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Introductions and Invitations

Posted on Tue Jan 3rd, 2023 @ 11:57am by Captain Maxwell Culver & Lieutenant Aurora House of Kor & Lieutenant S'Tera & Director Roman s'Lovok PhD & Colonel Galen s'Khev

1,717 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission One: Goodwill Tour [Part One]
Location: Romulan City State: Golden Towers
Timeline: MD5: 1000 hours

Triton Seabase had made her first successful dock at the city of Golden Towers. As with Triton Tower, this architectural marvel was attached to land via a small road way. An outer circle protected the submerged inner circle, its primary habitation area. The three golden towers reflected the green jungle of the land from some directions and the teal blue water from others.

At the aft deck, Max climbed down the ladder and onto the solid ground. He had mixed feelings about being in the Romulan city after ingesting a Romulan neurotoxin, but the scientific jury was still out on the culprit.

As per usual, when exposed to the humidity of the planet, Max wore only a short sleeved black tunic with red piping on the collar, chest and sleeves. His rank pips were pronounced against the black shirt.

Aurora stepped off the last rung and took a deep breath. "Sure feels good to be breathing fresh air again...not that the ship's air's bad but...there I go again," Aurora giggled as the soft breeze ruffled her blue short-sleeved uniform and black pants. The sun and wind felt good and reminded Aurora of home.

S'tera exited the station. This was her first time here and she was excited. So many things to see. Hopefully she would get to see a good bit of them! Her tail flicked back and forth as her eyes shone with excitement.

It was a glorious day to say the least and Roman s'Lovok was materializing back in the marketplace once again. The 'unstable', as Spirokris has begun calling his crew as a whole over the years, though on occasion 'unicorns' has been used, had returned to the ship for the night. Roman was alone however and made his way around the various stalls with what Gold Pressed Latinum he granted himself for the day out of his pay so far.

Soon he had a few trinkets and some snacks as he walked around the ground level of the citystate of Golden Towers. It seemed odd that as Roman carried on exploring, none of his people approached him on their own, he wasn't sure why but he’d been separate from his people long enough that he didn't really care.

Max approached the dignitaries, which had drawn quite a gathering and crowd interest. The obvious Senator, dressed in his finest, approached the captain and his crew. “Jolan Tru, Captain Culver. We are pleased to welcome you to our proud city!” The Senator had an easy smile and a welcome handshake.

“I would enjoy if you and your crew joined me for dinner tonight in our grand hall.”

Max could sense the man as gray, much like his Executive Office felt to him, but there was a warmth and truth to his words that Max could read.

“We would be delighted, Senator V’trel. In the meantime, would you mind if my science teams began their studies here. We do plan on staying a few days and the data would be invaluable to them, I’m sure. In fact, I might like to join them.”

“Of course, Captain. Our waters are warm and our sun is inviting. We expect excellent weather through the next week and we would be delighted to have you as long as you’d like to stay.”

Roman spotted the Starfleeters talking to an elder and realised that they must have arrived on that seafaring ‘thing’ their freighter flew over a day ago. He was excited to learn more about it and so he made his way over but held back while there was discussion.

He didn’t want to disrupt the Starfleet group or by the look of the elder, had to be a city official. Roman observed and waited, though while he glanced over at the every so often he reviewed his purchases.

“Thank you,” Max replied, excited by the idea of joining his crew. For now, he would simply nod in the direction of S’tera and Ensign Aurora. He was in awe of both his biologists, one a felinoid, the other an Aquadian/Klingon hybrid. Permission for them to get to work.

“I’d be honored to introduce you to my Executive Officer and Security/Tactical Officer. Colonel s’Khev and Commander Paxidor.”

Galen stood with the group wearing the uniform of the Romulan Imperial Navy. He still refused to put on a Starfleet uniform, especially for an occasion like this. "Jolan Tru Senator." Galen said with a slight bow of his head. This was deference to the position V'trel held. Despite being the XO of the station Galen was still a Romulan citizen and would respect the rites that his people have.

“It would please me to be your host at dinner tonight as well. You are our greatest example of peace and cooperation on this project. Your delicate diplomacy is an example of our commitment to the Federation toward a peaceful resolution of our current circumstance.” The Senator spread his hands wide, as if to show his openness.

