Watching The Ship [Back Post]
Posted on Wed Dec 27th, 2023 @ 9:44pm by Captain Lorut Vila & Captain Maxwell Culver & Lieutenant Wara Tête
1,309 words; about a 7 minute read
First Contact
Location: Observation Lounge
Rustav stood, looking out of a large window. He did have to hand it to this Federation, they built a nice ship. "I just want to know when we can go home," he said, grumpily.
“Oh! Look out a window, Rustav. Heliv is below us, we are home! All we have to do is allow these idiots to fix the planet and we can return,” Filia answered. She was growing tired of Rustav’s whinging. They were being treated as the royalty they were, perhaps even better than Heliv was able; with endless food and water on demand.
Rustav hurried to the window. "I see it!" He looked up at the two women. "It LOOKS the same," he said. What was the big deal?
Rula made a face. "Of course. It's an atmospheric change, Rustav, dear," she said. She looked at Filia. "Exactly as the Princess said," she said. "They have been kind to us. Kinder than others might've been," she said, referencing their nearby neighbors.
“Certainly kinder than the Romulans had ever been,” Filia said. “Now we will wait until they return us to our starship and make the bond with them. They may pass through our space, so long as we have breath in our lungs. Which, for us is a long time, and for their captain, a much longer time. But the bond will be made.”
Rula and Rustav nodded. "Of that, I will guarantee," Rustav said. Part of his royal duties were controlling the military and police actions on Heliv.
Filia was about to respond but for the change in scenery behind Rustav. A hulking mass of ice and stone took over the view of all of their windows, and in Starfleet’s ships, the windows were many. “I just hope Captain Culver, a strutting peacock if ever I saw one, can back up his promises of magical feats.”
The words had barely left her mouth when the ship jolted, sending Filia sliding off her platter and onto the floor, her elegant dress thrown up over her face which was firmly entrenched in the deep pile carpet. ’Idiots and fools. I shall die by their negligence,’ she mentally snarled. She certainly couldn’t right herself as the ship rocked a different way.
"What the hell?" said Rustav, as he, too, toppled straight onto his back. He was FARRR too old for this shit! "Rula, are you ok?" He asked his wife.
"Yes," the older woman answered, clutching the side of the window's sill. *Unimpressive*, she thought.
"I will go and see what is going on," she said, moving towards the door.
The ship rocked again, sending the trio of Royals sliding to the opposite side of the room. Princess Filia cried out, “Will someone not attend to me?” crocodile tears formed in her eyes, making Rustav and Rula understand that they’d best attend their Princess before anything.
Laying on the floor and in a state of disarray, their first duty was to her.
Rula turned back around and gently helped Filia to stand. "Of course," she said, soothingly. "What do you need, dear?" She asked, smoothing the Princess's hair. "Look at you," she said. "A mess." She reached into the pocket of the dress she wore, and extracted a spray bottle, a pill, and some water. "Take this, it'll help," she said, handing the younger woman the pill. "Here," she said, spritzing her with the cucumber-infused water. "Calm down, it'll be ok."
With the pill and the gentle misting, Filia calmed within a few minutes. Rula helped her to the bed and Rustav learned the bed had rails. Pulling them into position, he noticed she was much calmer.
Rula continued on. "Should I go and inquire about what is happening?" She asked the other two. "And I'll get us something strong to drink."
Filia waved her attendant away. “Go Rula. See,” Filia finally managed to speak. She felt very tired all of the sudden.
Rula hurried out of the room, and down the corridor to the elevator. Well, it wasn't a PROPER elevator, was it?! Still, she appeared on the thing they called the bridge after a few moments.
"What is happening?" She called out. "You there," she said, pointing to someone in a yellow shirt. "What is going on?"
“What is going on, ma’am, is that you are not authorized to be here,” the Bolian with a bitchy attitude answered as she grabbed the woman’s arm in a hushed tone and virtually tossed her back into the turbolift.
Stepping inside, she grabbed Rula - yes, she knew the Helivan’s name, no, it did not matter in the least. “You, ma’am, are not authorized to be on the bridge during mission operations. How you even got out of your quarters?! Mmm! Somebody is gonna pay for this!”
Wara Tête turned her eyes on the shorter woman. She let go of her arm, but there would probably be bruising from her restraint. “You DO understand that you are a guest here, correct? This does NOT give you permission to roam about this ship like you own it! You and your party will be confined to quarters for the remainder of the current action, after which, you may or may not be allowed to ask questions. Is. That. Clear?” Wara stood, hovering over the Helivan and with one hand on her hip.
Rula stared with an open mouth. "Such rudeness will not be tolerated!" She said, trying to push past Wara. "I must speak to the man in charge at ONCE!" she said.
Wara deftly turned and grabbed the woman by the hem of her neck, putting just enough pressure as to slow the woman’s breathing without choking her. “I am not a live letting you pass out and then having another Security Officer drag your limp body back to you room. You are to be locked down in your room until such time as you may ‘talk to the man in charge’. Now I’ll ask you again. Is. THAT. CLEAR?” Wara didn’t like these Royals, thinking they owned everyone and everything.
Letting the smaller woman go, Wara’s hand rested on the handle of her phaser. When the woman looked at her, then her slender hand on the phaser, then back to her, Wara noted a look a hatred. These people were exactly like the Romulans they were purported to despise.
Rula huffed. "That hurts," she whined. "Fine, but the Federation of whatever it is WILL hear about this," she said, turning around. What cheek! The gall! The NERVE.
“You still seem to think I give a damn, that’s your first problem, Miss Rula. Be aware that I don’t care for politics or niceties. I care about the people’s safety on this ship, and you going onto my bridge in the middle of an action. No ma’am! Even if you are dumb, you’re still a person I’ve got to care for.” Wara stood now with her arms crossed and a look of annoyance that was unbridled.
Rula huffed again. "Alright. I'll let you deal with it, then," she said, turning around to head back. Just wait until Filia heard about this!!
“Good. Computer, erect a force field around the Diplomatic suites until security releases them,” Wara said in front of Rula. “You’ll enjoy the rest of the afternoon while we move this comet for your benefit. Thank you for your understanding,” Wara said as she exited the room and the blue field flared to full power.
The Helivans were shut in, at least until the deal with the comet was done. If Wara was found to be too aggressive, she could deal with it. It kept the bridge clear.