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Only Sick of Secrets [Back Post]

Posted on Thu Aug 24th, 2023 @ 3:25pm by Captain Maxwell Culver & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene
Edited on on Thu Aug 24th, 2023 @ 4:53pm

1,945 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: A Drastic Change
Location: Triton Seabase: Sickbay
Timeline: MD31: 1600 hours

Max had taken the late shift for the day. The events of the day before had kept him late and there were no objections to him taking control of the ship for the late shift.

Now, he’d made enough time to visit sickbay in his shift. Walking inside, he looked for the one person he was seeking. His eyes landed on Doctor Greene. He cleared his throat and excused himself. “Doctor.” He hadn’t wanted to scare the man.

Frasier looked up from this console intrigued what had bought Max to sickbay. "Hello Captain," he rose to greet him. "Can I assist you?"

Max walked over to the doctor. “Do you mind if I take up a moment of your time? I’ve got an important question to ask you.”

"My door is always open, take as much time as you need," Frasier replied gently hoping to put Max at ease to erase any concerns of being a burden. "Please, ask away."

“Doctor, I’ve been offered command of a starship, the USS Intrepid. Neo-Constitution class and sixth of her name, a name we have to clear since the fifth ship was destroyed during the last Battle with the Borg. She’d been overtaken by the Changlings who made sure she was destroyed in the battle.

“I’m giving you short notice, because I’ve had short notice, but I’d like you to come with us on the ship and leave Triton Seabase.”

Frasier blinked, a little taken back by the question having expected Max to seek advice on something a little more in his range of expertise. "Why the change, had we not achieved our mission by establishing a good relationship with the Romulans?" he asked avoiding the direct question for now.

Max snorted in disgust. “That’s the type of question I don’t get to ask, Frasier,” Max felt that he’d known the Doctor long enough now to casually call him by his name. “It IS among the many questions I would have liked to ask,” Max added.

“If I follow my sense of self, though I wouldn’t say I’m that important, this transfer has more to do with the recent visit by Admiral T’Val and my mindmeld with Mr. Martinez. It’s unusual for my people to develop our empathy so late in life, much less to the extent my powers are growing,” Max explained.

"That's hardly fair," the Doctor replied as he sternly folded his arms across his chest. "The awakening of your skills were bought on by forces outside of your control. They may never have materialized if things had played out differently, it's inappropriate for you to be treated in such a way."

Frasier continued, "Education and guidance will enable you to better understand these gifts and prevent incidents such as that with Mister Martinez from occurring. A tutor could be assigned here to assist you while we continue to build relationships with the Romulans; not undo everything we've done so far."

“Fair points, Frasier, but these are orders, not requests. Starfleet has already assigned a new commanding officer to Triton Seabase. They’ve warped him in on a brand new ship at rope speed. He has a father here who is dying.” Max paused as he walked around the biobed and activated the device he now carried at all times.

Intrigued Greene followed Max as he strolled casually around the sleek sickbay in a more relaxed manner than the Doctor would have done if the shoe was on the other foot.

“This is not a punishment, Frasier. They’re sending me…well, they’re sending us all to Kaitos, home of the El-Aurians. They’re sending me home for the help I need and we’re also going to be exploring the area around the nebula in which my people have remained a hidden Protectorate of the United Federation of Planets.

“We’re going to be doing similar work, just in space, among the stars. We have hundred of years of work, exploration and dozens of First Contact situations with people from the former Romulan Empire and beyond.

“It’s not a punishment, it’s what we signed up for!” Max cleared his throat. “Except that all contact with my people is highly classified and per Starfleet records, they don’t know where the El-Aurians settled after they were attacked by the Borg.”

The Doctor studied the display while Max talked momentarily lost in it's beauty as it gently shimmered while he attempting to collect his thoughts. He was relieved Max's needs were recognized rather than ignored, though this sudden change of direction could have been handled more tactfully.

Yet, he was uncomfortable by the secret nature this new assignment and more so that this would transpire upon a spaceship. Having grown accustomed to life on Deep Space Five and Triton, venturing back into the inky blackness of space sat like a heavy weight in the pit of his stomach.

He swallowed dryly - this wasn't the time or the place or be selfish.

"How does this news make you feel?" he asked putting his professionalism first and pushing aside his own misgivings before Max could comment. "That being with El-Aurians will aid in your personal development in better understanding and controlling your gifts?"

Max was divided on the subject. “To be honest, I’m both relieved and anxious. Relieved because…as far as I know, no other El-Aurian has attained the level of empathy and telepathy that has suddenly been thrust upon me,” Max answered.

