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To Boldly Go!

Posted on Thu Aug 24th, 2023 @ 1:59pm by Lieutenant Callan Armidale & Lieutenant JG William Verhoeven & Petty Officer 3rd Class Brix Saad & Captain Maxwell Culver & Captain Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Dovenice Nyx & Lieutenant S'Tera & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell & Lieutenant Aurora House of Kor & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene

2,289 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: A Drastic Change
Location: USS Intrepid: Multiple
Timeline: MD1: 0730 hours

Captain Maxwell Culver hadn’t slept well, but the cobwebs in his head were nothing that a good cup of coffee couldn’t clear. Much to his chagrin, Dani was standing behind him with a mug in each hand.

“Did I keep you up with my anxiousness?” Max asked stupidly.

Dani smiled tiredly. “Does it matter? It’s your big day as captain of a starship. New and fancy. Someone must think highly of you,” Dani said, his Spanish accent a bit heavier in his exhaustion. Dani fiddled with Max’s hair until the captain stopped him with a warning look in his eyes and a bright smile on his face.

“Fine,” Dani said, taking the mug away from Max’s hand. Max sighed, his head tilted over as if this was all an inconvenience. Truth was, he’d missed this. They’re bonding and goofy fiddling with each other. Max drank his coffee while Dani fixed his pips, adjusted his combadge. “There. Regulation, capitán.”

“Graçias, mi amor,” Max answered as he kissed Dani goodbye. “I’ll see you after my shift. You have access to all of my personal spots. Gym, pool, recreation deck. There’s even a small retail area I’m told…”

“Go to work, I have a few hours of sleep to catch up on. ¡Vete! Go!” Dani closed the door.

Standing behind him, Brix Saad held another mug of coffee. “Ready for another cup, Captain?” she asked brightly. She was glad to be starting this posting off right considering the prank she’d fallen for on meeting the captain the first time.

Max took the mug and handed the Orion his empty one, she in turn, handed it to somebody walking in the corridor. Considering she didn’t know who it was, she’d probably just ticked off somebody. If they’d wanted to make a deal of it, they likely noticed the four pips on the captain’s collar.

“What’s on the docket today?” Max asked casually as the caffeine started to kick in.

“Not much, captain, just your ship’s address before launch.

“Oh,” Max nodded and shook his head. “Is that all?” he wondered rhetorically. Stepping into the turbolift, he ordered, “Bridge.”

In her own cabin, Lorut Vila was sipping coffee. Her head spun and her stomach danced. Not from nerves, but from the bottle of Kanar she'd consumed the day before. By herself. Without eating. Eating blunted the effects of the alcohol, after all, and why would she even DRINK if it weren't to escape?!

She knew it was time to go, though, so she took one final look in the mirror in her head and shrugged. She looked as well she could-her new maroon uniform fit perfectly, and the pips and badge were lined up. She might have some personal problems but she always made sure that her drinking didn't affect her appearance. She preferred to fuck things up with her "sparkling personality" and charming wit.

She wore just a small amount of makeup-enough to look like she'd tried but not so much that she looked like she was trying to be twenty five again. The only non-Starfleet, non-Uniform thing she wore was the traditional Bajoran earring, on her right earlobe.

She opened the door to her cabin and looked around. No one was in the hallway, so she quickly shut the door and hurried to the turbolift. She wasn't yet ready to face people. In the lift, she gave herself a small pep-talk. You can do this, Vila. You're a badass bitch, and you have been well trained. Think about what Daron would say... The final thought caused her to smile as she stepped out of the lift and onto the Command Deck. The Captain arrived at the same time she did, but from a different lift.

"Good Morning," she said, tone and face fully poker. "Miss Brix," she said, nodding at the Orion.

“Commander,” the Orion responded respectfully with a nod of her head. She held her place between them so Max couldn’t get a sense of her hungover situation.

