Young Among the Ageless
Posted on Wed Nov 30th, 2022 @ 6:53pm by Captain Maxwell Culver & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell
1,436 words; about a 7 minute read
A Deserted Planet Is No Tragedy
Location: Starfleet Medical - Downtown San Francisco, Earth
Timeline: MD8: 1300 hours
Max adjusted the pips on his collar, having fallen asleep on the train from New York had sent them askew. He ran his fingers through his hair and found the small skyscraper in the downtown that he’d been seeking. Approaching, the historical building still had door pulls and Max smiled as he grabbed and pulled.
“Welcome to Starfleet’s main counseling concourse. Do you have an appointment…” a hologram at the counter asked. It’s eyes flickered silver for just a second as it matched his Starfleet profile. “Captain Culver?”
“I’m here to see Counselor Campbell. I have an appointment for 1330 hours.”
The eyes flickered again as the hologram accessed the information. “Of course, sir. Take elevator four to floor fourteen. Her office number is fourteen thirty two.”
“Thank you,” Max responded pleasantly.
Finding the elevators behind the desk, Max pressed the triangle indicating he was going up. The doors opened into a quaintly historic interior where he pressed the button for floor fourteen.” The historic building council was serious as the lift lurched and slowly moved skyward.
Compared to the turbolifts, he felt like it had taken ages to reach floor fourteen, but he wasn’t in a rush. That was why he’d taken the train across the country, enjoying some of the stops along the way. He smiled to a yeoman as he walked the hall. Finding the counselor’s door, he knocked.
Rena had set up her office to meet the Captain. It was strange; the higher-ups usually liked to see someone at a higher rank than her. Or a civvie. She understood, of course-a little bit had to do with fraternization policies, but more of it was ego. Couldn't look like a fragile hothouse flower in front of your people. It was the mindset, not necessarily towards Psych, per se, just in general.
She had set up her treatment area-plumped pillows, turned the replicator on, and got a fresh notebook. Most of her contemporaries preferred to record their sessions-Rena liked to put pen to paper. It seemed more real somehow-more personal.
She put on her glasses-she only needed them for close-up work- and made sure her teal-blue uniform top was clean. No need to let this Capt. Culver see her with mustard stains or the remnants of her morning coffee. Her black hair was back in a regulation bun, and her makeup was professional and light. After a moment, she settled into her desk to do some intake paperwork while she waited. Another moment passed, and she heard a rustling in the hallway. He was early.
She stood, and went to the doorway. Sure enough, a strange man (well, strange to HER, he was probably pretty normal if he were a Starfleet Captain-they were well vetted), and smiled. The pips on his uniform, and the stance he carried himself with gave it away. "Captain Culver?" The man flicked his gaze at her. "Counselor Rowena Campbell. I usually go by Rena. Please, come in." She stood to the side to let him into her office. It was in an ancient building in downtown San Francisco, and was drafty. "Can I get you anything? What brings you to Medical today?"
Max entered the room and admired the craftsmanship of the woodwork. He was glad that Earth had established certain buildings to remain historic places to remind them of their past. It wasn’t his past, but he could still admire where they had been, certainly what they had accomplished and their role in rescuing enough El Aurians to continue their species.
He noticed the set up of couch and pillows, chair and paper note pad, Max smiled at the woman. “Please, call me Max. I’ve just come across the country on the train. It was a nice way to see this part of your planet. I mean, of course I was here for the Academy, but there wasn’t much sightseeing going on there.”
Motioning to a chair without too many pillows, he asked,” Do you mind?” He didn’t entirely wait for the answer before settling down and adjusting the pillow. “Actually, I’ve come to talk to you today,” he admitted. He didn’t say about what, but he figured she would try to analyze him. He actually hoped for it.
Rena just nodded. "Ok, please take a seat...Max." It was too weird to call a CO by their given name. She watched him make himself at home. Good. He wasn't too formal. Interesting, for an officer of his rank and reputation. "I suppose not. I am glad you like the USA; even before we were invaded in the 2000's, we had some gorgeous architecture. If you have time, you should see the rest of the planet." Rena herself hadn't seen much of Earth; she was born on a Starfleet ship and had lived most of her life as a military kid, but she had been to different parts of the US on her various breaks from the Academy, and her mother now lived in Asia with her new husband.
"Please, tell me." She settled herself onto the couch. She preferred her own seat that Max currently occupied-being on THIS side of that was odd. His feet were facing the door, a subconscious indication that he was ready to flee at a moment's notice. Most Fleet folks were-psych wasn't exactly their favorite. She understood.
“I see you’ve got yourself a nice place here. A historical building, a lovely office,” Max paused as he considered the offer. “Would you be willing to give this up to move to the center of danger with me?”
Max was aware he was giving each of his crew the first meeting they wanted. He’d taken Lieutenant Commander Praxidor to the planet, forced her to meet the new and unlikable XO, and then gotten into a bar fight with her and a Fenris Ranger. He hadn’t expected to meet the Ranger, but between his looks and his ability to fight, Max was more than a little infatuated.
“Starfleet is assigning a new team to our former planet, Amphitrite. The planet is now being held by the Romulans. We know the planet has its own people and we are pretty sure the Romulans have no idea about them.
“We have a fragile peace with the Romulans, now we know there are Fenris Rangers and we don’t know what else? Any interest?!” Max finished his pitch.
Rena listened to the man. He wasn't here for a session. She blinked once as her brain quickly processed the information.
"A...seabase? Why me?" Brilliant, Rena. "I...Yes." She was easily convinced; she didn't actually care for Academy work, and longed for some action back on a ship. THAT was what she had signed on for, after all, right? "When do we leave?" She'd need to call her mother.
Max smiled, his bright brown eyes alight with mirth. “Triton Seabase is due to launch in six days on Ihhuein ei'krih, a planet we used to call Amphitrite, near the H’Romi cluster. A quick ship can get us there in a day and we will have access to a quick ship.” Max’s smile turned to a smirk as he pulled a small PaDD from his pocket and handed it to her.
“We will have a new Reliant class starship assigned for our use. Starfleet feels we need a better way to protect ourselves than the minimal weaponry the base possesses. Considering, as I said, the Romulans, the Tal’Shiar, the Fenris Rangers, the Klingon/Reman Alliance and who else knows what lays beyond the unexplored and now dissolved Romulan Empire.
“Since you’re interested, the Somersby will be ready to depart in 2 days, so we can make final checks on the base before launch.”
"TWO days?" She sighed. "Ok. I assume you'll have worked it out with my bosses, so. I need to make a few calls. I guess...I'll see you in two days time from the launch pad." She sat back a moment. What the hell had she just signed on for?! Her father would be proud, she knew. Her mother? Not so much.
Max nodded as he stood. “You may want to take a look at my orders for counseling, Counselor. Aside from our little base, we will be spending some more time together than most.”
He smiled brightly before pulling out some sunglasses and practically disappearing from her office. “See you in two days,” his voice echoed happily from the hallway outside, just before the door shut.