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Debriefed: Exploration Party One [Back Post]

Posted on Sat Feb 18th, 2023 @ 9:58pm by Captain Maxwell Culver & Director Roman s'Lovok PhD
Edited on on Sat Feb 18th, 2023 @ 9:59pm

1,177 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission One: Goodwill Tour [Part One]
Location: Triton Seabase: Mess Hall
Timeline: MD6: 1700 hours

Max had long since been discharged from sickbay and changed into his proper uniform. To be honest, he still felt a bit of a chill in his bones. When the door of the mess hall chimed, Max knew it was his new Science Director. “Enter,” he called gently.

Roman entered, wearing a concerned expression. "Captain are you okay? Do you know how Aurora is going?" he asked, he had tried to check in on her but the Medical staff were busy.

Max sipped the hot chocolate he’d replicated to keep him warm. “Director s’Lovok, I’m afraid we need to have one of those conversations. But first, I’m recovering from a pesky microscopic, horny swarm. Second, Ensign Aurora will be fine. She has only a few more hours of observation and then she can return to duty in the morning.”

“I’m afraid I didn’t see a team leader today. I saw a scientist, but not a leader. You have to be aware of what each team member is doing and when to reign them back in. For me, I joined the team as a crew member, but you didn’t assign tasks and you let everyone, especially Aurora, run amok. It hasn’t been a great start, Director.”

The Romulan nodded. "Yes Captain, I did speak with the Ensign and S'tera just prior to that beam out about their behaviour. I will have a plan set and to you by tomorrow morning, also next time please wear personal protective equipment for when you dive Captain." Roman said, he was going to comment that a Captain should be setting an example but left it out.

"Would it be possible ask for permission to conduct a terrain scan of the tide pools and surrounding area to aid in my planning, I don't want to upset our hosts? Also will you be joining the team again, I wasn't aware you have scientific interest and experience?" Roman asked, as he spoke he shifted slowly to a more submissive stance. Apologising seemed like not enough to make up for his lacking, he thought it best to simply get prepared for next time as actions were taken more seriously then words.

Max caught the attempted dig at him not wearing proper clothing to the tide pools, but there seemed to be minimal danger. One couldn’t foresee a singular life form that bred on body heat. “I’d suggest you meet with Crewman Yeltz on the terrain scan and topical map. He’s our current geologist. Perhaps another scan for unforeseen life forms?”

A smile crossed Roman's lips. "Crewman Yeltz," he echoed and made a note to find them after this. "Actually the lifeform scan is something I'd like us to do onsite, I will be preparing a two portable large scanners for us. We can set them up by each pool and do localised concentrated sweeps so we can look for any life that isn't visible to the naked eye. Of course the larger beings won't be a problem to pick up unless they have some form of stealth..." He blinked.

Of course if stealth creatures started to attack them... Though with the sensor sweeps so fine tuned and concentrated they'd pick up evidence of movement where there should be a creature. Hopefully before the attack Roman prayed. "Will you be joining us Captain?" He realised that his superior hadn't answered that question.

“I’ll be joining your science teams from time to time, yes,” Max answered. “But not tomorrow. You’ll be responsible for your studies with your team tomorrow, but more than that, you’ll be responsible for their lives. I didn’t want to take your command away today, and it was a valuable experience for me to observe. You, Director, need to be aware of your team, not just the science, if you’re to continue with Triton Seabase. Understood?”

Roman nodded. "Understood," he replied and waited if there was anything else the Captain wanted to say.

“I’m not sure how familiar you are with a Terran game called baseball, but a team gets three outs before they have to give up the field, a player gets three strikes before he’s recalled to the dugout.

“You’ve just earned your first strike on your first day, it does not bode well for you. I’d suggest assigning an assistant with more Starfleet regulations and safety understanding, at least until you’re more comfortable working within Starfleet.

“I would hate to have you swing out before you really understand the game, Roman.”

"I understand Captain. Though I do not know about this baseball," Roman said. "Do you have any assistant recommendations, sir?"

“I thought Declan would be a good assistant, but it seems he thought more along the lines of a personal assistant. That would be fine, but I think he’s capable of more. I’ll have a talk with him this afternoon, Roman.” Max assured his new Director of Sciences. “If he doesn’t want the position, I’ll find you someone more appropriate.”

The Romulan nodded and smiled. "Thank you, Captain, it is much appreciated. In the meantime, I will be attending to tomorrow's planning, amongst other duties. Oh! While I am meeting with you now, does Golden Towers have any science facilities that we may tour during our visit?" Roman asked gently.

“I’m afraid they don’t. My understanding is that the Romulans have focused minimally on the restoration of their science programs. Putting their people’s needs ahead their science programs,” Max explained, feeling that was as good an “official” answer as he was going to get.

He slouched slightly at the answer with a little disappointment but nodded as he kept a soft smile. "Understood," Roman replied and he assumed a slight bow to indicated he had no further questions.

Max moved from behind the table and clapped a hand on Roman’s back. “If it makes you feel better, we’ll have the old sciences lab opened on Praetor’s Tower. We can send them sample for additional testing, storage or study. If I remember the original specs, that’s seven levels of additional labs utilizing both Starfleet and Empire equipment to obtain our most accurate studies ever.

“Of course, you’ll be expected to play the Romulan “stick up the ass part”, so you may want to take some etiquette lessons from Colonel s’Khev.”

Roman raised an eyebrow. "Why should I-- Oh was that a joke?" he asked though was prepared to chuckle if the Captain did.

Max raised an eyebrow. “I think you’ll find these particular Romulans are very different from yourself and many others you’ve met. I’m not kidding when I suggest you speak with Colonel s’Khev before you start working with the Romulans here.”

"Very well sir, I shall do that," Roman replied, "if there is nothing else I better get to work?"

“Everything ship shape tomorrow, Director,” Max reminded him.


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