A Request for Vulcan Intercession
Posted on Wed Jun 7th, 2023 @ 11:04am by Rear Admiral T'Val Retd & Captain Maxwell Culver
807 words; about a 4 minute read
Good Will Tour: Mountain Home [Part Two]
Location: Triton Seabase: Sickbay
Timeline: MD26: 0915 hours
Max had been made aware of complete complicity in what had happened to Dani. He was sitting in the chief Medical Officer’s office. He’d been scrolling through the names of Vulcans who had served or were currently serving in Starfleet. As he scrolled through the names, one in particular caught his eye.
He opened a channel to the retired Vulcan and hoped for an answer. Hoped he was available. Hoped he knew how to perform a ritual mind meld to separate whatever Dani’s mind from Max’s. Hoped he could be on a high warp shuttle to arrive today.
Those were a whole lot of hopes to be riding on.
Moments later a Vulcan male appeared on the screen infront Culver. "Good evening, Captain..." The greying Vulcan asked, his right eyebrow risen in curiosity.
“Actually, it is morning here, Admiral,” Max responded, “but that’s the joy of speaking to people anywhere in the known universe.”
Max paused looking at his desk, then a PaDD and then the desk again. “I’ll just come to the facts, Admiral. I am a young - by El-Aurian standards - and my brain has been adjusted via a supercomputer holographic construct and, I suspect, every tool known to affect the brain. The hologram was able to save my life, but she altered it irrevocably.
“Since then, the only power I have not displayed is telekinesis. An event last night caused me to…well, overstep my bounds and enforce my will on a human’s mind without his knowledge or consent. Both of us were treated for psychogenic shock, but it appears I haven’t separated from his mind. Starfleet’s drugs and counseling have done nothing to separate us either.
“I’ve been referred to you, sir, in the hope that you can perform a Vulcan mind meld between all three of us to separate the individuals. I understand there’s something about walking the way of the souls ceremony…something like that, which could break this crime I’ve committed so he can live his life as more than a speechless, motionless, useless life.
“I owe him my life for saving us last night. If needs must, I would sacrifice my life for his,” Max finished, his voice cracking as tears ran down his cheeks. T’Val’s chart had indicated he was unlike other Vulcans in that open shows of emotion didn’t bother him. In fact, he had accepted his own emotions.
T'Val raised an eyebrow, "Fascinating." He said before taking a moment to process what he'd just been told. "The 'Walking The Way of the Souls' ceremony is a very ancient ritual. I don't think one has been performed for centuries." He paused again before a small smile grew across his face. "You're lucky that I am knowledgeable about this ritual and am happy to assist you. Am I right in assuming you'd want this done as soon as possible?"
“I’ve attained a high-warp luxury shuttle for the transport of anyone who is willing to assist. A large sum of money has been put aside to perform the ceremony properly. You can see the amount on your screen now,” Max paused, feeling like he was some gangster making deals, except this was all legal. “All expenses paid until you return to your location of final drop off,” Max finished. He could tell, something in the man’s face and he was almost one hundred percent positive he had T’Val hook, line and sinker.
“I can get you en route as soon as you can settle in for a fairly long trip here. Plenty of time to meditate, listen to music, move Katras like chess pieces.”
After realizing what he’d said, he put up his hand quickly. “No!” he interrupted himself. “I’m making it sound way easier than I’m sure it isn’t. Anyway, cool vibe gone…loser captain back at your service, sir.”
"No financial reward is necessary. Send your ship and I'll be with you as quickly as I can. Please forward all relevant information regarding both people so I can read through it before I arrive," the Vulcan replied, a hint of excitement in his voice. The feeling to be needed again by Starfleet was comforting.
“I’ll have the the shuttle at your coordinates in an hour, time to pack your belongings and be ready to go. If that works for you, sir,” Max asked, knowing as a Vulcan, he would need even less time than that.
"Of course, Captain. I'll see you in the next few hours." T'Val replied.
“Thank you, Admiral, we couldn’t be any more desperate to have this ritual completed and both be returned to ourselves. We very much look forward to being ourselves whole and free again.
“Culver out.”