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Hail, Hail! The Gang’s…Not All Here??

Posted on Wed Apr 5th, 2023 @ 11:12pm by Lieutenant Callan Armidale & Lieutenant JG William Verhoeven & Petty Officer 3rd Class Brix Saad & Christine Graham & Captain Maxwell Culver & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell & Lieutenant Aurora House of Kor & Lieutenant S'Tera & Lieutenant Commander Chester Ripley & Lieutenant JG Sairal Ardas Etes Yas & Lieutenant JG Kaydren Aukai

3,345 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Good Will Tour: Mountain Home [Part Two]
Location: Triton Seabase: Aft Exploration Deck
Timeline: MD18: 1000 hours

After being on bridge duty for some five hours, Max decided it was time to do something different. With some new crew joining the science team, Max decided to put the newcomers through the paces while getting a second stretch of legs on the growing team.

Max stepped out of his specialty shoes for the ship’s decking and spread his toes on the warm, light colored wooden planks. “Welcome to our second attempt at an exploration of the open ocean around the seabase,” he announced, his voice amplified by that process through his combadge. “Returning and experienced crew, meet new crew Lieutenant Sairal Ardas Etes Yas, our Pahkwa-thahn, Saurian race, and most importantly Xenomarine Botanist. Try saying that ten times fast,” Max paused as he flipped his holographic PaDD screen. “And Lieutenant Kaydren Aukai, our S’ti’ach officer and Marine Meteorologist. I’m upset to say, Lieutenant Aukai won’t be joining us in the water, but well above it as he inspects the wind turbine’s power generators with Lieutenant Lihran N’Vek, our Chief Engineer.”

Max felt comfortable with having not screwed up names, positions or specialties of each new crewman joining them. “Having learned from our previous mistakes in the water, we will be launching an independent study of these explorations after they are concluded. So,” Max paused and smiled at the humanoids. “Feel free to improve on our last expedition, shall we?!”

“Lieutenant Armidale and Ensign Verhoeven, awaiting launch of newly refit scientific mini-submarines, Whiskey and Tango for pre-exploration clearance.

Voices issued from above and around the deck speakers. “Acknowledged. Whiskey submarine launching in 3-2-1, launch.”

Little more than some bubbles indicated the black submarine had launched. Another voice issued a moment later, sounding a little less sure of himself. “Tango submarine is cleared for launch by flight control. Tango submarine at optimal position for launch in 3-2-1, launch.”

Some more bubbles followed the launch as the second submarine exited the seabase. In tandem, the young men’s voices equally sounded in tandem. “Whiskey submarine has verified no large or dangerous lifeforms within exploratory range,” came the voice of Callan.

“Tango submarine confirming Electromagnetic field mines have been temporarily placed for ideal crew safety within the entire expeditionary range, captain. Splash down is confirmed safe from large animals.” William Verhoeven reported, sounding more confident as time continued.

Triton Seabase confirms yellow alert with full transport lock should evacuation be required at a near FTL requirement. All of your extraction devices are reading optimal for all operations, captain” came back the response of Lieutenant Chester Ripley, their current acting helmsman.

“Right!” Max exclaimed. “It sounds like we have all safety precautions established since our last attempt to explore, and our inherently disappointing emergency re-entry. Shall we give the new measures an opportunity to point out our new failure points, if any?” Max asked.

“That’s not exactly reassuring, Cap’n” Crewman Saad responded out of step and out of line.

Like he had noticed Vianola doing in similar circumstances, he pinched the bridge of his nose in response to his personal annoyance directed at his yeoman. He turned to look at Brix Saad, but found her in a very Orion, two piece bathing suit, which if he compared it to his own choice of the day, left them wearing enough fabric for perhaps one of them - assuming their suits were stitched together. ’So much for modesty.’ he decided. ’Too late now!” he thought decisively.

“Alright crew, you have your orders. “Lieutenant Aurora, make friends with any species you can. Catalogue them extensively, please. Any species with whom your are unable to make sentient contact, make extra notes and tag a family for further study.”

"Aye, Captain! Yaba daba doo!" Aurora whooped!

“Specialty Biologist S’tera,” he said to the Caitian. “Continue the work initiated by Lieutenant Aurora on the non-sentient species. Let’s make sure they’re truly non-sentient or just picking up rumors of the rubber ducky floating around their option?”

