Doctor’s Orders
Posted on Fri Jul 21st, 2023 @ 1:59pm by Lieutenant Callan Armidale & Captain Maxwell Culver & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene & Lieutenant Commander Chester Ripley
743 words; about a 4 minute read
Good Will Tour: Mountain Home [Part Two]
Location: Triton Seabase: Transporter Room
Timeline: MD27: 1200 hours
Max walked into the transporter room, ready to join the team for today’s expedition. Yesterday, the engineering staff had completed the construction of a seal around the remains of the Senator’s Palace. It was essentially a stone sarcophagus now.
Walking in, he spotted the remainder of his team, waiting to leave with him. He had a raging headache and though it wasn’t quite a beard and mustache, he could feel the scratchy feeling of his facial hair growing in. His stim was wearing off as well.
Though not assigned to the expedition team Doctor Frasier Greene was also waiting inside the transport room waiting for the Captain to arrive.
The CMO was concerned for the Captain's welfare. The intervention with Dani and the tension with the senate among many of the challenges Max had faced in two short days had pushed him toward the edge. Judging by the his ill-kempt appearance as Max arrived the toll was beginning to show.
"Captain," he stepped directly into Culver's path ensuring he wouldn't be brushed off. No doubt Max was aware of what was about to happen next. "A word before you leave?"
Doctor Greene’s words were like glass shattering inside his head. “Of course, doctor.” Seeing the way Greene was blocking his path, Max knew where this was going. “Perhaps in private?” he suggested.
Max held his hand up to the transporter chief, a massive, sentient tree. The crew seemed to be getting stranger by the day. The motion was to indicate she should wait to transport the others until he returned.
Stepping away from the officers awaiting on the transporter pad Frasier inspected the Captain with a scrutinizing eye now they stood closer to one another. "When was the last time you slept?" the Doctor asked. "You look terrible."
Max shook his head. “Last actual night of sleep?” Max asked, realizing that if he had to think about it that hard, it had been too long. “The night before we arrived at Mountain Home…so three days ago,” Max admitted, hearing it from his own mouth sounded worse.
"I feared as much," the Doctor sighed. "These past days haven't exactly been easy going either and with you being in the centre of everything. I know as a Captain that's where you feel you should be, but this cannot continue." Frasier paused. "You need to rest, someone else can take the away party in your stead."
Max seemed to be staring at the ground a bit too long as he weighed his options, but each one eventually led to the same problem, he was gonna end up falling asleep somewhere, once he was comfortable, warm and inactive for more than two minutes. He sighed. “You’re right, Doctor. Two days, maximum?” Max bargained.
Frasier had been expected the Captain to resist as common for many senior officers and he'd been prepared to turn up the demands before issuing a direct order. Max's silence had felt lengthy but proved productive as wearily Culver accepted defeat.
The Doctor nodded relieved Max had come to his senses: "That would suffice," he agreed. "Just don't make a habit of burning yourself out, please."
“This has been a very abnormal week, Doctor Greene. Max put his hand on the doctor’s shoulder, as if suddenly feeling every hour of lost sleep.
Tapping his combadge, Max mustered all the strength he had. “Commander Chet Ripley to transporter room one. You’ll be commanding the mission to Mountain Home.”
“Doc finally reach you before you left?” Chet asked with his familiar chuckle. “You’d think, the way you look, he would have taken you off duty a month ago.”
“Shut up, Chet. I’ll have them meet you up there rather than wait down here in the transporter room. And Chet, when you change out of your uniform because of the breakfast stains, make sure it’s the new updated one, not the 2380’s version.”
“Yes sir,” came a dejected response. Before he closed the channel, Chet could be heard grumbling about the new fit, colors and how he looked fatter under his chins.
Max rolled his eyes and pointed at the crew. “Not so much as a chuckle when you see him or I’ll have you cleaning toilets for the next month. Get you laughter out now…”
Max turned and walked out of the transporter room with a broad smile on his face.