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Spreading Excitement or What the Helivan?

Posted on Thu Oct 5th, 2023 @ 10:52pm by Captain Maxwell Culver & Captain Lorut Vila & Commander Rylen Lyo & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene & Lieutenant Desha & Lieutenant Dovenice Nyx & Lieutenant S'Tera
Edited on on Thu Oct 5th, 2023 @ 10:53pm

1,630 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: First Contact
Location: Multiple
Timeline: MD1: 1740 hours

Last Time on Star Trek: Intrepid

Christine did scan the woman’s pod. “I don’t know if I’m of highest service,” she answered Gocx. “This one has a tiara, a symbol of royalty, perhaps even their princess. I think Doctor Greene should be her carer and we will split the men?” she suggested.

"Sounds good," Ukram said. "Dr. Greene, does that sound good to you?" He asked.

"I have no objections," Frasier acknowledged their discussion. "Reid was able to translate elements of their language via the Romulan database from their previous encounter in written form." The human turned to the hologram: "Christine with your higher capacity you may need to take the lead on the early vocal interactions until clear line of communication can be made."

And Now the Conclusion


Vila had sent S'Tera back, but she had some more work to do, she knew. She headed back to the Pod room, and found Callan, their jack-of-all trades Ops officer.

"We need to do a full sweep of the ship," she said, "To ensure that every life form is accounted for, and any security breaches are covered. Get an Engineer here, too, please," she said to Callan.

Nyx perked at hearing the call for an engineer. Her hands rose in with the Federation Sign Language gesture for "What?" Perhaps she had gone invisible, or maybe her yellow uniform mistook her for a security officer.

“Yes, ma’am,” the Australian responded attentively. He was already liaising with both departments in the middle of an odd time to swap out personnel.

"Yeah, tell him I'm standing four feet away," Nyx responded to the comms chatter.

tag Callan if you want it...

"Doctor Greene, how goes things?" Vila asked.

"We've done as much prep as possible," Greene responded. "Just need to bite the bullet and begin."

She moved on to the Pod people. "Let's get them opened up and woken up. I have Ops and Security doing sweeps. Do you need anything?" She asked the medical team.

"Just good fortune," Greene smirked.

“I’m going to open my stasis tube now,” Christine responded. “I have twelve cc’s of polyethylene glycol ready for injection to protect them from cellular degradation. Another three cc’s amrizine in case of stasis psychosis and four cc’s of corticin for immunotherapy.”

Christine touched the controls as indicated by their former Ops chief’s instructions. With three clicks of switches and a dial down knob, Christine’s tube opened with a cold hiss, revealing her patient. She pushed the hatch open and injected the man with the polyethylene glycol and the corticin.

The man’s color moved from bluish to normal and a sheen of water began to appear on his forehead. Christine wiped it away with a towel and noted her “pod” person was shivering. “He is stable enough to transport to Intrepid,” she told the others around her.

A moment later, she and the Helivan disappeared in a shimmer of light and sparkles.

Gocx went next. His patient went much the same. He, too, administered Polyethylene Glycol, and quickly disappeared to the Medical bay. He was careful to not move too fast, so as not to scare his patient.

Relieved to see the first two patients appeared to have begun their reanimation process without any drama, Green watched both them and their accompanying medic shimmer away back onto the Intrepid.

He turned his attention to the remaining occupant and tried the controls on the pod mirroring that of both Gocx and Christine. His brow creased with concern as it remained firmly locked in place, a second attempt also yielded no result.

The Doctor tugged at his beard wondering what he'd done differently, sensing Lorut's scrutinizing glare burning through his soul. His third attempt was rewarded with a cluck of the disengaging lock and sharp hiss of escaping pressure that masked his sigh of relief. The pod lid was heavier than he'd expected and nearly slipped his grip as he pushed it open to reveal the youngest of the shuttle occupants. The details in her ornate dress and jewels embezzled in her tiara delicately placed upon her fine hair where more pronounced, now free from the glass casing. Her youthful beauty too was enchanting...

Frasier shook himself to return to the duty at hand by administering the prepared dosage and sat back upon his heels waiting with baited breath as she begun to react.

=/\=Greene to Intrepid,=/\= he called on the coms. "Ready to transport remaining patient."

