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After Hours

Posted on Wed Dec 27th, 2023 @ 9:08pm by Commander Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Commander Ukram Gocx & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell & Commander Vianola Paxidor & Lieutenant Commander Jared Rush & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene & Lieutenant Dovenice Nyx & Lieutenant S'Tera & Lieutenant Roaa & Lieutenant Dr. Morgan Alexander-Harrington M.D. & Lieutenant JG Aurora House of Kor & Fleet Captain Maxwell Culver & Daniel Martinez

4,551 words; about a 23 minute read

Mission: Short Treks
Location: Forward Lounge
Timeline: MD 14: 1900 hours

VIla was BORED. In between missions didn't give her much to do, and idle brains meant idle hands, and for the XO, that usually spelled disaster. So she'd planned a little get-together for the core crew, as a good-will gesture-she wasn't always a sour bitch. She just had a lot of trauma and no good way to deal with it, and no one that cared much about her well-being anymore.

She had cleared out the Lounge-a perk of being the XO, she guessed (or striking the fear of the Prophets into the poor idiot who ran it) and was now putting the final touches on. She had stood the regular Alpha shift that day so the Captain could finalize his work now that the Helivan people were settled and OK. The last table had been moved, and she had a glass of Springwine in hand. She had even changed clothes-she wore a cute, white sundress, and had curled her brown hair. Her makeup was the same as it had been while on duty-she never wore much, but had highlighted the ridges of her nose with pale blue powder. Her traditional earring was on, and she stood to nearly 6', thanks to the tall heels she wore-Vila was many things, but among them, she was also a lady who liked to dress up. There was no dress code for the evening, as she knew she'd gather more people that way, but for her, it was nice to shed the ugly, uncomfortable uniform and wear clothes that made her look-and FEEL-pretty.

Max and Dani arrived first. Max was technically still on bridge duty, but Chet had shooed him away from the BIG chair. Max thought it was because Chet liked the chair and when the time came, Max would see Chet receive his command test so that he could command his own ship. Secretly, he suspected Chet was putting the test off so that he could remain in Max’s shadow.

Max had dropped the full uniform, opting for the more casual leather jacket. Still to Starfleet code, but casual enough for the party atmosphere.

Dani was wearing a light blue shirt that accentuated his blue eyes. It seemed that the blue of his irises changed to match the blue hues around him. Being the son of a hotelier, he was also quick to offer help. “Is there something I can help with?” he was quick to ask.

Vila smiled. "Captain," she said, with a nod. "No, thank you, Mr. Martinez, but I appreciate it. Most of it was done by the Lounge's staff," she said. "I just moved the tables together," she said. "Get something to drink! Cocktails, wine, beer, and soft drinks," she said.

The doors opened again as S'tera walked in. She told Rena she'd meet her here. She wore a sexy, low cut green dress. She was wearing earrings with caitain jewels that matched her fur color dangling from her ears. She had put on a special perfume for Rena. She liked to dress up, especially for a date with Rena. "Good evening everybody."

Aurora had donned a silver pirate styled top, red pantaloons, and black flat knee boots.

Aurora walked into the lounge, curious as to what was going on/what she was expected to do.

"Hhi all. What's up?" Aurora asked curiously.

Vila moved away as the others came in, closer to the group. She smiled at the ladies who'd come in. "Hello, ladies," she said. "Help yourselves to food and drinks. There's no real setup to the day, though we will have music later, and some board games I borrowed from the Counselor," she said.

Just then, the Counselor appeared. She was wearing a long, flowy skirt, a pretty teal colored top, and sandals. Her black hair was braided intricately, and she wore some earrings, too. She found S'tera, standing near Lorut.

"Good evening, ma'am, S'tera," she said.

"Wow! You look breathtaking my love!" S'tera said as she took in the sight of her girlfriend.

Rena smiled. "So do you!!" She said, spinning the Caitian around. "Let's get a drink!" She said. "Hey, there's Aurora! AURORA!" She hollered.