"Rubber ducky? Ok. Well sure I'd be happy to follow up Aurora's work. That's right up my alley!" S'tera said.

Max felt a sense of…sadness? Disillusionment? He couldn’t quite tell. “S’tera, you’re a speciality marine biologist. I expect you’ll do more than just follow up on Lieutenant Aurora. You’re here for your own degree, Madame Caitian. I want you studying fish, not just frying them up as fish sticks.” Max joked and laughed.

"Funny Max, real funny! I know my job and exactly what to do. No worries. As I said this is my specialty. I'll be happy to examine them. Relax and just let me do my job."

Aurora giggled at the interaction between S'tera and the Captain.

Max looked at the pair. “Sure, Aurora gets to say ‘Yaba daba doo’ but I can’t get a laugh out of the base looking like a rubber ducky or you frying up some fish sticks?” he asked rhetorically.

“When a joke’s not funny, buddy, ya let it go. When two jokes aren’t funny and you gotta point ‘em out, that’s called sad.”

Any emotion besides annoyance drained from Max’s face. He glared at the elbow that Crewman Brix Saad currently had rested on his shoulder. “First, crewman,” Max paused and glared at her elbow on his shoulder. “I don’t know where you got the idea that we are friends, but let me assure you that we are not.” Brix looked at him with a bit of fear. “You, crewman, are my Yeoman, so I can’t demote you in rank but I can tell you the next time you try to play buddies, you’ll end up in the brig.”

Brix retrieved her elbow as if he might bite it off. “Yes, sir. I was told a rumor, sir. I’ll ignore anymore rumors.”

“Where did this rumor come from? And what did it say?”

“Um, the uh, candy man told me you liked to be treated like a bar friend, sir,” she said, her eyes quickly dropped to the deck with fear.

Max sighed. “Back to work, professionally, yeoman.”

“Counselor Campbell, I’d like you to liaise with Specialist S’tera and see if you’re able to identify emotional boundaries established by our schools and families which would indicate a hidden intelligence.

“After our previous debacle, word might have gotten around about the insane crew that couldn’t get their shit together over a pair of harmless, baleen whales. Let’s hope our reputation does not proceed us for once.”

Rena shot him a LOOK that would've melted the steel of the base if she were looking directly at it.

“Lieutenant Etes Yas, feel free to initiate the collection and processing of any new plant species, which as you are the first arrival in that line of study, I’m excited to see progress!” Max admitted.

“Doctor Graham, feel free to help in both a medical and scientific way. I mean, let’s hope there’s no wounded, but this is Triton Seabase,” he joked. “All three teams may need assistance, Doctor.”

Rena sighed, but nodded. Fish that had...feelings? She wasn't sure her abilities, which were only HALF of her ancestry, were that good, but she'd try. "Right, sir, see if the fish are friends, not food." She saluted him. She was being a little sassy, but what did he expect? There were no classes at the Academy's medical school about how do psychotherapy on a Guppy.

"C'mon Rena. Let's see what we can find." S’tera took Rena by the hand and said, "Hey, relax and just do your best! That’s all I ask." She had to admit, she liked holding Rena's hand.

Rena smiled as S'tera took her hand. "Ok. My best is all I know how to do!" She replied. "Just tell me when you are both ready to head out and I can follow," she said to S'tera and Aurora.

Aurora nodded and stretched. [Man, standing still doesn't work for me!]

Max turned his head hard as the Caitian grabbed Rena by hers. S’tera clearly had the widest, cutest kitten eyes Max had seen in some time, not to mention the silkiest tail that straddled Rena’s shoulder.

Max had often heard Rena talk about romantic love not being in her past, present or future, but now he had to ask himself if she was living enough in the present to see it.

"Alright let's move out! C'mon Aurora!" S'tera said.

"Right behind you, S'tera!" Aurora yipped happily.

Rena followed the two other ladies, a little confused. Culver wanted her to try to headshrink whales? She understood that they had souls and brains, but trying to "read" them seemed....kind of dumb, if she were honest. Still, she tried not to be prejudiced towards other species, so maybe she'd be proven wrong.

Max wandered over to where Rena appeared to be studying a half dozen of the animal life that was currently held inside their safety net. “You seem confused, Miss Rena,” Max said, stretching his back out in the sun.

