Touring Triton Seabase [Back Post]
Posted on Mon Feb 6th, 2023 @ 1:21pm by Captain Maxwell Culver & Director Roman s'Lovok PhD
1,645 words; about a 8 minute read
Mission One: Goodwill Tour [Part One]
Location: Triton Seabase
Timeline: MD5: 1200 hours
Previously on Star Trek Triton: Seabase
Roman nodded. "Understood," he smiled. "Could you show me the facilities? Unless you are busy?"
“A tour?” Max considered. “Of course. Although, maybe you should ask some of the crew who have found the candy store. As much as I’ve walked these decks, I haven’t found it. I’m starting to think it’s some kind of inside joke.”
Max shrugged, though he couldn’t deny the candy they had frequently offered him was better than anything the replicator could produce. Max slapped his thighs, “Well, shall we go on that walk?”
"Yes please." Roman answered and though he raised his eyebrow at the candy store comment, he wasn't sure how to take that statement. "I guess I'll keep an eye out for it," he added.
Max cocked his eyebrow. Motioning with his hand, Max said, “Follow me, Doctor.”
And Now the Continuation
Max walked into the central turbo lift and stayed, “Deck five. We can start with the multidisciplinary modular laboratory.”
It was a short ride from the deck above, but certainly more comfortable than taking the stairs, which were tight and very uncomfortable. Down a wide, white corridor, they entered the laboratory. “Here you’ll find our multidisciplinary laboratory. That means biologists may be working beside geologists or meteorologists. The modular portion means we can swap the entire laboratory out for specific research or mission objectives.”
Following Max into the multilab as Roman decided to call it just then, he looked around at the various consoles and after a brief 'wow' moment he began searching for how the modular feature worked. "Where do the modular parts get stored Captain?" Roman found himself asking as he felt around the workstations. Did the tops come off and simply a different top get put on? Or did the entire workstation detach? So many questions flowed in and by as new ones arrived.
“The unnecessary units are held as delineated matter and stored in the modular designs transporter buffer and called up from there as well. The process is mostly seemless as Starfleet parts are easily interchangeable. On top of that, we can make this an almost single processing unit, for instance, we will be exploring new lifeforms tomorrow and can have this entire unit staffed with biologists and get the lifeforms returned to their original homes before we depart.”
Roman grinned, the excitement returning. "That sounds amazing and can the computer perform this exchange under voice commands?" He asked glancing back over his shoulder at the Captain.
“Of course. Most of the changes are in data control and storage anyway; the hardware is pretty minimal.” Deciding it was best to show, rather than tell, Max ordered, “Computer adjust for small to mid-sized lifeform, tide pool studies.”
The station transformations changes only slightly, some from geology or oceanography to accommodate biology studies. The large tank of water in the middle of the room energized from the large tank turned into a smaller, waist height tide pool mimicry. A few larger tanks transported in to hold fish and other mod-range species.
“You’ll find temperature and salinity is perfect for the lifeforms that will exist in tomorrow’s study.”
Roman approached the new workstations and smiled, this was going to make scientific investigation so much faster. Though it did raise a concern or two.
"Apologies, but two questions. What happens if a study is in mid progress and someone orders for a replacement station for the one in use?" He frowned at the implications that situation happening and the possible loss of data and study results.
“Trying to change the room while work is in progress is not possible without a damn good reason and a command override,” Max explained. “If the scientific groups agree, then samples, life forms and personnel can all be transported to the permanent labs.”
"About tomorrow, the lifeforms we decide to study, should we physically put them in carry containers and walk them here or can we transport them into the tanks?"
“We can place them in specimen containers and transport them to designated pools or a single pool for later sorting. And, of course, unless you’re really into climbing over rock faces, we can transport personnel as well.”
Roman nodded though kept his frown. "What are the limitations to the multilab? Is there anything this multilab cannot do?" He asked, knowing what this lab isn't capable of is just as important as its features.