“Add to that,” Max paused and sighed heavily. “I am engaged, since birth essentially. It’s become a bigger problem in light of recent event with Dani Martinez.”

"What does he have to say about that?" the Doctor asked tentatively.

“With him, it’s almost a moot point. It’ll be fifty years before I get married. He says he’ll be seventy three and he can sit on the groom’s side. He’s not anxious about the present.

“I suppose if he wants to go separate ways when we’re on Kaitos, that’s fine, but we can’t hide forever.”

"And bury our heads in the sand? That would be nice," Frasier smirked. "Would certainly make things tremendously easier."

“You and I chose Starfleet, which arguably is not an easy path to begin with. I can’t expect him to throw caution to the wind when meeting my parents. They won’t necessarily be angry, or even have emotions about the relationship.

“The best analogy I have in humans is the historic Amish and Rumspringa. A time when their young could step away from Amish life and live outside of their community. They were allowed experience technology, alcohol, partying, sex and relationships. All that ended when Rumspringa was over and when the Amish person returned, what happened outside the community was not spoken of again.

“Does that make sense? At best, they might like him. As I expect, they will probably ignore him. He’s more likely to be annoyed by being ignored than they will having him around.”

"I suspect we'd feel the same in his position," Frasier nodded. "You'll just to wait and see what happens, as difficult as that may be."

Max sighed wistfully, “Isn’t that life, Frasier? It’s a collection of wait and see. In any event, I’d best get back to the bridge before my junior officers get too cocky. Fortunately, many of them are coming with us…Captain Hart is re-crewing the base for Colonel s’Khev. Nice gesture.

“I will wait and see you on the Intrepid tomorrow morning. Make sure you’re off to the ship soon. I’m sure you can't want to wait and see how she’s stocked for you.”

"Tomorrow?" the Doctor repeated unable to hide his surprise and discomfort. So much for the polite request to change assignment - it was order he had no choice over. A downside of leaving the civilian life behind, at least then he'd have the right to a consultation period before being reassigned to another district.

“Believe me, the short notice left me in the lurch too,” Max told the doctor. “But Starfleet has assigned me command of this ship. They’ve only allowed me the chance to offer a position to those who want to tag along. Triton Seabase will continue under the direct command of Colonel s’Khev, so you can still say no,” Max offered, knowing the last minute change was unorthodox. ’Bit of a cheap shot at me if I’m being honest,’ Max thought considering his own quick transfer.

"I see," Frasier replied a little lost for words and still chewing over the sudden change of direction. "Have any of the crew decided to stay behind to work with Commander s'Khev?" he asked curiously.

“Some have needed time to think it over, but almost everyone said yes fairly quickly. The few that discussed their options still have time, as you do. Until 0500 hours tomorrow, but I do hope you’ll come, as I hope the others will too.

“I understand some people took this job to be planetside, and I don’t hold that against them. Others are staying because of their specialties or because they just don’t like being in a duranium hull with space on the other,” Max finished, looking nonplussed.

"I must say I'm in that minority," Frasier confessed with a heavy sigh turning away from the Captain a tad ashamed of himself. "Rather stupid though, considering."

“Of not wanting to climb into a gilded tube in space? It’s not stupid and I wouldn’t say you’re in the minority. Since the 2380’s more and more Starfleet people are seeking ground bases or orbital bases. The problem is that, in the last few years, we’ve seen that neither of those options are safe either. I don’t know,” Max paused, settling his butt against a biobed. “The humans at Starfleet Academy like to say things, most after the Kobyashi Maru about when it’s ‘your time’. I guess I never understood it, maybe it’s my youth or my optimism, but I’m going to hold onto every second of life.”

"Says the man who will live a human’s life expectancy twice over, at least," Frasier turned back with a renewed smile. "It's a great outlook to have."

“Only twice as long if I’m careful,” Max answered. “If I’m not careful, I’ll live as long or even less than the average human. It’s why I’m not afraid to get in that ship, Frasier. I plan to be very careful, with my own life as much as my crew’s, if not more. It’s why I think you’d be wise to join us.” Max smirked at his stupid soliloquy.

"And be ready to patch you up when do you become carelessly reckless?" The Doctor arched an eyebrow in jest.

Max shrugged his shoulders. “That’s the XO’s job, doc,” Max responded with a smirk. “I just get to sit in the big chair.”

"Rather you than me," Frasier replied. "Thank you for the offer Captain, I'll give you my answer in the morning."

Max nodded as he slipped off the biobed. Dipping his head in deference to the doctor, he quietly left sickbay to the CMO. He’d hoped for a more exuberant yes, but he was satisfied that he hadn’t heard a no…


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