Dining with Danger
Posted on Wed Apr 24th, 2024 @ 7:35pm by Lieutenant Commander Chester Ripley & Lieutenant Wara Tête & Lieutenant JG William Verhoeven & Captain Maxwell Culver & Commander Rylen Lyo & Commander Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant Dovenice Nyx & Lieutenant S'Tera & Lieutenant Aurora House of Kor & Lieutenant Dr. Morgan Alexander-Harrington M.D.
Edited on on Sun Apr 28th, 2024 @ 6:18pm
2,809 words; about a 14 minute read
The Fall of the House of Lyo
Location: Krios Prime
Timeline: MD9: 1200 hours (relative planetary time)
“High noon,” Max said as he stood up from his chair, grabbing all the data out of hologram form and putting it in the tricorder on his wrist. He had no opponent, was no gunslinger but felt very much pressed for time.
“Will, settle us into synchronous orbit over the palace.”
“Aye, Captain,” came the reciprocal response. Will let his fingers dance over the coordinates.
“Of course, those aren’t the coordinates the Kriosians gave us, Captain,” Lieutenant Wara Tête reminded him.
“A little power struggle never hurt anyone, Wara,” Max answered back.
“Actually, Captain, this could be construed as an act of war,” Lieutenant Commander Chet Ripley interrupted them. “The Federation and the Kriosians haven’t ever been to war with each other before. Are you purposely provoking them, sir?”
Max felt good with Chester beside him again, though Vila would never have let him get this far. “Not yet,” Max assured Chet. Chet set back in his chair and sighed.
“Lieutenant Tête, take the ship to yellow alert.” Max looked at Chet’s astonished face before announcing, “Now I’m provoking them.”
“Captain, there’s a Lord Jeris Deggan trying to override our communications,” Wara said, her attitude unpleasant.
Max smiled. “Put him on screen, please.”
The Lord Deggan appeared apoplectic. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he blurted out the question with all the rage his body could muster.
“Getting your attention!” Max answered as he moved closer to the screen. “I have, under my command, a vessel that could - from orbit - level your civilization. Now, I trust you are hearing me when I tell you, without doubt, that if a single hair is harmed on any of my people while on your planet, I will melt it to slag and then continue on as if nothing has changed in my routine.
“I expect full cooperation and transparency from your Lord Deggan and the Crown on the matter of the deaths of Lord Lyo and his First Heir. Anything less will be considered unacceptable. We will be transporting to Lord Lyo’s house within the hour.
“I should mention that each member of my away team will have subdermal communicators and life monitoring functions. Should any of us die of anything more than old age, the rest will be transported from Krios and, well…I think I’ve made myself clear?”
Intrepid out.
Max returned to the center seat. “Lieutenant Tête, please stand down from yellow alert.” Max gave no sign of anything but bravado, at its dumbest, but he felt as cool as a cucumber, per the Earth saying.
“Away team to transporter room two. Doctor Alexander-Harrington, please bring along the subdermal devices I asked for.”
"Understood, Captain, I'm awaiting the away team in the Transporter Room."
Morgan replied promptly, in their hands, a case with the aforementioned subdermal communicators that had been requested. Some of their best work, small devices that allowed for communications and biomonitoring over a 2 lightyear range.
Max stood and gestured that Wara follow. Both being nearest transporter room two, they were first to arrive.
Aurora straightened her uniform for the umtieth time, then squared her shoulders and strode into the transporter room. "Captain, Lieutenant Tête," Aurora greeted quietly.
“Lieutenant Aurora,” Max nodded and responded quietly. “Please see Doctor Morgan, they will be inserting a subdermal communicator and transporter beacon. If you’ve found your way into trouble, transport home.
“I don’t need any heroes for a cause, if you understand my meaning.”
"Aye, Sir. [Blech! I HATE shots!] Hey, Doc," Aurora growled in her mind, pulling the collar of her formal uniform down to expost the area behind her gills.
Nyx arrived next. She carried a pack over her shoulder, loaded with engineering tech and an assortment of other gear she gathered over the last three days of travel to Krios. She lined up behind Aurora; having subdermal beacons and such inserted into her body was an unsettling procedure. "It's not going to hurt, is it?" she asked as her turn came up. Sure, she'd had a symbiont joined into her body at one point, but she had applied for that.
"Not at all. It's loaded into a hypo and injected. Nanotech at its finest."
Morgan beams as they press the hypospray against Nyx's neck and injects the subdermal communicator.
"See, nothing to worry about."
"Wait," Nyx said too late. A tiny debate of reassurance silently happened. Nanotech had come a long way and was generally considered safe. Regardless, she warned, "You'd better be able to get that out when we're done here."
"There is a killswitch encoded, it'll render the tech inert when we're done with it and it'll pass harmlessly out of your body once that's done"
Rylen stayed silent as he was injected with the subdermal transceiver device. As a child, he had been accustomed to monitoring devices present in his body constantly; this was nothing new in his perception.
