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The End of the Beginning

Posted on Wed Jun 19th, 2024 @ 5:50pm by Lieutenant Wara Tête & Lieutenant JG William Verhoeven & Captain Maxwell Culver & Commander Rylen Lyo & Lieutenant Dovenice Nyx & Lieutenant S'Tera & Lieutenant Aurora House of Kor & Christine Graham

3,290 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: The Fall of the House of Lyo
Location: Krios Prime - various
Timeline: MD10: 1200 hours

Max entered the Lyo’s grand dining room for lunch as was the expected custom of the House. Like a strutting peacock, he had allowed Rylen to dress him. The vermillion red Tholian silk wrapped his arms and torso like a second skin, the vermillion shirt was broken into panels, but each was as red as the next. The black pants ordered by Rylen, this was not a request, were just short of painted on and left nothing to the imagination, especially since they were the only clothing - besides socks - he was allowed below the waist. His socks, not that it mattered, were a pinkish color, but were hidden by black leather boots that appeared well worn, but still somehow fit, like everything else, like Max had been dressed to appear undressed.

To his right, was his Lord, Rylen Lyo. He dressed befitting his place in the House. Max’s hand rested on Rylen’s, a House symbol of his new title of Royal concubine.

Rylen, High Lord of the House of Lyo, Member of His Majesty’s Crown Council and Chairperson of Lyo Industries, was still becoming accustomed to a title longer than ‘Commander.’ He had dressed himself in an ornate ensemble consisting of knee-high black boots made from aged Calavarian leather, heavy beige cotton pants with threads of gold woven directly into the fabric, and a plain beige turtleneck shirt covered by a purple jacket. The jacket was made from alternating ribbons of Regalian cotton and Tholian Silk, hand stitched together with thread spun from the highest-grade platinum. Rylen’s hands were weighed down each by several rings adorned with heavy precious stones, and around his neck was a thick gold chain that bore the official crest of House Lyo. In his capacity as High Lord, he was expected to embody the wealth and authority of House Lyo. His wardrobe selections for himself reflected this.

As Rylen and Max moved into the room as a ‘declared couple’, he could feel Rylen struggling with the weakness left from the delayed finiis’ral and the ultimate conclusion to that delayed onset. Not that he showed it outward, as their multiple romps in the bedroom made obvious. Still, Max bolstered Rylen, sharing strength through their unbreakable psychic bond. ’Draw strength and stability from me, my Lord,’ Max gently spoke to his new life mate.

As was his position, Rylen sat at the head of the table, his mother to his right, and now, his lover and Royal concubine, Max sat to his left.

Aurora was NOT used to all the pomp and circumstance! She was dressed in a cross between Klingon and Aquadian formal wear, which consisted of armor, silks, jewelry and weapons, which she'd surrendered at the door before walking into the dining hall.

[Whistle! Those two look NOTHING like themselves!] Aurora thought as she waited patiently to be seated.

A full foot shorter than Aurora, Nyx followed the hybrid alien through to the table. She couldn’t talk her way out of the formal lunch this time around. She nearly tripped over her floor-length organdie skirt in surprise as she took in the extent of the captain’s outfit. Out of uniform, that must be his loophole of Starfleet not being involved in the politics of Krios, Nyx decided.

S'tera entered wearing a formal dress. The tones were earth colored to match her fur and she filled it out wonderfully. It was not quite floor length and did accentuate her curves nicely!"Aurora, looking good girl!" she said to her friend when she saw how nice she was dressed.

"Thanks, you look beautiful too, S'tera!" Aurora blushed shyly, thankfully not ducking her head this time.

"Thanks Hon!"

Max settled himself at the table. He had had too much to do this morning that he had skipped eating breakfast. Now, it looked like lunch was going to be a big affair. Already, with everyone seated, Max could view the menu and make selections based on the limited lunch menu. He wondered how many staff that House Lyo has to employ for activities like cooking, cleaning and personal to maintain such service as this.

Max selected something he had never tried before, the Andorian Ancestor’s soup. He wasn’t aware that it was available anywhere else besides Andoria. They liked to keep some aspects of their culture secret, even to this day.

