Haunted by The Past
Posted on Thu Jan 4th, 2024 @ 7:44pm by Captain Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene
1,087 words; about a 5 minute read
Short Treks
Location: Medical
Timeline: MD-11
Vila appeared in the Medical bay. She didn't WANT to be here again. But she needed to see the Doctor once more-this time, she wasn't burnt or hurt, it was just a follow up. And maybe more, she'd see how his mood was (and hers).
"Hello Commander," Frasier greeted her as she arrived at her arrange appointment. "This way, if you please," he promoted her toward a more secluded area to offer privacy. "How can I help you?" he asked falling comfortably into this old civilian ways.
When she let into the exam area, she settled in. "I think I am having a flare-up of...Orkett's disease. When I was in the Camps...they..I caught it and it occasionally does flare up. I haven't been feeling well," she said. "Mostly, just stomach upset and general malaise," she said. She was used to this-during times of great stress, sometimes the old disease reared its ugly head. It had never truly left-a doctor once told her it lay dormant in her immune system, just waiting for an opportune moment to attack again. She'd refused a bone marrow transplant-the only real "cure"-and chose, instead, to simply manage the symptoms.
With a gentle touch the bio bed begun to scan the Commander to generate a clearer picture of how her body was coping with the flare up. Greene's expression was sympathetic, just as was the last time they discussed her medical history.
"How old were you when contracted the disease?" the Doctor asked.
"Ten," she said. "I was eight when we were captured," she said. "It took a few years for that Doctor Mossett to be there," she said. "But as soon as he arrived...things changed. I was, even back then, a little...some people call it tempestuous. And so I think I was targeted from jump...I wouldn't just fall in line and let the Cardassians just...DO what they wished. I had a strong sense of justice and I wanted to be heard. Anyway..." she trailed off. "I know it can't be proven, but I think we're all pretty much in agreement that he engineered Orkett's to target the children...I was subjected to some other things, but that's irrelevant to today," she said.
It was increasing difficult to listen to the Commander as she outlined her time in the encampment - the prospect of slavery and brutality especially to children made Frasier's gut twist unpleasantly.
"Perhaps not at this moment," he responded having found his voice again. "However, myself and the team will always been here to support you, along with everybody else whenever needed. Day or night," he gently squeezed her shoulder without contemplating the potential aggressive reaction Vila could respond with.
Sensing he'd crossed the line Frasier withdrew and resumed his line of questioning but not before clearing the sudden obstruction on his larynx: "When was the last time you had a flare up?"
Indeed, Vila tensed at the man's touch. Though she wasn't mad, it was more like an instinct-a thing she planned to bring up at one of her sessions with the Counselor, but, for now, she couldn't control. She nodded. "Thank you," she said, quietly. "Um, just before I came to Triton Seabase. After my...the man I was seeing died," she said. "I notice that it flares a lot with stressful situations." She said. She was lucky that it wasn't constantly flared-she was always stressed, full of nervous energy and the need to be active to keep the PTSD barely contained.
Frasier nodded relieved the Commander didn't bite his hand off - literary. "Has anything changed recently to make you feel more stressed?" he asked while preparing a hypo dose to relief her immediate discomfort
"Well, I don't know if you noticed, but I was just promoted to Commander and given the XO spot," she said. "I think it's just the usual stress of first missions," she said. "Before I came to Triton, I was just a department head, and I was, for a bit, before we were reassigned," she said, "Plus, I did start cutting back on the drinking...it is helping a little, I think, but it's-hard." She sighed.
At her comment regarding her promotion into XO as if somehow the Doctor wasn't aware bought a short laugh to his lips at her apparent sarcasm. "No one ever said it was going to be easy," he replied. "You should be proud of the steps you've already taken to cut back. Here, this should help relieve the immediate effects and discomfort."
She relaxed a bit as the hypospray hit her system. "I turned down the marrow transplant," she said. "More than once. But maybe...it's time," she said. "I do ok at managing the symptoms but the changes lately have me...forgetting to look after myself." She admitted. She hated to be seen as less-than-capable, but she did like and trust Dr. Greene. "Thank you, the hypospray helps. Do you have anything for the nausea?" She asked. She still felt like she was going to lose everything she'd eaten in the past two days.
Still mulling over her response Frasier loaded a second hypo and handed to her. "The shot I've just gave should help with that shortly. However, take this anti-nausea medication should it persist. 5cc doses, no more than three otherwise it would be counter productive and make you vomit anyway," he explained softly.
"I'll leave the counselling to Roaa but, please don't punish or push yourself too hard over the past." Frasier turned to stand alongside Vila perching himself on the lip of the bed. "There's always a way forward, just sometimes it's hard to see the way or take the first few steps." He fought the urge to squeeze her arm again - what had gotten into the him? - "We're here for you whenever required."
Vila was sat up now, ready to head out. "Thank you, Doctor. I do appreciate it, even if I don't always show it. Maybe...we can discuss the marrow transplant. Maybe it's time," she said. "Anyway. Thank you, I am feeling a bit better. I'll try to nap before I take the Bridge, but at any rate, please send a note to Culver. I promise I won't run a marathon today, but I think Bridge duty should be ok, right?" She was standing now, and she WAS feeling better. "5ccs as needed, but not too much. Got it. Thanks," she said. And with that, she was gone again.