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Not That Tired

Posted on Wed May 22nd, 2024 @ 9:14pm by Fleet Captain Maxwell Culver & Commander Rylen Lyo

992 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Fall of the House of Lyo
Location: House of Lyo
Timeline: MD9: 2300 hours

Max had had enough of the formal attire as soon as he hit the bedroom. He shed the ridiculous epaulets and pins and medals for a cotton t-shirt and fresh underwear - laid out on an expensive looking chest of drawers. He stepped into the shower, exalting in the hot water that poured like a rainforest downpour. It was glorious after so many days of ionized particulate showers. He wasn’t a fan of sonic showers.

Despite the sheer exhaustion, Max probably overstayed his time in the hot water, stretching his shoulders and arching his back. When he had finished, he turned the water off and dried himself, mostly in the shower so as not to track water into the bedroom.

Walking out of the bathroom, he was more than surprised to see Rylen sitting on his bed. Max knelt, carefully as to not be indecent, before saying, “Your Lordship.”

Rylen Lyo leaned back, unfastening the top button of his formal tunic. He was not expected…or was he? He could tell he was being thought about, and not necessarily in a professional manner.

“Sheets of top-grade Tholian silk,” he said, running his hand dramatically over the top surface of the bed. “A comforter, made from hand-spun Xyrillian cotton. The finest that latinum can buy.” He stood slowly, deliberately. “In most of the galaxy, especially out here on the fringes of civilized space…latinum is power. And I have so much of both. From the second my brother and father died, my life has been about what I must do.” The Kriosian sighed heavily. “Nobody seems to care about what I want to do.”

Max could sense the grief and disappointment radiating from Rylen. Max stood and sauntered to the bed. Laying down beside Rylen, Max reached out and pulled open another button on the formal shirt. “That’s better,” he purred, the tension mounting between them. “What would you want to do, Your Lordship?”

Max was wearing next to nothing, but Rylen seemed like he was more exposed than Max.

“Stay in bed and eat Ktarian Chocolate puffs all day,” Lyo teased. “Or, I could just look at you…since you are by far the most dazzling thing in this room full of gems and latinum.”

Max rested his hand on the skin at Rylen’s chest and neck. He delved deeper than he’d done before. Felt the grief, the pain and indignation. Just past that was the Royal duty, the ability to shut down those emotions. And just a bit further down, the intensity of desire that seemed on the edge of exploding.

’Do you trust me?’ Max asked from his mind to Rylen’s. ’No words,’ Max added. The mouth could lie, but the mind thought what the mouth filtered.

'As much as I can trust anybody,' Rylen responded through the growing empathic connection.

Max nodded. ’Then it is time to let go. Let yourself be consumed. You may want Katarian chocolate puffs, but you need so much more.’

Max leaned down into a passionate kiss. Externally, he could feel Rylen’s lips match his, but in his mind the fire roared with intensity. Max had Rylen’s shirt off quickly before he pulled Lord Lyo completely onto the bed.

’Let your guard down, Rylen,’ Max said as he let the flames consume them both in the mindscape. ’We both know what this means and we both accept it.’

Max paused their passionate kissing long enough to reach down to Rylen’s pants. He would be happy to indulge the Lord of the House, but only so long as Rylen agreed. If so, he and Max would bond in a permanent fashion, both mentally and physically. Something Max was ready to do.

I…’ said Rylen breathlessly. Before he could construct another thought, Rylen Lyo felt psychic barriers fall in his mind like a house made of straw would be consumed by a hurricane force wind, opening his body and psyche to the extraordinary intimate and somewhat terrifying finiis’raal bonding process. Even if he had not been ready mentally, Rylen’s physiology had said This is happening in no uncertain terms. So Rylen spoke, his voice shaking. “I am ready, Max.”

Max was momentarily surprised. He and Rylen were growing closer each day since their departure from Kaitos. Their shared trauma of world changing disasters and the finiis’rall had seared between them since that first time their lips met.

Max was much more relaxed this time as he kissed Rylen. Suddenly, they were both consumed in the metaconscious, a raging fire of skin against skin. As the clothing fell away - along with the barely held in place towel - both were as naked as the day they were born.

Unable to hold himself back, Max reached out into the raging fire and found Rylen at the center, looking much the same as he did on the physical plane. Max crawled on top of Rylen and thought, ’Command me, Your Lordship! I am now, and will forever be your bonded mate.’.

As Rylen reached out his hand, the pair engaged in a life and mind altering event. Perhaps, as with none before -except maybe Vger - the two became one in the mindscape and neither could tell where one began and the other left off. Even the pon farr was a pale comparison of lovemaking.

And somewhere - in the mindscape - a power was shared. Unknowingly, Max’s mind had given Rylen a beginning like his had been given. A slow awakening to all that wasn’t tethered to the universe.

A power not unlike the Gods of past, renewed through them and heard by the watcher in the dark.


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