Seeing this gesture, Max spread his hands and bowed slightly toward the Senator and his entourage.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Senator. I hope your stay with us is one of insight and intrigue. I would also like to thank you for making the security arrangements as easy as possible for your stay here. As for dinner I would be more than happy to dine with you." Vianola replied.

The Senator opened his hands toward the Second Officer. “Shall we say 1900 hours? Ah,” he exclaimed as an afterthought occurred to him. “My office will send you the time adjustments. Thank you, Captain. It seems you are learning the ways of Romulans quickly. I can only guess this is the work of an excellent Executive Officer and representative of the Romulan Imperial Navy.

“I look forward to dining with you this evening.”

With that, the Senator turned and headed back to his office in one of the high towers. His regal robes flowed longe behind him and he seemed to hover, not walk, across the plascrete walkway.

Aurora froze as the dignitary walked over, then relaxed as Captain Culver spoke with him, nodding in acknowledgment when he mentioned her and S'Tera's names. "Whew, I so hate talking to important people! Give me marine animals any day! Er...I mean...huff, I'm sorry, S'Tera. I didn't mean you guys...I meant none crew," Aurora dropped her head sheepishly. [Dang, I have GOT to spend more time around humans!] Aurora thought to herself.

S'tera laughed . "Aurora, relax! I know what you meant. Take it easy. Noone is going to bite you! You're fine!" she said with a smile. Poor kid. She was so nervous! Well, hopefully S'tera could fix that! After all, that's what friends were for.

Aurora smiled gratefully and looked around, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of Golden Towers.

"C'mon Aurora. Let's get to work I kinda think that was what ol' Mad max was trying to indicate there. Notice he didn't really introduce us? I guess we really don't rate that high on the social scale there. Ahhh, just as well. Who needs all that pomp and circumstance." S'tera said.

"No kidding! who wants to be inside on a day like this?" Aurora grinned as she started walking down the first sidewalk she found, noting which direction lead back to Triton incase they had to make a fast return.

“C’mon Aurora! Let's see what there is to see. This place looks spectacular!" S'tera said to her friend.

"Yeah!" Aurora squealed excitedly almost running off before she remembered that she was traveling with a friend and not solo exploring like she did as a child.

It seemed that the meeting was over so Roman smiled as he approached the Starfleeter leader. He momentarily eyed the other Romulan and Blonde haired woman before he closed the remaining distance.

"Hello Starfleet, you arrived on that Seafarer?" Roman asked with a smile.

Max turned to the stranger. “That’s called Triton Seabase, and yes, we arrived on the base. I’m Captain Culver,” Max said, introducing himself to the Romulan. He didn’t expect to be approached by any Romulans while in the city. He expected they would avoid Starfleet.

“Is there something I can help you with?” he asked. Nodding toward Galen and Vi, he dismissed them to enjoy some shore leave.

Vi took the nod as it was intended and quickly shot off to take up some sun on her rather pale skin. Sometimes she was more akin to the Irish people of Earth than she cared for.

Not one for social interaction Galen did not have to be told twice. As soon as the signal was given he tapped his comm badge and transported directly to his quarters in Triton Tower.

“My apologies Captain, Triton Seabase,” Roman tested the name and smiled again. He watched the blonde woman rush off for a moment and then turned back to Max. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything?”

“Just shore leave,” Max answered with a smile. “The crew is just getting used to five days on a smaller vessel,” Max explained.

Skipping ahead, Max asked, “What can I do for you, Mister?”

"Roman s'Lovok, Captain, I'd like a job on Triton Seabase?" He asked with a grin.

“You’d like a job?” Max asked with some incredulity. “Do you happen to have any qualifications?”

"I had a Daystrom Institute sponsored apprenticeship in Oceanographic and Planetary Operations, as well as Xeno studies for 8 years, it ended up with a Doctorate in the same just before the Dominion War," Roman explained. He grinned, "I was part of the Atlantis project on Earth, which is near completion at this time."

“Okay Mister s’Lovok, why don’t we head aboard the base and look at your history with Daystrom. Of what you say is true, I’ll have a position for you."

Roman nodded. "Of course, captain," he said grinning as he was excited to see the interior of the Seabase.

Max tapped his comm badge. “Triton Seabase, two for transport. It would be easier to transport aboard than fight the debarking crew on the ladder.


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