
Independent Intrepid

Posted on Thu Feb 6th, 2025 @ 11:44pm by Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell & Captain Lorut Vila & Commander Rylen Lyo & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene & Lieutenant T'Karnak & Lieutenant Odren Xall & Lieutenant Aurora House of Kor & Lieutenant Callan Armidale & Lieutenant Wara Tête

1,335 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Yesterday’s Enterprise
Location: USS Intrepid - Bridge
Timeline: MD1: 1000 hours

Usually while docked with Starbase 210, the crew had time to depart the waiting starship as the Admiralty decided which personal mission they were tasked to complete. This time, however, the crew were asked to remain aboard and to maintain their regular duty stations.

As the lift deposited them on the bridge, Rylen called, “Captain on deck!”

Vila stepped through the doors of the Turbolift, and smiled. "As you were, please," she said. She turned to her side. "Commander Lyo, reports, please.”

Rylen moved to the command chair and opened his holographic screen. “All departments are on alert for launch, as requested, Captain. Operations, signal the dock master that Intrepid is ready for launch.”

Callan’s fingers moved across the station before him. “Starbase 210, this is USS Intrepid requesting clearance for departure from spacedock. Please respond.”

=/\= USS Intrepid, this is Starbase 210, permission to depart through bay doors is granted. Good sailing, Intrepid. =/\=

“Permission to launch approved. Awaiting station doors at your command, Captain Lorut,” Callan answered, adjusting power to flight control.

“Lieutenant T'Karnak? Prepare to launch. Clear all docking clamps and release all moorings," Vila said. "Once we clear spacedock, set a course for the coordinates I sent to you earlier. We're headed to the corridor between New El Auria and Krios Prime," she said.

Brix watched as the ship’s senior staff buzzed about the bridge. Voices called from stations that were usually quietly busy, but were very excitedly vocal today. The tall Orion woman had her own job, moving through the traffic and coming to a stop between the CO and XO. She had orders to be signed, but first was departure and coffee.

Vila took her seat, quietly, and took the cup of coffee that the yeoman handed her. "Thank you, Brix," she said. "Once your tasks are finished, take some time to explore the ship. We're going to need a break," she said. "Are we ready, people? she asked.

Aurora was taking a morning swim when she felt the ship start to move.

"We're on our way, ladies!" Aurora smiled as she stroked the whales. They chirped and chattered back, splashing around happily.

Back on the bridge, keeping a low profile Doctor Greene swivelled towards the station before him and began the process of readying the medical department for departure. Understandingly while at port the daily tasks had been reduced to stock and personnel replenishment - it was very grateful his proven team were being kept whole after their challenges. Most welcomed, on a personal level, he was relieved that Vila had been approved to continue to lead the Intrepid thus maintaining their budding relationship. He'd been fearful the Brass would enforce changes and he'd been prepared to follow her to the new assignment even if it would result negatively in his own future with Starfleet.

At the helm station, the tripedial punched in the coordinates that the Captain had given him. T'Karnek checked the status of the engines, all showed green. "Helm ready, Captain. Engine status is green. We are cleared for warp speeds on your mark."

"Thank you, Lieutenant." She smiled. "Okay, folks. Return to your consoles or your departments and prep for launch. Engineering, let me know when the hoses are up, please.”

Odren stood at his station, his blue eyes scanning the engineering displays before him, verifying that all systems were functioning within expected parameters. "All moorings have been successfully disengaged, Captain. All power levels are optimal and ready to engage the impulse engines on your command," he reported, his voice calm but carrying a tone of readiness.

He tapped his console, rerouting auxiliary power to critical systems in preparation for the ship's departure. "I’ll keep monitoring the warp core output as we clear the station, Captain. Everything is holding steady, but I’ll have my team on standby just in case."

Odren’s lips curved into a slight smile as he looked at the interior of the docking bay's space doors through the viewscreen beckoning towards them. It was good to finally be heading out again.

“Commander, words before we go?" She asked Lyo.

Rylen looked at Lorut. He expected her to make the speech, it was her ‘job’ now to be the leader, but maybe it wasn’t in the Bajoran genome to make hopeful speeches anymore. He suppressed the annoyed sigh at being put on the spot, but he was indeed on ‘the spot’ whether or not he liked it.

Taking a stand, he could only say what he hoped the crew wanted to hear. “Shipwide coms, please?” he asked Wara as she stood just barely behind him. Once the familiar blip sounded, Lyo began.

“The Intrepid has undergone many changes since we first departed from what used to be Triton Seabase. Not just the ship herself, but the crew as well. It is up to us to carry on the legacy left behind by those we have lost and to make them proud of what we will do. We owe it to ourselves to live up to those high expectations, and dare I say exceed them.”

Vila smiled. "And. This is your Captain speaking. Take care of yourselves and each other today. Prep to launch, please," she said. She didn't need to say more. "Thank you, Lyo," she said, to the man, as they took their respective seats.

Aurora felt a shiver of excitement/anxiety/and expectation race up her spine. They were on their way again...and who knew what transformations they would go through before they returned...if they returned.

"HEY!" Aurora sputtered, shaking her head as the whales scolded her for her morbid thoughts.

"You guys are right, no asking for trouble right off the bat!" Aurora chuckled with a wry smile.

Aurora dressed and headed to the Bridge to see where they were headed.

The Edosian just sat at the helm station and listened to the banter around the bridge. This crew had been together through thick and thin. He was the outsider, but he was sure he would soon be joining them.

“Helm, do it,” Vila settled in, and soon, the din in the room grew slightly as they got to work. “Take us out of spacedock. One quarter impulse.”

Aurora quietly stepped onto the Bridge, finding a corner she could watch the action from.

Rena was sitting quietly, watching the action. She always enjoyed the launch process. She was excited to get going, even if she could've used a few more days off. Now that Vila was no longer "acting" Captain and was a fully-fledged Captain, she was going to need more help.

Hands hovering over console, the Edosian double checked his controls and then punched in trajectory out of the spacedock. "One quarter impulse. Aye sir." The ship made it's way out of spacedock. The Chief Helmsman watched his controls, and how the ship was moving around the other ships docked. Within a few minutes they were clear of space doors. He confirmed what the sensors were showing him. Spinning in his chair he turned to the Captain, "We are clear of spacedock doors. We are clear for warp."

"Thank you, Lieutenant. Take us out and into orbit," she said. "Ops, open a channel, please," she said. She waited a moment. "Hello, Intrepid. This is your captain speaking. Please prepare for our first launch as the new Task Force flagship. Into the unknown we go, bravely. We expect to arrive at our first patrol location in two days' time. Please let your departments know. Captain out." She settled back. It was time.

[Whoa...we're the Task Force flagship!? That's a HUGE responsibility!] Aurora thought, then what Captain Vila said after that clicked.

[Ops, better sneak back out and tag base with my team,] Aurora smiled as she slipped off the Bridge.

Vila sipped her coffee as they disembarked, and then smiled. "Alright, steady as she goes," she said, aloud but not too loudly.



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