Rena startled at the Captain's intrusion. "Not confused, exactly. I am trying to decide if I am picking up emotion from these fish, or if I am just *expecting* to," she explained. "You understand that only half of my ancestry is Betazed? My empathic abilities aren't that good; I have to be very focused and quiet, and well. And even then, it's still very touch and go," she explained.

Max felt stupid now, settling in across from Rena. “Well then, I’ve wasted time, haven’t I?” When almost no response was forthcoming, Max shrugged. Using one of Rena’s own tricks, Max projected his thoughts and feelings. This was much much more than Rena did with her feelings. ’Calm,’ started his internal chant. “Open your minds, expose and explore your feelings. Explore your new world, friends.”

Rena felt the manipulation of the air around her. SHE hadn't, so she assumed it was Max, as Vi wasn't around, and, as far as she knew, it was only the three of them that had that ability on the crew. Which was good news for everyone else, but BAD news for her. Because now Max knew it, too. She sighed at him. "Stop that!" She scolded. "That's not what that's FOR." She was pleased, though, that he was exploring his abilities more!! "I'll do what I can. I am keeping an open mind, I promise." She moved away then, closer to S'tera and Aurora.

“Wait,” Max nearly shouted across the deck. “Rena,” his voice grew softer, less desperate than he’d felt just a second ago. As Max approached Rena he took one of her hands. “I’ll use my words this time because I guess whatever I just did was wrong.”

Max paused. “I meant that small mantra of calm just between you, Lieutenant Aurora and S’Tera. But also, I wanted a moment with you to make sure you’re not missing the signals from S’tera. The gentle handholding that marks you with her scent. The wide eyes that bat playfully at your words. The tail that interacts with your body. These are signs from S’tera that she’s interested in you, Rena.

“Take some of your own advice. Today is safe and as secure as we can make an open ocean be. You’ve got time to discover, explore, talk and laugh. It also doesn’t always have to be about work. Don’t get caught up inside Rena and miss out on S’tera,” Max finished.

Rena blinked at him. WHAT? "Sir, I think that dive caused you to become a little water-logged. "It wasn't wrong, it's shouldn't need to calm us down at a whim. We can feel bad from our's how we learn. Also, it's good that you're tapping into your skills!!" She said, always the counselor. "We can practice more next time I see you."

“Oh!” Max said and scratched his head. “Rena,” he shook his head again. She really was missing the point. “I haven’t been for a dive, my hair is dry.

“I probably should have mentioned that I don’t care if the fish here are telepathic, not really. I mean, if they are, great!! But this is more an excuse to get Rena and S’tera out in the water together.” He slapped his forehead head and gave her a shake of his head as if he’d lost his last brain cell.

She sighed. "But why?" She still didn't understand much, but shrugged. "I'll go!! She said, tapping her chronometer to find S'tera and Aurora's exact locations.

“Rena,” Max said confidentially. “S’tera gives you those big, beautiful, flirty eyes. The way she bats those eyelashes at you and wraps her tail around you - almost possessively. If it was anyone else but you, you would have seen the body language a week ago. S’tera likes you…”

There, Max had to say it out loud. That was how dense Rena was being on the subject. “The least you can do is acknowledge it and tell her you don’t feel the same…unless you do?” he wondered quietly. “That’s not my business. Now go get in the water. At least now, if you feel any fish feelings, you’ll know it’s from them. Your brain will be otherwise preoccupied.”

She sighed. "I HEARD you!!" She turned back to him, and winked once. She got the hint now - as good of a listener as she was, she was clearly NOT good at reading body language. But what?!

"Hey Rena, c'mon! Let's go! We have fish to read and catalogue and all that stuff!" S'tera called.

“Lieutenant Aukai.” Max turned to look down hoping to get a good look at the first S’ti’ach he’d ever met. “Feel…” he started, but the small, blue and furry species was already long gone.

Max looked around to find him nearly halfway up the outer hull of the seabase. Max was, in a word, shocked. Max dropped onto his lounger, faced it toward the adorable, blue koala-looking animal. Turned out it was just his duty to watch now.

Aurora noticed the Captain looking around then up, so she followed his gaze...and her jaw hit the deck!

[Dang! What the heck is Lieutenant Aukai!? He's so COOL!] Aurora thought in awe.

