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Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 11:42am

Lieutenant Odren Xall

Name Odren Xall

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Trill (Joined)
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3"
Weight 201 lbs
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Odren is a tall, muscular man with an athletic build. He has a chiselled jawline, high cheekbones, and a rugged, handsome face. His eyes are a striking blue, and he often sports a neatly trimmed beard that adds to his rugged appearance. His hair is typically styled short and varies between dark blonde to light brown shades, sometimes with a bit of a wave. His broad shoulders and overall strong physique are complemented by a confident and charismatic personality.

His Trill spots are somewhat larger and thicker in size than the average Trill due to his Dara'air islander heritage.


Father Garian Iladris
Mother Seya Iladris

Personality & Traits

Personal History Early Life:
Odren was born on the Trill homeworld, but shortly after his birth, he was adopted by a young childless couple, Garion and Seya Iladris, who decided to leave their homeworld and settle on the Federation colony of Delta Aquilae IV. The planet, known for its vast oceans and minimal landmass, became the backdrop of Odren’s childhood. Growing up in the coastal city of Kayama, Odren developed a deep connection to the water, learning to swim almost as soon as he could walk. His early life was shaped by the vibrant maritime culture of the colony, where he spent his days exploring the shallow reefs and learning about the diverse aquatic life that thrived in the planet's warm oceans. His adoptive parents were both marine biologists, and their passion for the ocean deeply influenced Odren's early interests.

Starfleet Academy:
Motivated by a desire to explore beyond the seas of Delta Aquilae IV, Odren joined Starfleet Academy in 2385, where he quickly found himself in the company of fellow cadets Vannon Dacour and Thea Goldfrapp. Odren and Vannon were roommates, and the two, along with Thea, became close friends. Their camaraderie and mutual support helped them all excel under pressure, particularly during their simulator training. While Odren focused on engineering, Vannon pursued an astrogation specialty on the command track, and Thea took extra tactical coursework. The three often ran complex battle scenarios together, which not only sharpened their skills but also solidified their bond. This intense preparation proved invaluable, especially after the Attack on Mars in 2385, which changed the trajectory of many Starfleet careers.

Starfleet Career:
After graduating from the Academy, Odren's first commission was aboard the U.S.S. Hera as an Engineering Officer. The Hera, a Soyuz-class starship reactivated after the 2385 catastrophe, was one of several older ships brought back into service due to the Federation's reduced capacity to maintain its fleet. Serving on the Hera presented unique challenges due to the ship's outdated systems, but Odren embraced these challenges, applying the skills he honed at the Academy to keep the ship running smoothly. His time aboard the Hera deepened his friendship with Vannon, who was also assigned to the Hera as Flight Control Officer.

In 2390, Odren transferred to the U.S.S. Reykjavik, where he served as Assistant Chief Engineering Officer. Shortly after joining the crew, Odren was reunited with Thea Goldfrapp, his old Academy friend and former simulator crewmate, who had also been assigned to the Reykjavik as an operations officer. Their history and strong friendship made them an effective team, and they quickly fell back into the rhythm of working together, often collaborating on complex ship operations.
During his six years on the Reykjavik, Odren assisted in upgrading the ship's warp core to modern standards. The Reykjavik, an Excelsior Refit-class starship, had been in service for decades, and its systems were beginning to show their age. Odren's expertise in engineering was put to the test as he led a team to overhaul the warp drive, significantly improving its efficiency and extending the ship's operational life. His work on the warp core upgrade earned him the respect of the crew and reinforced his reputation as a highly skilled engineer.

In 2396, Odren was promoted to Chief Engineering Officer aboard the U.S.S. Tyr. During his time on the Tyr, he regularly led away missions to repair relay stations near the former Romulan Neutral Zone. This later earned him a commendation for his leadership and technical expertise.
In 2397, Odren took a leave of absence from Starfleet to join the Trill Initiate Program, seeking to be joined with a symbiont. His time in the program was transformative, deepening his understanding of Trill culture and his own identity. In 2401, following the rediscovery of the wreckage of the U.S.S. Heyerdahl, the Xall symbiont was transferred to Odren after its previous host, Sesha Pren, succumbed to irreversible damage sustained during long-term stasis. Odren had the opportunity to get to know Sesha before she did, and she left an indelible imprint on him that he would carry with him the rest of his life.

Returning to Starfleet in 2401 after being joined with the Xall symbiont, Odren was assigned to Starbase 417 as Assistant Chief of Starship Support Engineering. The transition back to active duty was both exciting and challenging for Odren, who now carried the memories and experiences of multiple lifetimes. The weight of his new identity as a joined Trill was palpable, and at times overwhelming. He felt a deep sense of responsibility to honour the Xall symbiont’s previous hosts — especially Sesha.

Odren approached his new role with a renewed sense of purpose and determination, eager to prove himself not just as an engineer, but as the latest in a line of individuals who had carried the Xall symbiont. His initial months on Starbase 417 were a whirlwind of adjustments, as he grappled with integrating the symbiont’s memories into his own identity while also adapting to his new duties.

During his time at the starbase, a new series of innovations in starship maintenance protocols developed by Starfleet were implemented. He helped to refine the protocols, drawing on the technical expertise he had honed over his career, as well as the knowledge inherited from the Xall symbiont. The innovations significantly reduced downtime for ships docked at the base, a success that Odren took immense pride in. For Odren, this success was not just a professional achievement, but a reaffirmation of his ability and worthiness to be a host to the Xall symbiont.

In 2403, Odren finally felt he was ready to return to starship duty again and applied for a position aboard an exploration vessel. He was appointed Chief Engineering Officer of the U.S.S. Lovelace.

Previous Hosts:
• Rada - Rada Vylas, Xall's first host, was a Federation ambassador from the Trill homeworld. In 2245 she was aboard the USS Heyerdahl when it was attacked, resulting in a fatal injury.

• Sesha - Following the fatal injury to Rada Xall, the Xall symbiont was hastily transplanted into Lieutenant JG Sesha Pren, a Trill medical officer onboard the USS Heyerdahl. Following the procedure, she was placed in a stasis chamber when the Heyerdahl crashed into an oceanic moon in the Tau Lyrae system. She remained in stasis until 2400 when the Heyerdahl's wreck was rediscovered by the USS Avasarala. Unfortunately, Sesha suffered irreversible damage as a result of the long term stasis and she died in 2401, after which the Xall symbiont was transplanted into Odren.
Service Record • 2385-2389: Starfleet Academy, Operations Division (Presidio Campus, Earth)

• 2389-2390: Engineering Officer, U.S.S. Hera NCC-3779 (Soyuz-class), Rank - Ensign

• 2390-2396: Assistant Chief Engineering Officer, U.S.S. Reykjavik NCC-81402 (Excelsior Refit II-class), Rank - Lieutenant JG

• 2396-2497: Chief Engineering Officer, U.S.S. Tyr NCC-82764 (Steamrunner-class), Rank - Lieutenant

• 2397-2401: Leave of Absence to join Trill Initiate Program

• 2401-2403: Assistant Chief of Starship Support Engineering, Starbase 417 - Rank, Lieutenant

• 2403-Present: - Chief Engineering Officer, U.S.S. Lovelace NCC-93618 (Constitution III-class), Rank - Lieutenant