"Flattery will get you everywhere darling!" S'tera said.

Aurora squeaked a little, having zoned out as she 'looked' around the room.

"Oh! Hiya, LT Campbell!" Aurora chirped, feeling better as she wandered over.

S'tera chuckled. Aurora was very much her own person but that was ok. S'tera liked Aurora just as she was.

"Call me Rena," Rena laughed.

Vila smiled. "You both look nice. Feel free to help yourselves to food and drink, and games. Maybe some dancing later," she said.

"Thank you, ma'am! You both look pretty too!" Aurora smiled, snagging a Filunberry smoothie from the table.

"Thanks," she said, with a smile.

She looked around, hoping to see the other, older officers. The younger officers were fine, of course, but she wanted some conversation with people who might understand her better.

Jared Rush strolled into the lounge, welcoming a respite from the day to day chores of starship duty. He was wearing dark slacks with a white button down shirt. It felt good to shed the uniform for a few hours.

He noticed Lorut, Campbell, and Aurora huddled together and headed that way.

“Hi, ladies. Doesn’t everyone look nice,” he said. He could see Lorut looking at him out of the corner of his eye.

“Commander, um…Vila, may I call you Vila? We’re not on official duty. You look amazing.”

Vila smiled, a real one. "Thank you. You look nice, too," she said. "Feel free to help yourself to food and drink. There's board games, some music, dancing later. Just general fun," she said.

"Thanks, Commander. C'mon hon, let's get something to eat and drink and see what game they got going." Rena nodded, and turned to the drinks table. A glass of wine would be nice, and some noodles, if they had any!

The Klingon doctor had dressed up for the occasion. Dr. Greene was doing the evening shift that day, so he was up for the medical representative for the night. He was dressed neatly, but casually, in tailored jeans, a button down, and blazer. He felt a bit ill-at-ease, but he didn't like to wear his traditional garb at events like this. It wasn't "party" enough, in his opinion. He walked in, smiled, and headed for the drinks. He would ask the XO later to chat-he thought she was kind of pretty, and he felt that with time, care, and attention, she could get a bit better with her personality issues. He might even be willing to admit to a bit of a school-boy crush on the woman, but he would NEVER say so out loud.

Dani overheard all the people and all the ranks. Waiting for service, he turned and raised his voice. “No ranks! Learn each other’s first names.”

Aurora yelped at the raised voice, turning to see a young man that she'd seen sneakily cozying with the Captain...Dani she thought was his name.

"Ya know something...he's got a point...I'll be working on that, Dani right? Aurora's the name," Aurora smiled as she held out her hand.

“Dani,” he confirmed. “And you’re the special lady down with the whales and dolphins.” He couldn’t remember what Max called it. “Aurora. He talks about you all the time. He likes your excitement when seeing new things.”

"Thanks. High praise is always welcome!" Aurora blushed, hunching her shoulders in a bad habit she was trying to break.

Dani nodded. “You should learn to take a compliment a little better, not shrink so much. You are part Klingon, accept like they would. He looked down, his hands were starting to get cold. “Excuse me,” he added, showing his cold beverages.

"I'll work on that, promise! Eyup!" Aurora grinned.

Max sipped the synthehol aperol spritz brought to him. Handed to him by Dani, really. Max sipped the wine, bitters and soda water a few times before abandoning it. He preferred his drinks either straight (ironically) or more a tad to the sweeter side.

Abandoning Dani, he sidled up to a tall blonde at the bar. “Whiskey. Neat,” he ordered his synthehol. Turning to Vianola, he asked, “Of all the bars in all the Quadrant, I’m glad you walked into mine…to very loosely paraphrase an ancient film.”

"You think you are Humphrey Bogart?" Vi turned to face him and smiled. "I know my Casablanca." she sipped her drink, a glass of white wine. "A little less violent a bar than we were last in if I remember," she added casting her mind back to their bar brawl together.

