A Problem Like Callan
Posted on Sat Mar 23rd, 2024 @ 2:45pm by Captain Maxwell Culver & Lieutenant Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr
1,081 words; about a 5 minute read
Location: USS Intrepid: Intel Office
Timeline: Interlude
Max and Lissa walked to her office and he settled down into the chair opposite her desk. The interesting intelligence gathering operations were kept behind locked doors that he tried not to have access to.
“So we have a problem here that’s got your feathers ruffled?” Max asked, trying to sound casual. He could feel her aura giving off red alert vibes.
"Yes. An officer came to see me the other day. Told me a rather unusual story. Lieutenant Armidale?" Lissa started.
“Callan…” Max answered and gave pause. “Still looking for his boyfriend. Starfleet Maximum Security Prison, or more easily known as StAX.” Max held up the same device as Callan used to block conversations, but any good communications officer would be damned to ignore missing time periods in different areas of the ship - now across two ships. Part of me wants to tell him StAX was abandoned long before Hobus exploded. Long before its effects would have been felt there a few years ago now. The other part wants me to let him hold onto his hope.” Max realized he’d just exposited all over her office.
"So, Starfleet hasn't told him where his husband it?" Lissa asked. "Because he wants to steal a ship and try to find him, and he asked me to go with him."
“He’s been on this tangent for three years, since the day Jonah was imprisoned for treason. Starfleet doesn’t like keeping them separated…wait, husband? There’s no evidence they ever got married,” Max questioned.
’Married? Why wouldn’t that be on their records?’ Max wondered. It might not make a difference with a case as serious as treason, but then again, it might make all the difference.
Lissa thought for a moment as she replayed their conversation. "He said 'til death do us part.'" Lissa recalled. "But he may not have used the term married. I'm sorry, I might have been drawing a conclusion. I suppose if he was jamming our communication there is no way to go back and be certain."
“Maybe not,” Max agreed. “But even the best data wipe would still leave gaps. If there was a wedding, there would be living people who attended the wedding. Parents, friends, photographers? Most couples like to record their vows, that kind of thing,” Max talked aloud.
“Do you think you could link some people to their wedding? Maybe Callan has his parents or siblings, I don’t know?” Max asked of Lissa. “I can start a deep dive into Federation records and the proof, or lack of, to their wedding. One way or another, if they’re married it may make a big difference. To them both,” Max concluded.
"I can certainly try," Lissa nodded. "Why wouldn't we ask him ourselves? Also... he's very insistent that he's tried every avenue, knocked on every door. That if he doesn't somehow get to Jonah and break him out of this non-existent prison that the Federation is going to have him killed for trying to whistleblow some cover-up. Every reasonable alternative I tried to offer, he shut down, over and over."
“Lissa, you know as well as I do that Section 31 isn’t a bogeyman story. There’s a real threat, maybe bigger than either of us could even imagine without oversight or control. It’s possible Callan’s…whatever would be killed by them at any point.”
“Either way, whether it’s Starfleet Intelligence or Section 31, or neither, we should find out. Are they married, first? Can we prove it, second? Finally, can we do anything about this?”
Max had just fired off question after question without easy answers. He’d also continued his exposition to line her office with.
"I'll look into whatever you want me to, Captain. If there was a wedding, wouldn't Callan want to tell us? Give us proof. I don't know if he would buy it, but since he's already come to me, I could pitch it as we might be able to at least get you a conversation so you can see he's ok," Lissa suggested. "I'm just spit-balling here. "If we're going on a deep dive, there's already a lot of weeds to sort through." Lissa lowered her voice, "The only thing that makes Intel any easier to deal with is that we know where they are. Neither Intel nor Section 31 draws any lines at ethical boundaries, and each one would use the other without a second thought."
“Start with the families,” Max answered. “Two trained Intelligence officers with years to cover their digital tracks…no, I think the real people are the ones to start with. While you’re at it, try to make it sound like you were there, but keep it vague. Maybe ask why you can’t find the photos? Act like you really don’t know. They can’t have erased the memories of the guests,” Max finished, hoping he wasn’t wrong. “Doesn’t Cal have a talkative sister? Like, really talkative?” Max suggested. “Have a go with her first.”
"If you want me to go on a deep dive, perhaps a cover story for me to leave the Intrepid for a few months is in order," Lissa suggested. "A family emergency on Orion, where I'll easily be able to get a new look before I start talking to people who know Callan. Someone who might have blended in more at this potential wedding."
Max thought for a short time on this. “It’s actually not a bad idea. I’m authorizing the mission as soon as you’re out the door. You can book passage back to Orion through any of the outbound civilian flights out of Kaitos One.” Max offered his hand. “Good luck and, more importantly, stay safe. There may be bigger players at work here.”
"Thank you for that, Captain, but this isn't my first time out in the field. I'll be sure to watch my back though. Don't worry about me," Lissa responded with seriousness. "If I can find a way to keep you updated I will. But as you know, it may be difficult at times."
“I’ll be watching for those communications, Lieutenant, but I don’t necessarily expect them. The only thing that I expect is your eventual return. Until then, Lieutenant Kerr, good luck!”
Max watched the Orion depart, having the worst feeling it might be the last time he will see her.