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The End?

Posted on Mon Jan 1st, 2024 @ 1:31am by Captain Maxwell Culver & Lieutenant JG William Verhoeven & Captain Lorut Vila & Commander Rylen Lyo & Lieutenant Commander Jared Rush & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene & Lieutenant Dovenice Nyx & Lieutenant S'Tera & Lieutenant Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr & Lieutenant Roaa & Lieutenant Dr. Morgan Alexander-Harrington M.D.

3,541 words; about a 18 minute read

Mission: First Contact
Location: USS Intrepid
Timeline: MD5: 1200 hours

With the ship’s repairs nearing midway done, the USS Intrepid had pieced together most of the ending of the comet, and presumably, the Shepherds. The USS Opal, having fared much better than the Intrepid, had long since returned to her place in Federation space. A long overdue conversation was still awaiting Max and Vila, no doubt most of which would be a dressing down from Admiral Albion. And the three larger pieces of the comet that they tried so hard to move intact, those were being used as target practice to “calibrate” the new targeting mechanisms on the turrets.

The planet Heliv was already returning to its original orbit and the Helivans were in transport to their own vessel, to make their own decisions. There had been talk of free passage, but Max guessed the Helivans were not entirely happy with him having slingshot the alien temple onto their planet. Still, there was far more for them to celebrate: the planet’s eventual return to its natural orbit, a deep and drenching rain due to the ice that was constantly falling into their atmosphere, and an increased return to normalcy on their own planet in a decade or two instead of centuries or millennia.

The only thing left to hear were the complaints of his crew, or maybe the applause? No, Max would be a fool to think that any of the crew would congratulate him. The joys of being the captain.

"Culver?" came Vila's voice from the doorway. "Penny for your thoughts?" she said, inviting herself in and heading for the replicator for more coffee. "Wild times, huh? I called the Senior Staff together for a debriefing. They should be here soon," she said, settling in with her Rakatjino and PADD.

“I’m just trying to make sense of any of it, really. The Shepherds using a tractor beam to move the comet back into place and accidentally destroying it themselves. A cryptic message about the end of their mission protecting Ah’man Ah, only to accidentally destroy it. I’m worried they will destroy themselves over their guilt.”

“And then there’s us and the Opal, both escaping with minimal damage to the ships and crews?! You said it, wild times. I just can’t help but feel like these wild times are just the beginning of something worse for us…”

“Anyway, I figured you would be pissed at me. You usually are…” Max noted her general state of emotion living somewhere in the anger zone.

She gave him a LOOK. "Why would I be pissed at you? You got us out alive," she said.

Max gave her a silent look, as if to say, “Yeah right!” It was her perpetual state of being, annoyed at him for something.

"I mean, I am a bit annoyed that you didn't let me beam down, but I do understand your reasoning, even if I disagree. Before I became XO, I was a scientist. I KNOW what I am doing, and I would just...appreciate it if you let me do the science parts," she said, with a sigh. "I don't tell you how to Command. I just offer suggestions based in logic and what the science tells me will happen. What happened this time was sheer dumb luck," she said.

“I STILL don’t know what happened,” Max admitted. The science of it seemed to indicate that the Shepherds had placed some type of tractor beam on the foment in the very last second, tearing the damned comet - and the Shepherds- apart. “Besides, you aren’t the Chief Science Officer anymore, Lieutenant S’tera is.”

"I know that. However, she is still learning, and I defer to her, but she doesn't have the personality to question things when they are scientifically inaccurate," Vila said. "And even if she did...she doesn't have the experience that you and I have," she said.

“Then I’ll defer to you,” Max responded to Vila. “You’ve spent more time in science than I have. I expect you’ll gently guide her then.”

"Thank you," Vila said. "I will do better at deferring to you for command things," she said. "And I think that LT S'tera and I understand each other. She's smart, she just needs to learn the ropes of the Fleet," she said.

Roaa, not wanting to be late, entered the observation lounge. Nodding to Lorut and Culver, he found a seat and tried to relax. Knowing this would be his first senior staff meeting. He was a bit nervous, but excited to be there.

Max nodded in return. “Counselor, hopefully we aren’t interrupting your schedule.” Max was fairly certain it was his lunch break for the man, but he didn’t feel too guilty. A few tweaks to his schedule would get him a lunch break.