“Well, we were Starfleet on the wrong side of town. Always makes me nervous to be in those situations, apparently it worked out in the short term, huh?” Max asked. Noting those actions gave way for Triton Seabase to be implemented on the class O planet.

“I don’t think I’ve heard this story!” Dani said, settling onto his seat with one foot tucked beneath him.

"Neither have I," the Bajoran said.

"Was fun though. Missed a good fight when I was away." Vianola said with a sigh. "It’s a nice ship you've gotten yourself though. A lot easier to settle into than a seabase... don't need to worry about the tide," she joked.

“Or lost beach boys,” Max joked back, chucking a possessive arm over Dani’s shoulder.

Vila listened for a moment before simply leaving. Boring. She went off in search of something masculine to have a bit of fun with.

Max leaned forward. “So tell me this fight I missed,” Max asked Vi. He hadn’t been able to have a good round with s’Khev before they’d parted ways. Even now, Max wondered which of them would win.

"I meant I missed the fights we used to get up to." Vi playfully slapped his shoulder. "I'm a good girl, I don't get into fights... not ones I start anyway."

Meanwhile at he bar Rena and S'tera were getting drinks. S'tera took a red wine. A nice chablis. "You look real good tonight my sweet. It's nice to get out of the uniform and get casual." she nibbled Rena's neck.

Rena giggled, and smiled. "It is." She took a white wine for herself. "Maybe we should start a game or something?" There were board games out, and some holo-video-games and even old Earth games like Twister scattered around. Lorut really HAD gone all out. She'd also managed to do two therapy sessions, which gave Rena a sliver of hope for the woman's well being.

“Thank you, Vila, with this lovely gathering.” Max raised his glass in his hand. “A pure celebration of each other.

Vila smiled, and moved a bit closer to the trio. "Thank you. They worked hard returning Heliv to it's..well. They worked hard, and I think it's important to reward the crew for a job well done. It can't be easy, getting thrown into the fold so suddenly. Ship life is different from Station life," she said.

"That it is. Thanks for putting on this party, Vila. It's fun!" looking to Rena, "So what kind of game do you have in mind?"

Rena shrugged. "I don't know. Let's see what they have!!" She said. "Unless you want to eat something first!"

She whispered in Rena's ear, "Boy is that ever a loaded question!" S'tera said with a grin. "But yeah lets get some food first. I'm hungry!"

Rena giggled. "Stop it!" She stood up, though, and crossed to the food tables. She got herself a piece of pizza and some salad.

"Mmmm pizza. " She took a couple of pieces of the meatlovers variety. "Now this is my kind of food. Want a bite?" she offered Rena a bite of her pizza.

Rena smiled and leaned into the pizza, taking a bite. "That's good!! Do you want some of mine?" She asked, offering S'Tera a bite of her three-cheese and ham slice.

S'tera nodded and took a bite of Rena's pizza. "MMm, good! I like ham. Good choice babe! I'll have to have a slice of that. I didn't realize how hungry. "We can always take some snacks for later, maybe in bed?" she said flirtatiously.

Rena just shook her head. "We can do that," she said. "I heard the Commander say that there will dancing later so we should stay a bit longer," Rena said.

"Dancing would be great! I'd love to dance with you Rena!" S'tera said. "Preferably to something very romantic!"

Rena smiled. "Alright!! In a bit, we'll start some music!"

"That would be wonderful! I do want to dance with you and hold you close." she looked into Rena's eyes. She was crazy for Rena and she was pretty sure Rena felt the same for her. She made s'tera very happy!

Rena smiled, and nuzzled the Caitian's neck.

S'tera smiled. "Rena campbell! You make me feel so special! I love you Rena! With all my heart!" she kissed her lover.

Rena smiled. "I love you, too," she said. Her eyes were getting a little misty, if she were honest.

S'tera smiled. She and Rena had something special. "So why don't we get the music going and dance my love?"

