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Sat Mar 23rd, 2024 @ 2:45pm

Lieutenant Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr

Name Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Orion/Human
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 135
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Average height and build, slightly hour-glass figure. She keeps physically fit. She has red hair that she keeps pulled back neatly when on-duty, and is down or in a variety of hair styles when off duty.

Off duty she can usually be found in over-sized off the shoulder tops, leggings, and comfortable shoes, though she will get dressed up for special occasions.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Jonathan Kerr, Human
Mother Zhiruna Kerr, Orion
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Grandparents, an aunt and two uncles along with several cousins on her fathers side, but she and her mother only have passing contact with their Orion side of the family.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lissa grew up on Starships, so she is comfortable around all types and people and can easily conform and blend in with varying social situations. She can be quite friendly, planning social hours, and making sure new people feel included. She is fiercely loyal to those have earned it. In contrast to her usually friendly demeanor, she not afraid to speak her mind in any situation.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Loyal, dedicated officer, her memory for certain details and ability to adapt have served her well in her career and her personal life, friendly, fun and outgoing

Weaknesses: Can be outspoken when it's out of turn. Can lose her temper when things don't go her way and she's under pressure. She holds prejudices against the Orion government and those who chose to serve it, and is suspicious of any Orion who hasn't left the system, because she believes all are too complacent with the Syndicate's rule.
Ambitions Move up in Starfleet Intelligence and revamp how officers are trained and deployed.
Hobbies & Interests hanging out with friends at parties, karaoke, open mic nights, or just people talking and playing games is fine; water sports - swimming, sunbathing, water-skiing, inner-tubing; karaoke, musical theater

Personal History Lissa's mother, Runa, was an Orion traitor who came to Starfleet with intelligence that helped them bring down a small slave trafficking organization that was short cutting through Federation Space. She sought asylum with the Federation, which was granted. Her mother ended up marrying one of the tactical officers who worked on the mission, Lissa's father Jonathan.

Jonathan continued his career in Starfleet, eventually becoming a captain for many years, and Runa stayed with him, sometimes acting as a civilian advisor, more often working as a high school political science teacher. As a child growing up on Starships, teachers often described her as outgoing, and took note that she was often the one to make sure that new students knew where everything was and made a point to introduce them to the other children and helped them to make friends.

When Lissa joined Starfleet, she initially went to the Academy, and then followed up with a nursing program, and served as a nurse for three years on the USS Arcadia. During that time, she was assigned to work on a mission that involved a genetically engineered virus, targeted to a specific group of people. it was part of a larger scheme planet wide. After that mission, Lissa decided if she could take her medical background and apply it to the Starfleet Intelligence Division.

Starfleet Intelligence was happy to accept her transfer, and she received her training in the field. She was often given intel to work with that had anything related to biological science, though her portfolio grew from there, as she showed proficiency in combat skills, and was a clear asset in field missions under even the toughest conditions.

She's been extremely interested in the technology used by the Romulans to reclaim Borg into unique individuals again, and is one of a handful of security officers with clearance to read the entirety of what Starfleet has been able to gather from activities on the Artifact.
Service Record 2382: Graduated from Starfleet Academy

2382-2385: USS Arcadia, Nurse

2385 - Transferred into Starfleet Intelligence

2385-2389: USS Missouri, Intelligence Officer

2389-2391: Undercover Syndicate Operation

2391-2393: Starfleet Intelligence Headquarters/Daestrum Institute

2393-2404: USS Yosemite, Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer

2404: Assigned to the USS Intrepid