Shaking his head, Roaa replied "It's ok Captain. I know things don't always go as planned. I'm learning to roll with it, sir."

Max headed to the seat reserved for him. “I think that’s how many officers are feeling after coming into this last mission part way into it. You’ll all have some time to settle in now,” Max assured the counselor.

The seat to Max’s right was reserved for Commander Lorut, his executive officer. A symbolic place with the Humans, the “right hand man”, so to speak. The chair to his left was also reserved for this meeting, a placard there to indicate it was reserved for Rylen Lyo. His soon-to-be other “right hand man”. He decided there that Humans were a strange people.

Vila nodded to the Counselor but didn't say anything. Anything she might say might be prickly, so. She was following her mother's advice-"if you can't be nice, be quiet."

Now it was time to hear from everybody. This was the part of the mission that Rylen Lyo had never been able to embrace completely: the mission debrief. The part where everyone discussed the mission in detail. Since he hailed from a much more hierarchical society, Lyo believed that the end of a mission should be where the Commanding Officer spoke only and they explained what had gone wrong or right. No time for individual opinions of underlings, no time for debating decisions and everyone having their say. Probably one reason why Lyo was not a Commanding Officer himself. He entered the observation lounge and stood near the replicator.

“Hello Captain. Counselor. Commander,” he said, bowing his head toward each as he spoke. “Would it be permissible for me to replicate a cup of espresso?” He had already earned the Commander’s ire by making assumptions; now he risked being seen as an asshole. The classic double-edged sword.

Cutting off any response from Lorut, Max answered quickly. “Yes, as long as you don’t mind getting me a coffee, hot and black.” He smiled at himself and the speed of his mouth. He was certain Lorut would be unhappy with both of them now. She’d probably blow her top when he announced Rylen Lyo as the new Second Officer.

“Of course, Captain,” said the Kriosian. He programmed a double espresso and a black coffee, placing the captain’s drink down on the table when it was ready. Rylen himself took a seat near the end of the table, indulging his nostrils in the rich scent of the espresso.

“Thank you,” Max managed, along with a bit of a smirk for the Kriosian’s benefit. He also indicated Lyo’s new seat beside him.

Slightly taken aback, Lyo took the seat as directed.

Vila started to speak but was cut off by the captain. She gave him ANOTHER look. "Excuse me, I can speak, you know. My people discovered it while the humans were still living in caves," she muttered. She had the urge to kick him under the table, but she pulled it together quickly.

“Just asking for a coffee. I’m starting to feel a mid-morning slump coming on,” Max admitted. “Also, let’s not drag humans or did you forget I’m not human either?”

Vila shrugged. "You simply act like one, though that's probably due to the time your people have spent around them-much more than mine," she said.

Max gave her the look that said she’d been warned about her mouth and it was the last warning he would give. He wasn’t above letting her attend from the brig.

Vianola had been overlooking some of the statistical and tactical data from the Shepherds ship, and some interesting scans from the comet itself. Nothing specific to note or bring up but she always did like an after action report.

Entering the lounge she smiled at those present. "Afternoon everyone," she said simply as she moved to sit.

Max smiled and nodded at Vi. He always felt just a little better when she was around, like a fresh breath of springtime. He avoided using his growing powers. He could tell she felt a bit uncomfortable when he showed off.

S'tera entered with a mocha in her hand. "Hello all!" she said as she took a seat.

Lieutenant Kerr, the newly assigned Chief Intelligence Officer entered the room next. She only knew most of the senior staff by name, and this was her first briefing. Most of the chairs were still open. "Is there a spot I should sit? I don't want to take anyone's usual place at the table."

Vila looked up at the Orion. "No. Sit wherever. If anyone has a problem, send them to me," she said. She was in the mood to dress down a junior officer that desperately deserved it. "Just as long as it's not mine or the captain’s chair," she added. She didn't care about whether people sat, stood, did cartwheels, whatever. As long as they were present and participatory.

Lissa nodded and pulled out an empty chair and waited for the meeting to get started.

Ensign William Verhoeven entered next. He could tell there was already a weird tension in the room. That usually began with their Executive Officer, Commander Lorut. Silently, he chose a seat and buried his face in some new maneuvers that the ship could pull off based on their recent action.