Aurora's nose twitch at a faint smell wafting from the kitchen. A dish she thought she recognized, but wasn't sure.

"Excuse me, is that Kitchmalofa?" Aurora asked a waiter.

"Why yes! How did you know!?" The waiter was impressed that one so young looking would know that particular dish.

"My parents allowed me to try it a few times...I'm embarrassed to say that I threw up the first two times," Aurora admitted sheepishly. The waiter chuckled softly.

"Would you like some?" He asked. Aurora nodded eagerly. The waiter scurried away, and soon returned with the dish and some Nepala Dryblood.

"Thank you!" Aurora smiled. The waiter nodded, then went about his duties.

Rylen perused the menu carefully, although at this point he was disinterested in food except for the physical sustenance. He had undergone a significant biological shift, one that had slowed his metabolism measurably; plus, he was just tired. Tired of the upheavals, tired of having to walk on eggshells. Until he realized that was no longer necessary. He was, after all, High Lord of one of his world’s most powerful houses. His word was basically law for the eleven thousand residents of the Lyo compound. When the server came to him, Rylen ordered the Aldebaran shellmouth soup and a small glass of Jevathian Flame Flower Nectar.

With the first dishes arriving at the same time, Max looked to Rylen first. He had learned many things about Kriosian society, though he fell short on their food rituals. Did they say a form of blessing over the food. Was he required to eat Rylen’s food to check for poisons? Max quickly sent these questions to Rylen telepathically.

Although he was growing more comfortable with such, Rylen was having moderate difficulty focusing his mental energies on telepathic communication. Knowing not how else to proceed, he simply conjured images in his mind to convey ideas. Although his people had abandoned organized religion centuries before in favor of celebrating individual accomplishments, it was still customary to formally acknowledge the Lady of the House for planning the meal and the culinary staff for their efforts in preparation. And as High Lord, that responsibility fell onto him.

“Before we are served,” began Lyo, “we wish to give thanks to the entire culinary staff. Your efforts are recognized and appreciated; may this meal bring together in fellowship those that stand with us.” He paused, gesturing with his left hand to his immaculately dressed mother. “And thanks be to my Lady Mother, for her efforts in planning our menu. May this meal give us sustenance to stand against those that oppose us.”

As the crew settled at the table, the first dishes started to arrive. Max was incredibly hungry after burning so many calories the night before and skipping breakfast so he could check up on the crew assignments for the morning.

As he began to eat the Andorian ancestor’s soup, he realized why so few people made it. The soup tasted bitter, about ten times more bitter than his beloved coffee. He unconsciously drew his tongue to his mouth and pursed his lips. Deciding that it would be rude not to try more than a spoonful, he scooped up some more and downed it just as fast as he could. Maybe this was why Andorians took so much time eating.

Aurora took a rather large bite of her Kitchmalofa, then had to bite her tounge at how BITTER it was!

[Dang! I don't remember it being THIS bitter!] Aurora thought, putting her napking to her mouth to keep the others from seeing her gagging!

[Whoa...what's going on!? I'm...I'm getting dizzy!] Aurora thought as the room started to tilt.

"THUMP!" Aurora's world went black.

S'tera had eaten a good portion of the meat when she suddenly felt dizzy and everything went black

Max looked up as the first of his crew hit the table with a soft thud. His vision started to blur and the room began to spin. Maybe they all should have checked their food for poison. A sudden urge to sleep overcame the caffeine he had consumed already. Another thud indicated that another of the crew had succumbed to whatever was in their food.

Max looked to Rylen as he too was overcome by the drug that had been cooked into their food. He was next as a high tone pitched in his ears and the sense of falling without control overcame him. Somewhere in his mind, he hoped Clay would be too big to fall to this intentional drugging, but the last thing his eyes could discern was a massive yawn as the Caitian was slowly succumbing to the drugs as well.

Max was just coming around as the Intrepid came into view through the forward view port. He was on a Kriosian shuttle along with all of his crew. He also had a splitting headache.

" head...what happened?" Aurora slurred, trying to get her eyes to stay open.

S'tera moaned as she slowly regained consciousness. Her head hurt and she couldn't see straight. in fact it was hard to think. She couldn't quite talk yet.

