternoon Helivan Shuttle
A Scientific Surprise
by Captain Lorut Vila & Lieutenant S'Tera & Lieutenant Aurora House of Kor & Captain Maxwell Culver & Lieutenant Sardeek
MD3: 0930 hours USS Intrepid: Astrometrics
Dinner as Diplomats
by Lieutenant Commander Chester Ripley & Lieutenant Callan Armidale & Lieutenant JG Kaydren Aukai & Lieutenant JG William Verhoeven & Petty Officer 3rd Class Brix Saad & Daniel Martinez & Captain Maxwell Culver & Captain Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Commander Jared Rush & Commander Rylen Lyo & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene & Lieutenant Desha & Lieutenant Dovenice Nyx & Lieutenant S'Tera & Lieutenant Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell & Lieutenant Aurora House of Kor & Lieutenant Commander Ukram Gocx
MD2: 1900 hours USS Intrepid: Grand Hall
Welcome Aboard
by Captain Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell & Lieutenant Commander Jared Rush & Captain Maxwell Culver
MD2: 1200 hours USS Intrepid: Ready Room
Been a While
by Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell & Captain Maxwell Culver
MD2: 1100 hours USS Intrepid: Counseling Suite
Playing a Delicate Game
by Captain Maxwell Culver & Captain Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell
MD2: 0800 hours USS Intrepid: Diplomatic Suite
Another New Arrival
by Captain Maxwell Culver & Captain Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr
MD2: 0800 hours USS Intrepid: Captain’s Ready Room
A Rude Awakening
by Captain Maxwell Culver & Captain Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene & Lieutenant Desha & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell & Lieutenant Commander Ukram Gocx & Christine Graham
MD1: late afternoon USS Intrepid: Sickbay
Spreading Excitement or What the Helivan?
by Captain Maxwell Culver & Captain Lorut Vila & Commander Rylen Lyo & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene & Lieutenant Desha & Lieutenant Dovenice Nyx & Lieutenant S'Tera
MD1: 1740 hours Multiple
A Complete Oversight
by Lieutenant Commander Chester Ripley & Commander Rylen Lyo & Lieutenant Desha
MD1: 1700 hours USS Intrepid: Shuttlebay

Mission Summary