Morgan had appeared from nowhere it seemed, sitting in one of the chairs with a bright, beaming Caitian smile as they waited for the briefing to begin. Their tail swished back and forth as they grabbed a pot of coffee from the center of the table and pour themselves a cup.

The XO's foot was tapping on the floor, antsy to get started. She wasn't the idle type, and she wasn't one to sit around and wait for everyone. If they came late, they missed out, and she wouldn't tell them. AFTER she gave them what for, even. "Who are we still missing?" She asked, with a flash of light in her brown eyes, and a frown.

“Me,” Dovenice Nyx made it through the door with a slight stumble over an invisible obstacle. “Am I late?”

“Nope, I think we’re waiting on Commander Rush, Counselor Rena and Doctor Greene. I think the meeting will be standing room only,” Max indicated they were already a bit cramped at the table.

At that moment, the Assistant Counselor, and Culver's confidante, came rushing in. "Apologies for my tardiness, I was meeting with Lt. Elliott, and things got a bit hairy. I'll need five minutes with you, Captain, after this, please. Commander, you can sit in, too, if you wish," Rena said, plopping into a chair and turning on her PADD. She HATED being late, but the young Lieutenant was struggling, and had asked her advice on putting in for a transfer.

Commander Rush made haste as he got to the debrief, following Counselor Campbell. “Sorry, folks, I was completing the after action report and going over Opal’s sensor logs,” he admitted. Rush promptly settled in a chair and straightened his tunic.

“But I suppose we can get down to the mission debrief. Let’s keep it short, shall we?” Max asked politely. He could almost hear the conditioned air handlers at maximum.

“Commander Lorut, perhaps you and Lieutenant S’tera can walk us through what happened in the final seconds of the struggle with the comet, Ah’man Ah?”

"Well, if we had been left to our own devices to steer the comet, things would have been fine. Instead, the stupid Shepherds activated a tractor beam of their own. The opposing forces quickly caused a chain reaction and the comet tore apart," S'tera explained her tail flickering in annoyance. "The problem is comets are quite fragile really. Just frozen gas and ice. It doesn't take too much to tear one apart. Once the reaction started, there was no stopping it. It went too fast. Opposing forces and pop goes the comet!"

Vila gave the woman a LOOK when she said the word "stupid" but let her continue.

While the Lieutenant gave her account, the doors to the meeting room opened once to admit a later arrival. Doctor Frasier Greene crept round the gathered officers hoping not to draw attention to himself and his tardiness. However, there were no vacant seats at the cramped table forcing him to stand, thus drawing many eyes.

Vila nodded along with S'tera's recount. She didn't interrupt-the woman's account was accurate. When the Caitian was finished speaking, she nodded once. "Good of you to finally join us, Doc," she said, coolly. "Excellent, Lieutenant S'Tera. I have also signed off the same account to the Science Council," she said. "A contact there is going to make sure that the Helivans have what they will need in case it happens again," she said. "Miss S'tera's account is exactly what I would say," she said. She nodded approvingly to the Caitian.

Greene cringed at being singled out and offered a weak smile in apologies.

“To top it off, I’ve pulled in my last favors to have the Opal assigned here longer term, to assist with the remaining comet fragments and the terraforming of their planet so as it moves into its proper orbit, enough of the ice can be directed to benefit its return to its former M class status. The Helivans have been invited to Ritvus V for the next decade, when they can safely resume their lives on Helivan.”

“The blood bond, which involves no blood in these civilized times, has been made and we are welcome in Helivan space any time,” Max concluded.

It was reassuring to Greene that the Helivans were to remain protected and assisted as they transited into a new life upon their home world in time. An open invitation to their neighbouring space could prove useful as the Intrepid continued into their voyage. Having the Opal nearby could also prove invaluable should they run into difficulties again along the way.

"OK, well that's good news. It could've been much worse. All in all things turned out a lot better than it could have. Not ideal but good enough I'd say. The hellvians seem pretty pleased with the outcome. Of course we did save their world. going to be a decadae or so before it is habitable again but it will be habitable. I'd say we did pretty darn good!"

Looking around the packed room, Max asked, “Does anyone have any questions?”

Although he disagreed personally with the format of the debrief, Rylen still appreciated the fact that it was succinct. Short and to the point. He shook his head to indicate that he had no questions.