@Open tag to Lorut or anyone remaining in the pod section

=/\=Lorut to Intrepid, I'll need a diplomatic attaché shortly. We're awakening the...pod people=/\= she said, for a lack of better wording.

=/\= Acknowledged, Commander Lorut, =/\= Max responded, retaining control of the situation now that he was back on duty. Looking at Dani, who seemed content to continue looking through the interior of the ship. =/\= I’ll meet you in sickbay and we’ll be pulling triple duty as ship’s diplomacy department. =/\=

“On my way,” Vila answered.


New or not, this was no time to rest. His newly arrived crew would be put to work on their very first day. It was a shame they wouldn’t have more time to settle in and enjoy a meet and greet, but they could do that later.

Max touched his console, opening channels, “Commanders Ripley and Lyo and Lieutenant Desha to the bridge, please.”

=/\= Acknowledged, Captain =/\=, Desha responded.

’What in the name of the Sovereign Dynasty is happening now?’ thought Lyo. He sighed heavily and tapped his communicator badge. =/\= On the way, Captain. =/\= he responded curtly.

A few minutes later, Desha stepped out onto the bridge, and took her station. She awaited the captain's orders patiently.

Since this was literally his first time signing into Intrepid’s Ops console, Rylen acknowledged that the configuration was way off. “Computer, upload station configuration Lyo Seven from my personal database. Install in bridge Ops console and reset.” The computer chirped, then the Ops station flashed on and off, like a light switch had been flipped up and down.

“Lieutenant Desha, you’ll be with me. Have a security team meet us in sickbay,” Max said to the Denobulan. He wondered for a moment how she felt about getting tossed around the ship from one minute to the next. All he could do was hope she’d get used to it.

"Understood, Captain" - she was certainly getting some exercise in today. She brought up the current duty roster on her station, and tapped her combadge. "Desha to V'Sara, meet me in sickbay. Bring Ensign Lyons and Ensign Kakalina with you."

“Commander Lyo,” Max said, feeling the Kriosian’s dissatisfaction come and pass. Otherwise, there was a sense of bravado, almost staged for performance. Underneath, Max could sense a bit of…annoyance? “I’m leaving you with the keys, make sure you don’t lose them, hmm?” he quipped.

“For those of you who are new, we’ll have brunch or something later…to welcome you! For now, it’s all hands! Daniel?!” Max said playfully and with a smirk.

Dani pushed the console away from him far enough that it tucked itself away. He crossed behind where the Kriosian had come to take the center seat, joining Max. He tried to look calm and collected, but he was a bundle of nerves and excitement. ’This is incredible!’ he thought, his mind bubbling.

’I don’t recall seeing that face on the crew manifest,’ Rylen thought. He was handsome enough, and if their paths crossed, the Kriosian would initiate conversation. He certainly felt the other man’s excitement as he took the center seat.

Lorut had returned to the Intrepid, since all the Pod People were in medical. She hurried quickly to the command center. "Captain, all three patients are in medical. I came to get the Counselor for diplomatic reasons. Do you wish to do it?"

Vila could act as a diplomat, she was just...Vila, and their first interaction with the Helivan people probably shouldn't be her.

“Good plan. Counselor, please join the group heading for sickbay.”

Desha looked towards Lorut, and then back towards the Captain. She was waiting by the turbolift, hands behind her back, ready to head out - and ready to learn what was going on.

Rena looked around the bridge from her perch near the science console. She nodded at Max and stood up. She crossed to where the Captain stood. "How is Dani doing?" she asked, quietly.

Max was surprised that was her first question. “He’s really excited about the Helivans, seems to be catching,” Max responded, feeling the excitement all around him. “Still, probably better to talk about that during our next session…” Max suggested. “Or you can ask him yourself, it’ll be a short conversation in the lift. Hopefully a quiet one too,” Max suggested.

Rena nodded and looked back to S'Tera, who was at the console while Aurora and Chester were in the labs.

S'tera looked up and smiled at her girlfriend and returned to working at the console. "So this one is particularly interesting Aurora. If these readings are correct, this plant contains healing properties that can be used for a few things. I think this bears further research!"

Max entered the turbolift last, behind Commander Lorut, Lieutenant Desha, Counselor Campbell and Dani. Despite the five of them, the lift didn’t feel cramped. As the doors closed, Max called, “Sickbay.”


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