Where In the World is Dani Martinez?
Posted on Tue Apr 9th, 2024 @ 2:58pm by Daniel Martinez
Edited on on Tue Apr 9th, 2024 @ 3:58pm
338 words; about a 2 minute read
Short Treks
Location: A’ransari, Kaitos
Timeline: MD4: 1100 hours
Dani woke up and stretched his arms wide while looking out over a lavender sky. ’Kaitos,’ he thought, but then wondered why he was here. Memory flooded into him, the Romulans using something called the Genesis Device, the indigenous people rising up and ripping the ocean from the planet to be moved somewhere else. They had all fled elsewhere and he had found Kaitos.
The weather was gentle, the Kaitosians were nice enough, but it all seemed wrong. There was no need for a grand hotel here. He was staying in their best hotel, hanging high over the capital city like a jewel in the sky. He had wasted enough time. It was time to go home and seek out the next opportunity for their business.
Skipping the morning news, he sought the fastest travel back to Earth. To his luck, a small transport was directly Earth bound later in the day. Enough time to clean himself up, check out, check his baggage at the terminal and have a late breakfast or lunch - whatever suited him at the time.
It wasn’t long before Dani was boarding the shuttle. He gave one look back, wondering what he was missing, before boarding the flight to Earth. Seven days in his stateroom, the only reason he was able to board so quickly was his family wealth.
Taking his shoes off at the door, he was surprised at how little a stateroom on this vessel bought; a sitting area, a bedroom and bath and not much more. ’At least it’s only one week,’ he thought. Some smaller ships took months making their rounds.
Dani settled down and watched the Federation News Network. He felt very ‘out of the loop’ as it was. And he still felt like something was missing. ’Oh well. I’ll remember it someday. Whatever it is, it can’t be that important.
Somewhere, tucked away in an expensive receptacle, like a genie in a bottle, a Q snickered.