With the team assembled, the seven beamed down simultaneously. Arriving in the perfectly manicured gardens that served as the grand entrance to what was, for lack of a better definition, an actual palace.
To Max, Krios reminded him of images of France in its gilded age. Turning to Rylen, Max steeled his mind so Rylen could rely on his strength if needed. Especially before the gathered crew. He knew Rylen would be embarrassed by any emotional reaction in front of them.
“Commander Lyo,” Max said just quietly enough that they could all hear him ask for Rylen to lead them into his family’s home, where they would be spending their time with the special investigation. “This is your home.”
Huge, heavy doors nearly three meters tall parted to reveal a luxuriously appointed entranceway. The floors were polished to a mirror-like shine and made of a smooth stone that resembled tan marble. Everywhere possible there were fresh flowers, including vases embedded in the intricate woodwork of the walls. Just five or so meters in front of the entrance was a broad flight of stairs. Perched on one of the landings of staircase was an older Kriosian woman, dressed elegantly in royal blue and gold, the official colors of the House of Lyo. When she saw Rylen, she moved down the staircase.
It took all of Aurora's will-power not to squeal in excitment!
[This place is so BEAUTIFUL! It reminds me of the Holodeck programs Mother showed me of her home!] Aurora thought, trying desperatly not to gawk and swing her head all around.
“My son,” she said, enveloping Rylen in a hug. The hug was a touch on the cool side, but more genuine than Rylen had expected.
“May I present Darra, Mistress of the House of Lyo and my Lady Mother,” said Rylen, gesturing with his right hand. “Mother, my colleagues and friends from the Intrepid.” As per tradition, he would introduce the Commanding Officer specifically, a privilege of rank and position. “Captain Max Culver, my Commanding Officer.”
Max had chosen a very odd Starfleet uniform variant with epaulets and rank at the collar and the sleeve. Otherwise, besides the pants, the entire tunic was red with a black piping across the shoulders. It was specific, it was said, more to the fashion of Hysperia, but also felt very appropriate here. He chose to forgo the honorary sword. That choice afforded him a deep bow before taking her gloved hand and kissing it. “Lady Darra, Mistress of the House of Lyo, it is unfortunate that we meet under such tragic circumstances. I, and my crew, will be at your disposal as we hope you will allow us to perform an independent investigation into the deaths of your husband and oldest son.
“Of course, I would expect this investigation should occur in cooperation with your own home guard,” Max managed. He had been practicing that since the night before and with Rylen’s help.
Lady Darra bowed her head slightly in acknowledgment of the Captain's proper greeting. Her son had obviously schooled them in what was the appropriate manner of behavior in a storied Noble house such as Lyo; Federation law did not require them to observe such antiquated practices, but Lady Darra appreciated the courtesy and attention to detail. "Thank you, Captain Culver," she said in a lightly accented voice. "The House Lyo Security Team has been working diligently with the Chief of Security from the Federation Embassy, Commander McIntyre. Such a curious creature...but he seems to know what he is talking about when it comes to security investigations." Lady Darra paused a brief moment. "I took the liberty of having a suite of rooms arranged for your party's use." She glanced at her son. "Assuming that does not overstep my boundaries, Your Lordship?"
"Of course not, Your Ladyship," said Rylen, adopting a formal posture and tone and speaking perhaps a bit louder than he had intended. "There is no one I trust more to manage the House's day-to-day affairs than you, Mother." How awkward it was to have his mother address him in the third person as Your Lordship!
"You are kind, Your Lordship. Oh, Commander McIntyre seems to be on his way now. I hope your party will come to the Main Dining Hall at 1830 hours. Our kitchen has prepared a feast in honor of your Ascension." Lady Darra turned away and headed down the corridor to the right, brushing by a very large Caitian in the process.
“It would be our extreme honor, Your Ladyship,” Max responded as he felt the embarrassment at his third person title being bandied about.
The large Caitian gave her Ladyship a thoughtful nod of the head as he passed before coming over to the group.
"Commander Lyo, Your Lordship," Clay greeted with a slight bow before turning to Max. "Fleet Captain Culver. I'm Commander Clay McEntyre, Starfleet Security. I'm the head of Diplomatic Security for Krios."
Clay was an imposing Caitian, broad shouldered, a hulking linebacker. His armor flexed as he breathed, his arms behind him.
[Whistle! LOTS of muscles on this guy!] Aurora quietly admired, thinking back to her shore leave.
“Thank you for meeting us here, Commander McEntyre. I’m a bit more relaxed than the current surroundings and my uniform would indicate, Captain and/or sir are fine while we are on duty. As for Our Lord Rylen Lyo, now Lord of this House, it’s come to my attention that he prefers ‘My Lord’ whenever possible over the much more traditional ‘Your Lordship’. Please do make the change.” Max also directed this to his crew with a bit of a stern sense being passed onto them.