The couple danced for a bit before excusing themselves to have a bit of a private after party elsewhere on the ship.


Vila nodded to the Caitian. She was glad people were enjoying themselves. She decided to move on to mingle with others-hopefully, being out of uniform, having food and drinks and fun would make her seem less intimidating and her FEEL less...grouchy.

Max sighed heavily. As nice as it was to see the crew get together and get to know each other better, he had grown bored. It was easy for him to become bored anyway. People saw him as the captain whether in uniform or not. They tended to avoid him.

Dani settled onto the arm of the love seat. “You are bored already?” Dani asked.

Max ran his hand up Dani’s back and down again. “How is it you know me so well already?”

“You have a distant gaze in your eyes, added to your slumped posture, says you are bored. We could go,” Dani suggested.

“Not just yet. The captain gets to stay well past his boredom threshold,” Max explained.

Dove slid over to the bar to order a Stunner. She watched as the bar keep mixed the shockingly bright blue drink. As the glass sild into her hand, she took a moment to fully appreciate the color before taking a cautious sip. Nodding her approval, she turned her attention to the rest of the room. In her previous assignment, she maintained a small circle of friends. She would need to make new friends sooner than later, but as she gained years, it was harder to do. She took a bigger gulp from her glass and took a step into the fray.

Roaa, having finished reporting in to Sickbay and doing some initial set up in his office, had returned to his quarters. He'd unpacked, and changed into something more comfortable. His mane was loose but tidy, and he wore a casual shirt with linen pants. Walking into the Lounge, he ordered a nonalcoholic Risan Sunrise and found a seat by the window. Not normally shy by nature, but feeling a bit overwhelmed by the busyness of the day, he knew he needed to take it slow meeting everyone.

Vila made her way to both of the new arrivals. "Welcome! I hope you both enjoy yourselves today," she said. She was making an effort to mingle, though she really would rather be anywhere else than here. "Counselor Roaa, I know Lieutenant Aurora is around your age. You should say hello," she said, pointing out the Aquadian. "She's very nice," she said. Childish and naive, but nice.

Roaa, understanding the commander was trying to help him relax, stood and walked over to the being that been pointed out and cleared his throat. Extending the forepaw not holding his drink he said "Excuse me Lieutenant Aurora? I'm Lieutenant Roaa, the new Chief Counselor. I was wondering if you could tell me more about the ship?

"Nice to meet you, Roaa! Welcome aboard! Whatcha wanna know?" Aurora asked, taking Roaa's paw.

Morgan entered the lounge, their hair down, and a shimmering blue, that matched their eyes. They wore a fitted shirt, a cardigan sweater, a black pencil skirt and knee high boots. They smiled and waved to Roaa with excitement, their tail swishing just as excitedly.

Aurora caught sight of Morgan waving and waved back, indicating she could come over if she wanted to.

Morgan beamed and sauntered over, with a catlike grace. “Hello there Roaa,” They greet Roaa before they turned their head to give attention to Aurora.

“I’m Doctor Morgan Alexander-Harrington, a pleasure to meet you.” They extend a paw out.

Vila crossed the room to re-introduce herself to the new arrivals.

"Dr. Harrington," she said, with a nod. "Dr. Roaa," she said.

"Hi ya, Doc! Nice to meet you!" Aurora grinned, trying to be her chipper self in the presence of multiple cat based crewmates as she shook hand and paw?

Nodding to them, Roaa replied "Nice to see you Doctor, I mean Morgan. I was just introducing myself to Lieutenant Aurora. " Pausing he added with a slight sigh, "I've got to be honest, I didn't come over to discuss the ship. I was...strongly encouraged to stop hiding out at a table with my drink. Having just come aboard and trying to take in all the changes at once is a bit overwhelming. I deal with some anxiety issues, so being in a big crowd with people I don't know yet is a lot "

"I'm only a little bit newer than this ship anyway. We used to be the crew of the Sea Base Triton," Aurora smiled, feeling a little better knowing someone else was in the same scared boat.