Max tapped his combadge. “Lieutenant Aukai, are you using climbing gear?” he asked casually.

“No captain. The S’ti’achii don’t require climbing gear. We have six working appendages which, for lack of a better description, stick to the hull of Triton Seabase - and most other external surfaces. My species have hyperdense bones which are unlikely to fracture even if we fell. I suspect your EMH could explain the biological details of it all, should you require them.”

“What if you were to fall, Lieutenant?” Max stood up and covered his eyes now.

“One of two things: first, fall to the deck with almost no injuries and second, extend the flesh between my cranial most limbs and posterior most limbs to create a skin flap that would allow me to glide back to the deck safely.

“You know, captain, we are an evolved arborial species and apex predator on our homeworld. Also, containing great speed, I am here already with Lieutenant Lihran.”

Aurora was enthralled watching Aukai. [Man, that'd be AWESOME!] Aurora thought excitedly.

“All right!” Max announced. “Everyone on the science expedition, let’s get our suits tied up and get in the water. We’ve laid out the entire safety net of systems, we have everyone trained to get out of the water…let’s go! It’s study time!”

"Cowabunga! Last one in has to kiss a crab!" Aurora yelled as she scurried off.

“First one in has to find it, Ensign Aurora,” Max shouted just as she come up from her swanlike dive.

"Ah phewy! Aye aye, Captain!" Aurora laughed before diving back under to find said crab.

Turning around, Max found his yeoman standing not too far away. He turned back to watch as the other science officers moved down the stairs.

“You bipeds, always in the way,” Sairal, the resident reptiloid Pakwah-Thahn grumbled as he passed by the captain, skirting something around one hundred kilograms under the deck railing and into the ocean gracefully, nose first and tail smoothly undulating from side to side in the salty water.

Max turned back again and she was there. The crewman admittedly assigned as his personal yeoman and his unofficially assigned ’bar buddy’. This joke was starting to get on his nerves. Upon further visual confirmation, she had changed into a more appropriate swimsuit. A bikini, which was regulation, but definitely less…Orion, than her previous swimsuit.

“Captain, I thought you’d like a glass of cold water, a towel and an spf shirt to prevent sun burn. Most El-Aurians are very prone to sunburn, sir.” She stood tall and proud.

Max smiled. Maybe his bite had been worse than intended. “Sit, yeoman?”

Brix ran back to the mess hall and grabbed some things before returning. “Thank you, captain. I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot.”

Max nodded. “I would agree with that statement, yeoman. However, I am bothered by this candy man joke that’s going on. You’re just among few that I’ve heard it directly from. Was this on a city? Just before we left the last dock?!”

Brix looked at him like he was a little crazy. “No, sir. I was with a few of the others, Sairal and Aukai, to name a few…”

“Damn it,” Max replied. “So that means this joke happened here, on the base.” Max paused as he tried to puzzle it out.

“Sir, it happened on deck six, I can take you there later. Quite a cute little Mellanoid. I wondered how it even got aboard?! But I’ll be damned, there it was, an adult Mellanoid in a white Starfleet uniform. That should have been my first indication, Starfleet stowed the whites away in the early 2200s.”

“So it just pulled you inside, you started chatting and you left with all your favorite Orion treats and off you went?”

“Exactly like that, sir…” Brix could sense that now was the time to shut up.

Nearly eight hours and several breaks later, Max had ordered the teams aboard. Many of them, even those with the palest of skin had gotten some color, but their twice per shift pill to prevent sunburn had prevented that in most of the crew.

The others, who had conveniently or inconveniently forgotten their pills had been sent to sick bay hours ago for treatment under the dermal repair lamps. Good for them, but it still slowed the team.

"Whewy! That was exhilarating!" Aurora got back onto the ship and shook like a dog.

To his surprise, the crew were out of the water in under five minutes total, considering they had double the number of crew and all the exits were being used made Max immensely proud. Apparently their training lessons had been successful.

He would roll out groups three and four to complete the training and then all of the science crew should be one board in five minutes or less.

Yeoman Brix appeared beside him and held out a PaDD. All crew aboard in under five minutes, sir. Minor problems in tubes five and eight. Also, the port side, primary retrieval step had to be shut down and the secondary rigged to replace it. I’ve already copied this to Engineering so they can execute repairs on your order Captain.”


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