Against the wall of the shuttle, Nyx would be scowling if not for the hood over her head. "We were uninvited from Krios," she answered. Her hands were tied tight behind her back. When she noticed the fainting epidemic at the table, she had attempted to excuse herself to the bathroom in order to call for help from the Intrepid. She wasn't quick enough and was detained in an alternate manner. Running in a formal dress was tricky. Next time, she would further insist on wearing her standard uniform.

Aurora growled as her body started to wake up...not all at once.

"When I get my hands on the little Gobblin Fish that did this!" Aurora shifted around...and found she was bound. "Oh that's just!" Aurora slumped down and just sat there angrily.

Wara shifted, unable to see through her head covering and the binding at her wrists was too strong for her strength. She struggled for a bit, but soon found it futile. ’Who abducted us?’ she wondered. Her mouth too dry to even ask.

Seeing his “captives” awakening, the young Kriosian stopped the shuttle’s forward momentum. He walked back to where the captain and his High Lord Rylen Lyo sat upright. They were the two who would decide his fate in the coming moments.

Max was surprised to sense the pilot’s fear. The Kriosian slipped small listening devices in their ears. “This message is solely for you, after which, I will set you all free. And make a request before we reach your starship. I believe the request must be delivered to you alone, Captain Culver.”

Max’s mouth was dry, the side effect of whatever was used to sedate them. “Let’s hear it,” he croaked.

Their senses were immediately assaulted by an exaggeratedly loud version of Rylen’s Lady Mother. “Understand this, my Lord,” she began, with only the slightest pause betraying her steel resolve. “House Lyo is strong, and will remain strong. But at this moment, our House is under assault from multiple enemies…enemies that want only to see our House in ruins and our financial empire dismantled.

“In time, we will stand against these enemies together. But for now, your life, and the lives of the entire Intrepid crew, are in grave danger.

“The only means I have to protect you, so we can stand tall and proud against these enemies, is to temporarily remove you from the playing field. If you bear ill will towards me, I understand…but not only do I want to see House Lyo prosper under your stewardship, I also want there to be a House Lyo to pass on to the next generation of leaders.”

The Lady paused, exhaling deeply. “Be well, my Lord…my son. Krios is not where you belong now. When the forces aligning against us make a fatal mistake, we will be ready. Until then, we marshal our strength and wait. Lady Darra out.”

Aurora watched the happenings, but since she was still slightly drunk and too far away, she couldn't hear what was being said.

"If he makes a move I'll," Aurora tried to jerk the knots loose, but their captor had gaged her strength well.

When the message played out, Max had to ask the follow up. “You said you have a request?” He found his voice still weak, but growing stronger.

The young Kriosian, maybe not yet out of his teen years yet, bowed. “I must ask for asylum for Lord Rylen Lyo, sir,” the man-child asked.

Max looked at Rylen, who seemed dazed by his mother’s request more than the drugs. “But not for yourself?”

“No, sir. I expect to stand trial for charges of kidnapping your crew, sir,” came a weak and self-defeated answer.

“I am not in a position to provide asylum under these circumstances,” Max answered rather quickly. From the way the boy crumpled at his response, Max knew that this was his first and foremost goal. “I think you misunderstand. What’s your name?”

“Ren, well, Savren, but everyone calls me Ren.”

“Alright, Ren, set me and my crew free and I’ll make for the Intrepid. They’ll need my command codes to confirm that we aren’t under duress,” Max paused, knowing his crew most definitely was under duress.

“Once we’re in the Intrepid’s shuttlebay, I will grant Lord Lyo and you asylum. Right now, we’re on Kriosian sovereign soil, technically, so any binding agreement must be completed on the ship. Understand?”

“Yes, Captain Culver.” The teen pulled a dagger from his belt and cut both Max and Rylen free first.

As Max moved to pilot the shuttle, he noticed the boy hand the dagger to Rylen. “I offer my life for crimes against the High Lord of the House of Lyo.”

Rylen folded his arms in front of his chest, shaking his head in the process. "No," he said plainly. "I remember you. I was there when you were christened. Your father is my Grandfather's cousin...which makes us third cousins. You are of this House, and you serve our House with honor. Continue your service, with your High Lord's blessing."