Smiling slightly, Roaa replied "Thanks Aurora, that helps me feel a bit better. Hopefully with time I'll get more comfortable with meeting new people "

"I think everyone has at least a little trouble when meeting new folks...whether they wanna admit it or not!" Aurora grinned, feeling a bit more relaxed now.

Aurora was just starting to have fun...and was wondering if perhaps her drink had been spiked.

"Lieutenant Nyx," Vila said, with a curt nod. "Have you met Doctor Gocx yet?"

Dove looked at the executive officer, slightly surprised that she was addressed correctly and noticed by the woman. "Yes, you sat us together at the diplomatic dinner with the Helivans," she answered.

Vila nodded. "I do vaguely remember that now," she said. They'd had had a lot going on that week, and she was still a bit tired. It was draining, trying to be nicer to people than she had been.

"What are you drinking," Dove asked. "Can I refresh that for you?"

Vila smiled. "Oh, the white wine, and no thank you, I am trying to cut back," she said. "Thank you, though," she said. It was awkward to make small talk.

"That's not a bad idea," Dove conceded, "especially when you're organizing a shindig like this. Is this something you do often?"

Vila shook her head. "No, not often," she said. "Not in years, actually," the Bajoran said. "Are you enjoying yourself?" She asked, hopeful.

Dove shrugged with ambivalence. "I don't like large gatherings of people in general. I'd rather play a game of truth or dare with a few good friends than mingle in a big group. But, I'll survive."

Vila nodded. "Same here, but doing these things is important, I think. Feel free to leave when you'd like; your attendance has been noted." She smiled. She wanted to leave herself.

"You want to get out of here?" Dove gave Vila a conspiratorial nod towards the exit.

Vila cast a glance to the others. Would anyone really notice her absence? She thought for a moment. "What are you thinking?" She asked. She hadn't been invited anywhere to do anything by anyone in awhile.

Dove considered options momentarily. "A visit to the holodeck - adventure or chill and relax? Your choice."

She glanced around again. Everyone seemed to be involved in their own thing. Truly, that's how it SHOULD be. "Ok," Vila said, letting Dove lead her out, dropping her glass off for recycling on the way out.

"Oh, excuse me ladies," Doctor Greene collided with the two as they left the lounge. "Leaving already?" he asked a touch surprised he'd already missed something important having been preoccupied in Sickbay.

Vila shrugged nonchalantly. "Yes, Doctor, enjoy your evening. Care to join us?" She asked.

Colour flashed across Frasier's face as his thoughts leapt in a unwanted direction faced with the prospect of being alone with two lovely ladies. He chided himself and blinked away the thoughts: "Another time perhaps, enjoy your evening," he finished and stepped aside to allow them to pass.

Vila simply shrugged. "Alright, Doc, see you later."

Aurora had been wandering around...starting to get a bit board...when she accidentally LITERALLY ran into Dr. Greene!

"YIPES! I'm so sorry, Doc! I wasn't looking where I was going!" Aurora sputtered as she staggered about, trying desperately to stay on her feet.

"Whoa, easy there," the Doctor gripped the Lieutenant by the upper arms to steady herself after colliding with him. "That's alright," he replied flashing her a smile. "No harm done, you OK?"

"Yeah, I'm pride's a bit sore, but other than that, I'm peachy," Aurora chuckled ruefully.

"So...I'm actually getting a little bored...NOT that this isn't a great party but...would you like to go somewhere else? Maybe catch some waves on the Holodeck?" Aurora asked, not sure what'd gotten into her.

Surprised at her direct approach, and that Vila had asked him the very same question just a moment before the Doctor wondered what they'd been serving at the bar to prompt such a response. Or were they both that bored by the shindig they needed a excuse to escape and his arrival had proven a suitable exit. Maybe, perhaps they were both generally interested in him, with a selection of crew seeming to find romantic interests the list of singletons was quickly decreasing. He doubted it, given his track record women should remain a lengthily distance from him.

