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Thu Feb 6th, 2025 @ 11:44pm

Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene

Name Frasier Greene

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2
Weight 190
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description Tall and rugged looking appearance with slightly wayward beard and hairstyle


Spouse Catharine Greene, divorced
Children James Green
Father Charles Greene
Mother Alison Greene
Sister(s) Vanessa Foster
Other Family Simon Foster, brother in law

Personality & Traits

General Overview Compassionate and caring as expected by an experienced physician with the ability to insert sarcasm or humour to ease patients’ nerves. Unlike his peers Frasier joined Starfleet late in life having been a civilian Doctor previous to enlisting
Strengths & Weaknesses + Calm under pressure
+ Great team player
+ Passionate
- Lacks Starfleet experience compared to peers
- Struggles to talk about himself outside his profession
- Terrified of heights
Ambitions Recently separated from his wife and young son having been blamed for focusing on his job and less on the family Frasier recognizes salvaging his marriage is a lost cause. His new ambition is to build a legacy that would make his son proud in the years to come.
Hobbies & Interests Fascinated by ancient earth soccer and tries to educate those around him in the rules. Enjoys cross-country cycling and paddle boarding

Personal History Frasier won’t open talk about his history when quizzed and his file only carries the basics:

Born in the bustling city of New York Fraiser was the youngest of two children to Charlies and Alison Greene, where medicine and wellbeing ran deep within the family history for at least five generations.

The family joked that each of the Greene children were born with scalpels attached to their hands for the speed they quickly absorbed the family traditions and excelled in education.
Frasier was no exception taking to his studies like a duck to water to follow in the family history of medicine practice. His endeavours were paused for year by the introduction to the beautify Catherine Lewis when studying as junior in Melbourne.

Their whirlwind romance quickly turned into marriage and shortly followed the arrival of baby James. However, once the honeymoon period had passed and the reality of a young son along with renewal of his career spending countless hours away from home began to sour their relationship. Frasier had already missed several of the important firsts in James early days such as his first steps and gargling words having been preoccupied in his medical duties, of which Catherine had sacrificed to attend to mothership.

Foolishly the words of his family to step back from his climbing career to tend of this young son and neglected wife fell on deaf ears resulting in the inevitable.

After a brief attempt to salvage their relationship Frasier resounded himself that chapter was over with no going back, therefore redoubled his efforts in his medical career to bury the pain and move on. Until opportunity passed his way the ultimate challenge – medicine on the frontier and the best way to achieve that was to head back to school with the Starfleet Academy.
Service Record Civilian General Practitioner
Enlisted at Starfleet Academy and graduated as a mature student
Medical Officer – USS Protus
ACMO – Deep Space Five
CMO Tritan Sea Base
Field Promotion to Lieutenant Commander
Transferred to USS Intrepid and CMO