2403 has been a time of chaos and transition for the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. After the United Federation of Planets crumbled inward after the Synth Attacks on Utopia Planetia and set Mars on fire. The Romulan Free State rushed to take advantage of The Artifact to solidify their new role in the Beta Quadrant and the defunct Neutral Zone turned into a group of vigilantes, opportunists and terrorists, old enemies and new monsters are revealed.

In the wake of the new Borg uprising against Earth, it is clear that no one is safe. As Starfleet scurries to remove the fleet integration systems, all made possible through the use of advanced Borg system upgrades, new ships and old are all that stand in the way of another attempt to exploit this weakness. The newest classes, including the Constitution III or Neo Constitution, are among the first to launch without the Borg upgrades that made it so easy to manipulate Starfleet into turning on itself.

The USS Intrepid, NCC 90272, is a dynamic Star Trek role-playing SIM that is played using Nova, a role-playing system developed by Anodyne Productions. The story continues into the year 2403- in the time of Star Trek: Picard. It is a time of great upheaval and new threats linger from every quadrant.

We are a 16+ role play SIM. We are the FIRST LGBTQIA+ safe SIM.

RPG Rating 2 2 2

If this sounds like something you might be interested in being part of, then feel free to apply. Browse the manifest to see what open positions interest you. If you don't see a position you're looking for, contact the Commanding Officer. We welcome all writers. It doesn't matter if you have been role-playing in the Star Trek universe for less than a week or you are a veteran. All are welcome!

We are pleased to announce we are a 16th Fleet SIM!

Captain Maxwell Culver
Commanding Officer
USS Intrepid

Commander Lorut Vila
Executive Officer
USS Intrepid

Latest News Items

» New Starship, same game!!

Posted on Sat Jul 15th, 2023 @ 10:06pm by Fleet Captain Maxwell Culver in General News

Hi all,

First, let me be the first to acknowledge that Triton Seabase just wasn’t working or drawing the attention and support from the community that I had hoped for.

As such, the new command team has agreed to move forward as the newest class, the Constitution III or Neo Constitution class, USS Intrepid will make her debut in Zodiac Fleet this week.

We are retaining the crew that have been at the core of the crew for the last eight months. We have lost a couple of the crew, by their own choice, and we wish them well.

Thank you all for continuing with us and our journey!

Captain Maxwell Culver
Commanding Officer
USS Intrepid

PS - Don’t think that Candy Man is going away!!

Latest Mission Posts

» Oh My Gods!

Mission: Silver Rain
Posted on Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 11:42am by Lieutenant JG William Verhoeven & Lieutenant JG Kaydren Aukai & Ensign Aaron Soong & Thor Odinson & Fleet Captain Maxwell Culver & Commander Rylen Lyo & Commander Clay McEntyre III & Lieutenant Odren Xall & Ensign Ross Clarke & Crewman Recruit Candice Kayne & Christine Graham

Max woke up on a biobed in a tan sickbay. It felt very retro USS Voyager, but the Lamarr class was not retro Voyager. His left eye was open, but his right eye was still swollen quite badly shut. There were chairs flipped up against the sides. Small windows let…

» Orbiting...

Mission: Silver Rain
Posted on Tue Oct 8th, 2024 @ 8:09pm by Commander Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Commander Ukram Gocx & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell & Commander Rylen Lyo & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene & Lieutenant Odren Xall & Lieutenant S'Tera & Lieutenant JG Aurora House of Kor & Lieutenant Callan Armidale & Lieutenant Wara Tête & Lieutenant Scott Jones

The mornings' goings-on had finally passed. Vila, Rena, Wara, and Kevin had been cleared by medical and counseling to return to duty. Vila was sat at the command station, Commander Lyo next to her.

As the Intrepid approached Xavier’s planet, Vila ordered, "Helm, prep for orbit. Science, what's our atmosphere…

» A Chance Encounter [Back Post]

Mission: Silver Rain
Posted on Fri Sep 13th, 2024 @ 3:16pm by Lieutenant Callan Armidale & Lieutenant Scott Jones

Callan has finished a duty shift, moving through junction after junction of Jeffries tubes. A full eight hour shift. He felt slightly gross, sweaty and a bit tired. The mustard colored jumpsuit was more ideal for the job he had been performing, but he looked like a bag of russet…

» Lovelace Lost

Mission: Silver Rain
Posted on Fri Sep 6th, 2024 @ 9:06pm by Lieutenant JG William Verhoeven & Lieutenant JG Kaydren Aukai & Ensign Aaron Soong & Fleet Captain Maxwell Culver & Commander Clay McEntyre III & Ensign Ross Clarke & Crewman Recruit Candice Kayne & Ensign Jedda Khadja-Chata

Max had sat back at an aft auxiliary station, quietly watching as the ship stuttered then leapt into a smooth tunnel of swirling blue. Occasionally, he would turn around and watch the cloned version of the helm, but mostly he just sat there. He wasn’t sure why, but he thought…

» What's The Problem?

Mission: Silver Rain
Posted on Fri Sep 6th, 2024 @ 3:09pm by Fleet Captain Maxwell Culver & Commander Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell & Lieutenant Kevin Bianchi Ph.D.

(Part 2 of "To the Planet...)

Vila smiled at Frasier as she pulled away. "I better go," she said. "If that man makes even ONE more untoward move, let me know. I'll have Albion on the phone so fast, the Crown Prince or whatever he is will feel more like…