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A Little Trickery

Posted on Mon Sep 18th, 2023 @ 9:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Chester Ripley & Daniel Martinez & Captain Maxwell Culver & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell

574 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: First Contact
Location: USS Intrepid: Multiple
Timeline: MD1: 1630 hours

While the captain was off the bridge, Chet stood up as the third shift started coming in early. Waving the helmsman over, Chet briefed him, quickly. “The ship is stopped and holding station. Make sure it stays that way.”

The confused ensign looked at him, but nodded nonetheless. “Aye sir,” came the quick snap back as the young man took his station.

Moving up to the center seat, Chet made a bridge-wide announcement. “Uh! Listen up!” His voice carried and he knew he sounded rushed and nervous. “Captain Verhoeven is doing a fine job and will continue doing so for fifteen minutes unless we are approached by another ship or there’s some impending doom.”

Chet rushed up the back of the bridge, through the office and into the captain’s ready room. “Cozy,” he thought, since most of it was books and small reading areas. He didn’t have time for screwing around.

Sitting behind the desk, he opened the channel to Counselor Rena, who was supposed to be done for the day. “Please, oh, please answer me or that Spanish kid is gunna kill me!”

Luckily for Chet, Rena was in the office because she couldn't sleep.

=/\= Commander? I am here. What do you need? Is there an emergency? =/\= Always looking to help, Rena was concerned-Chet hadn't ever radioed for her, and she was hardly ever bothered on the night shift.

“Nope. Well. Uh… You see, it’s Max’s birthday and I kinda promised Dani I would send Max home a little early, but then we found this spaceship and, we’ll, now Max is meeting the new Chief of Security and Tactical and…I can’t get him to go home and long as there’s a boarding crew on the Helivan ship!”

Rena sighed. "It's his birthday? He didn't even tell me". She sighed. It stung. But she could see why-he was just now entering his powers, had a new beau-she really couldn't blame him. She stood up.

=/\=I'll be on the bridge in a moment.=/\= Wearily, she set aside her tea, and made her way to the turbolift.

“That’ll be great, he should be a while with the new chief. See you in a few minutes!”

Rena appeared at the door to the Ready Room, giving a firm knock.

"Commander Ripley? What do we need to do?" she asked him, smiling. Of course, she'd do most anything for the Captain. She liked him. They got along pretty well, normally, and she was glad to help in whatever way she could.

“That’s my problem…I’m not sure how to get him to go home!” Chet admitted.

Rena smiled. "Allow me to do it. The Captain rarely says no to me," she said. "I have ways of convincing him." She chuckled. "Not the least of which is getting into his head."

Her black irises shone with mirth. "Maybe I can appear to be coming to the bridge to find him, for some kind of problem, distract him while we walk towards his cabin, and then shove him in there and let Dani handle the rest." She nodded. It would do.

“You’ve got a way about you,” Chet agreed, at least when it can to the captain. ”That sounds exactly like the plan I need to make him go away. Uh…you know what I meant,” he added with a nervous chuckle and smile.


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