Max settled back into the pilot’s chair and set their heading, quite quickly, directly to the Intrepid’s main shuttle bay. He raised the ship and quickly informed them of their situation.

“Prepare for arrival within five minutes. Once we’re aboard, go to yellow alert and set our heading out of the Krios system at best possible speed. Don’t be afraid to cut across Klingon space for the shortest route back to Kaitos,” Max finished before closing the channel.

Aurora blinked at the turn of events, but still snarled at the young pilot before sighing and offering him a small smile.

"Sorry bout that, Kid. Had to let the Klingon in me have her say," Aurora said as she gingerly shifted her still numb body to a more comfortable position as she wasn't up to trying anything else yet.

Once the shuttle touched down in the shuttle bay, the doors closed quickly and despite no change to the feeling underfoot, Chet had them at full impulse.

Grabbing a stunned Ren and equally stunned Rylen, he drug them by their upper arms off the Kriosian shuttle. “In my opinion, as Fleet Captain of the Beta Fleet and the only Starfleet officer of high enough rank, I hereby grant you both asylum from the dangers currently facing you, including the very real threat of death, you may remain safely aboard the USS Intrepid or move closer to the core worlds of the Federation.”

Done with his speech, he turned to Lieutenant Nyx. Seeing she was in as rough shape as the rest of them, Max moved to a console and touched the com button to Engineering.

“You are experiencing extreme dehydration, tachycardia and other biological markers that indicate breva intoxication, Captain, the Andorian EMH erupted to life. “I’ll be fine for a few minutes. Get the crew to sickbay, Doctor.”

The EMH sighed, knowing by now not to argue with Max. She moved to their center and saw the young Kriosian tucked up among them. “Hello,” she greeted him with a smile. He was in physiological distress. “Nine to transport to sickbay.”

"Capain, I don't n..." Aurora didn't get a chance to protest as the shimmering transporter beam took her away.

"I'm fine, I gotta go check on...whoa!" As Aurora tried to walk toward Sickbay's doors, the room tilted.

[Come on, Aurora! Pull yourself together!] Aurora commanded her shaking body. Aurora tried again, but a Nurse stopped her.

"You aren't going anywhere but to bed, Lieutenant! And no buts!" The Nurse admonished, gently grabbing Aurora's arm and stearing her toward a bed.

"I'v gotta check on the cetaceans, they need their...uuu," Aurora tried to protest, but she was weaker than she'd thought and couldn't even shake off the Nurse's hand.

"Bed, Lieutenant. The Cetaceans are in good hands. Let us do our job on you," The Nurse soothed, hooking Aurora up to an iv.

With the crew being transported away, Max turned back to the engineering channel. “Whomever is acting as Chief right now, I want the stealth technology removed from this Kriosian shuttle, studied in detail and retrofit into the Intrepid within…”

Opening a second channel, he asked, “How long until we enter Klingon space, Chet?”

“About six hours at maximum warp, Cap’n,” came the usually upbeat man’s very serious response.

“Engineering, you have five hours. Culver out.”

“Commander Ripley, shields up. Take us to red alert until we’re out of Kriosian and Klingon space. I’ll be on the bridge as soon as I get treated for a breva overdose.”

Breva? If someone was trying to poison you, they chose the worst drug. It’s almost impossible to kill somebody with breva,” Chet countered.

“Believe me, I’m aware. It still leaves you feeling like dog shit after. I’ll be in sickbay if something urgent happens.”

“Understood, Captain. I’ll keep her together until you can take back the chair…”

“Chester,” Max said, using the other man’s full name to indicate the seriousness of the situation. “If we come up against any Kriosian starships, try to avoid them, but don’t hesitate to fire on them. Target all primary systems, but try not to destroy them if possible.”

“What the Hell happened down there?” Chet asked.

Max shook his head, causing a terrible sense of vertigo. He held tight to the console before a couple of deckhands caught him to support him before he fell. “I’ll let you know when I know.”

Max finally gave up and let the darkness enter. He felt the arms of the deckhands take his, not entirely light, weight and heard a call for medical.

He just needed sleep…


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