A New Home
Posted on Wed Nov 30th, 2022 @ 12:05pm by Xavier X-1
1,339 words; about a 7 minute read
Short Treks
Location: Fenris Ship - SS Collider
Timeline: One year ago
The Hysperian council was more than happy when Jack showed up with their ship twelve hours ahead of schedule. For a small fee, Jack paid for the charging bed - the Hysperians would not have any use for it and it would take them forever to work out what the device actually was.
Jack had walked on eggshells regarding his new ‘friend’. It was a good thing the Ren Faire types had their own strange costumes, customs, and oddities to spare that Xavier barely turned their heads and nary a lash was batted in his direction.
After a feast fit for, well, their queen, Jack, and Xavier had to make their goodbyes, even while they remained en route to Jack’s own ship. When he laid eyes on the Tamarian freighter, with its beaten hull and phaser scorch marks, he couldn’t be more excited.
“Thank you, friends,” he said, stifling a belch that tasted of roasted turkey. “It is a long trip home and we must be underway. We have our own schedules to meet. In fact, I’ll have a client call in,” Jack paused to check the chronometer on his wrist, “thirty minutes. So you see, I succeeded in finding my friend and less so in Colossus’ business. Either way, the trip could still be called successful. I still have my head!”
A round of huzzahs greeted Jack as he directed Xavier, almost pushing him up the ramp. “Adieu, adieu. Parting is such sweet sorrow. Until next time, my friends!”
Jack hit the level and the ramp lifted into a closed position and locked. He leaned against the bulkhead and sighed a breath of relief. The Hysperians were more than friendly enough, but more than a day in their Renaissance Faire nonsense could drive a monk of Boreth to drink.
“What do you say we go to my home? We can talk more about you, what you remember, and maybe find out news about what’s happened to your planet or is currently happening there,” Jack suggested to the Android.
Xavier had not been totally unaware of his surroundings as he was herded along. Still, he felt lost, like the stranger in the strange land that he was. What he observed, but was unable to determine the reasoning, was the similarity of the clothing and how much it reminded him of something in the past, something just on the edges of his memory, that he could not quite pull up. It was a nagging concern and he wasn't sure if he would ever be able to remember things when his memory - he remembered that much - had been flawless.
"That sounds acceptable. But, I do have questions. I am hoping that you have answers."
“I don’t know that I have all the answers,” Jack replied. “But we’re going to work together to find answers for you.”
"There are so many blank spaces in my memory. I remember my name, that I am a sentient life form, but one that is different than beings like you. And, I sense some familiarity with what these people are wearing. But little more.
"How do I get that back? How do I figure out who I really am?"
“I don’t know Xavier,” Jack admitted. “But there are some good scientists and maybe one of them is a cyberneticist. We can hope, either way. I’ll put out some feelers,” Jack said. “Either way, we’ll work to help you get everything you lost back.”
"I will hold you to that Jack. What is the next step? Where do we go from here?"
“We’re already en route to Vashti. It isn’t the most luxurious place to live, but I call it home. There are some former scientists we can work with there, people I trust, who may be able to access your memories from before I activated you,” Jack answered.
“Of course, you’re free. You can choose to move on from Vashti on your own. I would avoid the Federation though. They lifted a ban on androids two years ago, but last I heard, their best cyberneticists were dead,” Jack explained.
"A ban on people like me? But why? Why would they ban an entire race or class? What would cause such a thing?"
“The Federation created synthetics, androids without sentience, to assist them with daily tasks. A Romulan cabal known as the zhat’vash corrupted the Synths and used them to attack Starfleet’s largest shipyard. The Synths also attacked the planet Mars, killing all humanoid life and causing so much devastation that the planet still burns today.
“After the attack in 2385, the Federation banned all Synths, Starfleet pulled back its borders and reinforced them before withdrawing assistance from Romulus and Remus’ evacuation. Thousands killed on Mars and billion killed on Romulus and Remus. All because of this small Romulan cabal.
“Both sides now harbor as much ill will as ever, though the Federation is learning from its mistakes. The Romulans remain as adversarial as they ever were, claiming the zhat’vash is a convenient explanation. Though, if I was Romulan, I would have a hard time believing a few Romulans would sacrifice their home world to stop Synths from destroying the universe.”
"I cannot begin to comprehend what you said. I mean I took in your words, but it is difficult to believe them. The Federation in essence created slaves. They may not have thought of them as such, but that is what they did. I'm not in any way justifying what the Synths did, but it was hardly their fault.
"The ones that did such things deserved to die, or be deactivated, but why blame a whole class because of the rebellion of a few?
"And, if I'm being honest, what was the Federation expecting when they created beings that they could rule over?"
“That question was asked thirty years ago when a man wanted to take Data apart so he could build more. In his hubris, he went ahead and built a number of non-sentient androids, thinking of them as little more than tools to help get work done. Much like a replicator or a warp core.
“When they were corrupted, a group of isolationists and infiltrators initiated the rule against Synthetic lifeforms. The Romulan zhat’vash had infiltrated Starfleet at its highest positions. One of them was Starfleet Security. It was she who corrupted the Synths and then built the case against them.
“It was a lose/lose situation, Xavier.”
"It sounds like it. Am I to be lumped in with those Synths, those empty suits?"
“No. In fact, Admiral Picard has rescinded the ban on Synthetics, or androids. He’s also given Soji Asha a diplomatic position. Maybe, once we get your memories back, we can approach her and her Synths to assist you and your homeworld?” Jack suggested to Xavier.
"I would like that. If for nothing else a chance to go home again and see if things can be restored."
“Well, let’s head to Vashti and see who we can get to tinker around in that head of yours and restore your memories. We know something happened to your home world and that it happened roughly two years ago. So we best start there and then look for the rest Xavier,” Jack decided.
"I don't remember much. I know my head is scrambled. I'm still not sure why you want to help me, but I am grateful."
“Some people look at you and saw a mannequin. I saw you for what you are, Xavier. You’re not just an android; you’re a sentient being who deserves to do better things than stand idly in a shop, presenting fabrics.
“There aren’t many of your kind left, androids, so that makes you special.” Jack pulled back the rhetoric quite a lot.
“We’ll find someone on Vashti. I’m sure of it.”
"I hope you're right my new friend I hope you're right."