"Yes, Sir" Clay would nod in reply.
Max returned his attention back to Rylen. He could only exert so much sense of strength and calm without saying a word. Max followed her Ladyship, the Lady Darra, down gilded halls. Every piece of wood was polished to a shine. The precious metals and stones that adorned the path could feed a world for a year. He was certain the floor machine would polish as soon as their group was out of sight.
“I just hope everyone remembers their cutlery etiquette. When in doubt, move from the outside in…unless there’s a different protocol on Krios?” Max asked Rylen, nudging him mentally out of his own thoughts.
"Well, my family never had much use for cutlery etiquette, but I'll remember your advice, Captain," S'tera said.
Still trying to remain calm, for the sake of all, Max sighed heavily. “Start from the outside and work your way in toward the plate. Do not use more than one fork per dish and if it comes to the small fork above the plate, it’s for oysters or escargot. Anything else, look to Commander Lyo.
“And for the sakes of the Gods, can we please not resemble the Klingon’s on Kirk’s Enterprise?”
Aurora tried not to chuckle at that. While the mission had been infamous, it was still HALARIOUS from what her Father told her that he'd been told by others...but Aurora decided NOT to bring it up that way...and people had been killed, so it wasn't a good thing.
“Yes, please,” said Lyo dryly. Of course, knowing his luck the dinner would turn out to simply be the disaster du jour. “Standard silverware conventions apply in this case.” Rylen quickened his step to meet his Lady Mother’s pace. “Mother, is there any news on our other potential dinner guest?”
“Yes, my Lord,” said the Lady Darra, her attention still focused on the path before them. “His Majesty will be arriving at promptly 1830. Palace security has already arrived.”
“Naturally,” said Rylen. He stopped Max and leaned in, speaking in a low whisper. “Make sure everyone knows that His Majesty the First Monarch will be attending dinner tonight. As if we’re not under enough pressure.”
“This is an unfortunate situation for the crew. I don’t think any of them knows proper etiquette for a Sovereign, let alone the high House of Lyo,” Max whispered back. “All we can do is pray that no one makes a mistake.”
“I have faith in our crew,” said Rylen evenly. “If we screw up…remember, I know His Majesty personally.” He sighed heavily. “I just want this to be over with, Max.”
Stopping just before the doors to the dining room, Max turned with a dour look. “As you’ve heard, the First Monarch will be coming tonight. Heads up, eyes bright, pleasant conversation, no talking of work, Gods or politics. And no one is to address the First Monarch without being spoken to first. Is that understood?
“Lieutenant S’tera, please team up with someone who can show you what cutlery to use, since you’ve admitted you’ve no idea. Just remember, it’s only a fancy dinner.
Aurora siddled up to S'tera and nudged her shoulder gently, letting her know she was there for her.
“Once it’s over, we can all heave a sigh of relief, now everyone best foot forward.”
Nyx raised her hand to be seen, "Can I skip dinner? I want to get to work and the longer we delay, the information degrades faster." She had already warned the captain that she didn't want to play diplomatically on this mission. "I don't have to eat, I'll live off my fat reserves if needed."
“Not to put too fine of a point on things, Lieutenant Nyx,” said Rylen. “But you are honored guests of the House of Lyo. I would consider it a personal favor if you would stay.”
Max scowled because he knew Nyx needed to get to work immediately, but Rylen had essentially cut off that route. Leaning in again to whisper in Rylen’s ear, Max whispered, “I think it would be best to excuse Lieutenant Nyx from dinner without making any excuses or even mentioning her absence. She needs to start work immediately, before data is lost, my Lord.”
Rylen sighed heavily. Max was correct, of course…and since the First Monarch had just announced his attendance at the Dinner, the Trill Lieutenant’s presence would not necessarily be expected. Rylen was beginning to realize how much he, in his capacity as a High Lord, would value the Captain’s counsel. “Very well, Lieutenant Nyx…please, begin your analysis posthaste. House staff are at your disposal.” He turned slightly toward Max, extending his bent arm in a chivalrous gesture as they approached the entrance of the dining hall. Rylen was fortunate that he was being accompanied by one so beautiful, and he hoped to show Mad his gratitude later tonight. “Shall we?” he said dramatically.
Max nodded first to Nyx that she could make herself disappear into the work. When Max returned his attention to Rylen, he was surprised by the gesture of the extended elbow. Knowing better than to deny his host, Max took the offer. It was a very intimate gesture and as soon as Max made contact, the reasoning behind the gesture was quite clear. He couldn’t suppress the smirk, perhaps even standing taller for it.
Returning his attention to the crew, he offerered, “Best show we can put on tonight as a well mannered Starfleet crew, eh?”
As the doors opened, Max was not at all surprised by the display of wealth in this single room of The House of Lyo. And, as it happened, it was fit for a King, specifically the one at the head of the table on a golden throne, most likely filled with enough latinum to make a single planet rich beyond their wildest dreams.