“Big day, Commander,” Max said. He knew was Brix was doing and it came from a place of protecting both of the senior officers on the bridge when one was still hungover. Max could sense that well before Lorut walked out of the turbolift. “Take your position and prep the departments for departure, please,” Max asked professionally.

He wasn’t particularly angry about her showing up hungover. He had done mostly the same on Triton Seabase if not for other circumstances that had now led to their assignment to the Intrepid.

"Aye, sir." She moved forward, speaking loudly. "CAPTAIN ON DECK," she called out. "Stations, please. Prepare your consoles for launch. Where's the Counselor?" She said. "Dr. Greene, please stay and view the launch. It's promised to be spectacular." She said. She looked at Max.

"Deck's yours," she said, settling into her seat.

“Thank you, Commander Lorut.” Looking around he could see all the crew stiffen, then turn to look in his direction. “At ease everyone. Everyone is tense enough already,” Max said, receiving a smile from most and a chuckle from a few.

Rena was sitting in the "mission advisor's" seat. She usually preferred to be at Max's side, but Brix had figured her job out, and had really stepped up, meaning that Max needed her less at the day's start. Which was fine with her-she could get stuff prepped and polished for her days with her clients or whatever would be required of her.

"I am here, Ma'am," she piped up, getting to her feet. Since it was the first day of their mission, she knew it'd be a tiny bit formal in the first part, but would continue on being the hot mess that they all were, deep down. "Our hosts are aware we're on the way," she said, "And Lieutenant S'tera assures me that, if we're on time, the atmospheric conditions will be perfect for the duration of our travels," she said. She sipped some coffee, and sat back down. Max knew where she'd be if he wanted her further.

Leaning to the station on his left, Max smiled and whispered, “Glad to see you on the bridge for the launch, Counselor. I wouldn’t want you anywhere else today, so relax and have fun.”

S'tera stepped out of the turbolift. She didn't want to miss this! She was still adjusting to the uniform and to being an officer in Starfleet but she was optimistic it would be alright!

Lingering at the rear of the bridge looking rather uncomfortable Doctor Greene acknowledged the XO's comment with a slight grunt. He much preferred the steadfast nature of a spacestation or planetary base than a starship - no matter the grand tales often associated with them. The sooner this was over, the sooner he could return to Sickbay and attune the setup to his own preferences.

Max touched the console on his armrest and initiated the holographic display. All systems and departments appeared nominal. “All stations and departments confirm readiness for departure from orbit.”

Aurora bounced up to the Bridge so she could see the launch.

’I hope the Captain's okay with me watching.’ “Permission to come on the bridge and watch the launch, Captain?" Aurora asked as she poked her head onto the bridge while staying in the lift until the Captain acknowledged her.

Max looked back to see Lieutenant Aurora standing in the turbolift behind him. He motioned her to join them, “Permission granted. Why don’t you stand just behind Commander Lorut? That way, you get a grand view of the forward screen.” He motioned again to the railing behind Lorut.

"Thank you, Captain. [SWEET!]" Aurora squealed in her head as she moved to where the Captain indicated.

“Helm is standing by, Captain,” Ensign William Verhoeven reported from his helm with just the slightest accent.

“Operations reports all decks are green for go, Cap’n. Power is nominal for orbital break, sir,” came the very Australian accent of Lieutenant Callan Armidale.

Vila let out a small sigh of relief. The hardest part was over, for now. She'd survived her first ten minutes. She looked at her own console. "Helm, prepare us for launch," she said. "Engineering, prepare for orbital break and warp speed once we’ve cleared the system," she said.

"Impulse engines are standing by, ready to depart the system, sir," Nyx answered from Engineering. "And warp will be ready at your word."

“Tactical and security station locked down and ready for launch,” came a reply from Max’s right.

“Alright,” Max said, sharing a look of confidence with Lorut. “Open shipwide communications.”

A few strokes of his fingers opened the channel before Callan turned and reported, “Shipwide communications open, captain.”