Similarly Greene had no question to bring forward and any other comment to raise regarding the concluded mission.

Vila tapped away at her PADD, taking notes, but shook her head. She was fully debriefed, and anything else she needed to know, she knew Culver or the Admiral would pass down.

At the point where the silence lay long enough throughout the room, Max continued, “Our next mission will be classified. If anyone has trouble keeping their mouths shut, let me know now and you’ll be restricted to quarters until such time as the mission is complete. No one will be faulted for not taking part in the mission and no time will be docked from your shore leave, should you decide not to join the mission.”

“Speak now or never speak of this classified mission in the future under penalty of the Federation’s strictest rule of law.”

Vila looked up, intrigued. She had gotten a memo from the Admiral that morning, a cryptic note about handing her first mission well, but they remained watching. She wanted to make a threat that she would take issue with it, but on second thought, she realized that he was right- even a minor slip-up, talking about it in the Mess Hall, for example, could be dangerous, so she said nothing.

"I'll arrange a senior staff briefing for 1500," she said. It was an hour before her shift started, and an hour before Alpha shift ended.

Lissa took in a deep breath and nodded in acknowledgement of the meeting time as looked around the room at the other officers for their reactions. She was still playing it quiet for now as the new kid on the block.

“Very good, Commander Lorut. All department heads will transmit the nature of our classified mission and the option to wait it out, restricted to their quarters. As for the staff briefing, that will take place upon our arrival. Just know we aren’t walking into danger, everyone. I’m sure this will count among our very few enjoyable classified missions.”

“Questions, comments, concerns?” Max asked the gathered crew. By now, Max could well hear the air conditioners straining to refresh the air in the packed room.

"Why can't we handle the briefing right now while we're all here?" Nyx asked. "I've got a lot of work to do - interrupting it for constant meetings is less than ideal."

Vila glanced at Max, having a quick, nonverbal conversation. "While I would normally agree with you, Lieutenant, we ALSO have junior staffers here," she said. "Plus, the Captain and I are waiting on a final confirmation from Fleet Admiral Albion," she said. "But normally, I would think we would do it at the same time as this sort of thing," she said. "At least we won't need a weekly meeting, hmm?" She asked. She smiled lightly. "Thank you, though, and I WILL note that for next time we have to do something like this." ALSO Vila would lose her mind if she had to sit in a room doing this for TOO long. She made a note on her PADD to see if they could include all information at the next All Hands meeting, though. It was a good thing to keep in mind.

"Senior staff, I expect to see you in the Ready Room by 1500. Understood, Dr. Greene?" she asked. She looked around. "If there is a good reason you cannot make it at that time, let me know right away, but I don't foresee anything, except perhaps for our friends in Medical," she said. "In which case, send Dr. Gocx," she said.

“Commander Lorut, I leave it to you to dismiss this motley crew right after I do this,” Max paused as he stood and retrieved a black velvet box. Opening it, he showed it to Rylen Lyo. “For your level headed response to the recent ship’s actions, I hereby promote you to the rank of Commander and give you the Second Officer position.”

Max removed the black with gold trim pip for the solid gold pip. “Keep up the exemplary work, Commander Lyo.”

Vi smiled. It was nice to see people succeed. She didn't know Rylen, not yet anyway, but he seemed capable and sensible. Traits she valued. Aside from that felt the mission previously could have been handled with some less arguing on the bridge but aside from that it was done now and others seemed to be happy with the outcome. She had no questions that she felt would get the answers she wanted. Nor did she have any to ask about this 'classified' mission coming up. She'd find out at the briefing later.

Very rarely was Rylen Lyo speechless. He believed his performance had been adequate, perhaps even satisfactory. But he also holds himself to a ridiculously high standard; praise had not been expected, and certainly not in such fulsome amounts as to warrant a promotion. All the Ops chief could manage was a weak “You will never get less than my best. This I promise you.”

“That’s all I’ll expect from any of my crew, Commander,” Max answered. He turned to Vila. “Get them out of here if you don’t mind, Commander Lorut. They’re yours to dismiss.”

Vila smiled tightly, but nodded. "Ok, people, you have your orders. Fall out, return to your stations, and alert your people. 1500 on the dot. Counselor Campbell, did you need a moment?"


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