“The multilab is limited to upper level sea exploration and species examination. That’s why we have the lower decks pressurized for deep sea exploration. Of course, it takes two hours to pressurize to experience that level and the labs there. You’re welcome to examine them, but I won’t have time to acclimatize. I have an appointment with the Senator in charge of this city tonight.”
"It would be a problem if you had to get to the lower decks in an emergency," Roman commented with concern. "Though I guess environmental suits could be a quicker way?" He asked as he walked over to the Captain.
“Environmental suits would work fine in an emergency. If the lower decks sustain catastrophic damage, they would be evacuated and sealed off. But I’m guessing that’s not what you’re asking. We have unused space in cargo bays one and two, we could modify one of them as an additional lab for longer term studies, but we also want to have that at the species discretion.”
Roman smiled. "Ah yes and does the modular lab system only work in this space?" He asked as he'd see if he could makeshift a temporary version that they could use in the cargobays one and two just in those emergency situations or for the longer studies the Captain mentioned.
“This Goodwill tour serves as more than a symbolic ass kissing, Roman, it’s also our unofficial shakedown cruise. Once we return to the Praetor’s Tower, I’ll have the Corps of Engineers completing one project, but ready to switch out modules. I’m assigning deck seven as our science deck, sections 1-10. We can arrange other homes for the departments listed there now.”
"An entire deck, that's amazing." Roman blinked. "Praetor's Tower," he laughed. "That does sound right, leaders do like to name things after themselves," he smiled. "How long is the tour sir?"
“As long as you like, Roman. The engine room is up and very small. The sickbay is down and one day, we’ll head into the dungeon and meet the crew and our oceanic colleagues there. I’m sure you know we’re working with whales and dolphins, along with some of our less common friends, like octopi.”
Roman smirked and chuckled. "Sorry I should have been more specific, I meant the Goodwill one but yes I look forward to meeting our Oceanic colleagues."
“Ah!” Max responded, suddenly feeling stupid. “You”ll get the 'Making the Captain Feel Stupid' award after the tour.
“The Goodwill Tour is actually a two pronged mission. First, it’s meant to last six weeks. It gives the ship and sciences crew an opportunity to work in multiple new environments as well as making decisions on what changes need to be made.
“Second, it’s a chance for the command crew to make a good impression on the Senators of each city state. Our overall goal to reunite the government properly and get rid of the city states..”
The Romulan seemed to stand prouder though not taller at that second objective of their presence on Amphitrite. "An admirable purpose to be sure Captain. Hopefully the Romulans have come to the conclusion that their old ways no longer serve them in this era and they won't be resistant to your efforts. I'll help however I can sir." He smiled.
"I'll be sure to detail the Seabase's scientific performance for the next six weeks sir. Shall we move on or do you have to get ready for your meeting with the Senator? I can request help from a crew member I encounter." Roman added after a moment's passing.
“Let me introduce you to Lieutenant Declan, he can help you get settled in, get you passed through security, and lead you to the Quartermaster for quarters,” Max said, leading the way to the cargo bay in which Declan was meant to be taking an inventory.
"Thank you," Roman replied and the two found the Lieutenant. Roman saw that Declan was a Vulcan. He hung back a step or two to allow the Captain and the Lieutenant to converse first.
Lieutenant Declan had a large PaDD in one hand and standing behind a container with the lid off and on top of another container beside him. He had his free hand inside the open container shifting things around as he glanced between the PaDD and the container's interior.
So far, he had checked off everything that they should have but he still had many more containers to inspect. Declan looked up just in time to see Captain Culver closing the distance between them, and another man, immediately he saw the Romulan forehead ridging and memorial tattoos. Perhaps a guest from Golden Towers, Declan wondered.
“Lieutenant Declan,” Max said, echoing in the large bay. “I want you to meet Director of Sciences, Doctor Roman s’Lovok. He’s hoping you can show him around and bring him up to speed before we go to the tide pools tomorrow.”
A new crew member, Declan mused. He nodded slightly. "Yes sir."
“Gentlemen, I’ll leave you to get your work done. I’ll see you both on the beach in the morning!” Max turned and was almost double timing out of the bay. He still had to prepare for the Senator’s dinner…