Max nodded, taking the three steps down and placing his hand on Callan’s shoulder. “Today, we become a crew that steps into the stars together. Today, we accept the tenets of Starfleet; to explore strange, new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.”

Max paused and smiled. “We are going to unexplored space. Places where Starfleet feet have never landed. What waits for us in this area of space that opened to us with the fall of Romulus and Remus. Who are we going to meet out here that are coming out from under the thumb of the Romulan Star Empire? We are going into unexplored space and we may very well engage new and old enemies.

“Remember, we may race the edge of the new Klingon/Reman Alliance borders, rubbing them the wrong way.”

Max took the three steps back up to the captain’s chair. “It won’t be easy, but when was Starfleet ever easy? This is our challenge now and we’re gonna have a hell of a lot of fun doing it!”

“Helm, set heading three two three mark seven five,” Max ordered. “Full impulse until we clear the system.”

“Course and speed set, captain,” Ensign Verhoeven responded.

“Take her out, ensign,” Max said, purposely leaving out their deep space speed. He settled down into his chair. He watched as the viewscreen showed the ship leaving orbit and Max was surprised by how much more relaxed he felt leaving that diplomatic mess to someone else.

"Very nice, sir," Vila said. She relaxed a bit, knowing that she couldn't do too much damage if she just stayed seated. "Is now a bad time to mention that I get airsick?" She joked.

Moons passed, and the light of the sun shone bright but the screen adjusted accordingly. Soon the sun was behind them as planets began to pass by. Max smiled to himself. He was captain of a starship. He didn’t know he might enjoy it this much.

Aurora knew it was only in her imagination...but it felt like her body moved backwards a bit at they left the station behind and headed out.

[Adventure is waiting!] Aurora thought as she tightened her grip on the railing.

S'ters stood by Rena , naturally. "Well here we go! Everything has changed. Let's see how the future pans out. This is a whole new adventure! You ready Rena?"

Rena smiled at S'Tera. "Yes, Lieutenant. Are you ready?" She asked, with a smile. "Unexplored space. You'll be the first Caitian to set foot out here. What do you think?" She asked.

"Lt.! Going to take a while to get used to that! Been a civilian so long, this will be an an adjustment! First caitian in unexplored space! Now I like that idea! My mom and dad will be very proud. This really is an amazing opportunity. I wonder what is out there waiting for us!"

Casually leaning against a dormant station Doctor Greene didn't share the enthusiasm of his peers and Max's speech though rousing to the young blood did little to excite him. Despite his sour mood he had to accept defeat in the beauty of the system as they slipped through it and how well equipped the Intrepid was.

Vila noticed the Doc's sour expression. "Doctor Greene. You can return to the sickbay, if you'd rather, but IS spectacular," she said. There were few things that gave the Bajoran peace anymore, but a maiden launch? It was up there. Even her traumatized, cold, dead heart skipped a beat with excitement. Maybe this COULD be the fresh start she needed.

Greene winced at the XO's comment and made note to work on his poker face in the future. "Thank you ma'am," he replied feeling the eyes of the bridge fall upon him. "I'd like to stay a while longer, or at least until my services are required."

Vila nodded. "Alright, doc. Thank you. Why don't you sit down, then? Enjoy the ride.” Truthfully, Vila had been pushing off her onboarding physical. She might've already known this if she hadn't but oh, well.

“Captain, we’ve cleared the Amphitrite solar system, sir,” Callan reported from Operations.

Max smiled broadly causing lines around his eyes. “Helm, set heading one two nine by thirty seven. Maximum warp.”

William Verhoeven smiled at the helm. The young blond pilot’s fingers dancing over the console. “Course and speed set, captain.”

“Punch it!” Max said, launching the ship into maximum warp. The viewscreen changed from stars moving by to stars rushing by at faster than light speed. Max settled back in his seat, relaxing his posture as his first commands on the ship went off without a hitch.


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