Frasier smiled and withdrew his grip: "Another time, though I believe both Vila and Dove are making plans to the holodeck. Perhaps you should join them? Either way, I hope you have a good time."

Commander Rush caught a glimpse of Dove and Vila leaving together. He darted toward them before they reached the exit.

“Ladies…do you mind a third wheel? We’re all still gettin to know each other, right. I’d, um, like to join, if that’s ok.”

Vila shrugged. "I don't mind..." She said. Interesting turn of events.

"Sure. Come on along," Dove grinned. "Mischief is better achieved in threes."

Now armed with a drink but feeling slightly out of place in his uniform Frasier Greene headed toward some familiar faces: Counsellor Roaa and ACMO Harrington.

"Good evening, I trust you're settling in?"

Smiling slightly, Roaa replied "Yes Doctor. I'm trying to meet some of the crew. I'll admit I didn't expect it to be so...busy here. Everyone seems very nice though."

"Here's a good chance to mingle. Dressed own and more relaxed may give you a different insight to many of them," Greene nodded to the gathered personnel. "Away from the tension and weight of responsibilities, though, don't forget to enjoy yourself too."

Rena had seen the trio that left, but shrugged.

She had finished her pizza and wine, and turned to S'Tera. "Want to dance?" She asked. "I can put on music."

"Then my darling, by all means, do so!" s'tera said. She waited for Rena to start the music and then took her hand and started dancing.

Rena crossed to the Replicator, and ordered up some music to play. She turned back to her girlfriend. "Shall we dance?" The poppy-but-slow music started, and Rena smiled, pulling the Caitian close.

"Well then by all means my love! Let us dance!" She put her arms around Rena and started dancing. This was what she needed. Her and Rena, the two of them embracing their love for each other and just enjoying the evening and each others company.

As the couple twirled around, lost in their lives with each other, Rena smiled. "I can't wait to share more dances with you," she said, leaning in to kiss S'Tera's cheek. She looked around; a few others were dancing, too!

"That is my hope as well Darling. I look forward to many more dances with you

Max watched as the party’s host disappeared and decided that was a sign that he could escape. Dani was getting another round of drinks at the bar.

He sidled up next to the Spaniard. “Has anyone told you that you look absolutely gorgeous tonight?” Max asked, a playful hint to his tone.

“Now that you mentioned, no.” Dani turned his face toward Max. He leaned forward and pressed his full lips on Max’s. Max ran his right hand down Dani’s back before ending with a handful of gluteus maximus. “Careful, Captain. Your crew just might not think of you as a grand pillar when you’re touching my rear end.”

Max moved his hand back to Dani’s lower back. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I should touch you more in private.”

“Careful, the promises you make,” Dani answered.

“I have a place nearby,” Max responded, his voice growing huskier, more sensual.

“Well, if you’re nearby, I suppose we could have some more drinks there and see where it goes.”

Max smiled. “I love you. Let’s go home. I’m certain Kaydren is on duty so we have privacy.”

Dani grabbed Max’s shirt and pulled him closer, giving him a more sensual and sexual kiss. He didn’t care who was watching.

The server at the bar cleared his throat. “Your drinks, sir…”

“Maybe we should take this party somewhere a little more private, hmm?” Max suggested, noting the bartended was indeed keeping couples from being PDA messes at the bar.

“I was thinking you would never ask,” Dani answered in hushed tones close to Max’s ear. His warm breath on Max’s ear sent a visible shiver down Max’s spine and the skin on his neck turned to goosebumps. Dani smiled at his skills manipulating the now stoic captain.

“The path of least resistance,” Max suggested as he looked at the servers bustling in from another room. Their quietest chance at leaving the party virtually unseen.

As the evening progressed, and people either left or coupled up, the Lounge emptied out, and all the officers were on their way to their own private parties.



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