Party Vibes [Back Post]
Posted on Thu Dec 29th, 2022 @ 3:16pm by Captain Maxwell Culver & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell & Xavier X-1 & Colonel Galen s'Khev
3,262 words; about a 16 minute read
Short Treks
Location: Triton Colony: Captain Culver’s House
Timeline: After No Time Like the Present: 1800 hours
Max set out a fourth platter of meats, cheeses, and fruits from throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The doors to his house were opened, not just in front of the house, but from the pool area as well. A shield was up, but it wasn’t for protection from the Romulans, but the insects and other nighttime wildlife from coming in.
The house was enormous, opulent, and far more than anything Max would ever need. Bearing in mind Terran decoration, the Romulans had restored the eight-bedroom house complete with a personal pool, hot tub, and guest house. But the Romulans insisted, based on his rank, he deserved such opulence.
Perhaps the greatest thing that Galen hated about working with Starfleet so far was the insipid parties. However, this was one being thrown by the Captain and so duty dictated that he had to attend. He donned a nice linen tunic and dark-lined pants. The tunic was blue and gold and chequered in the Romulan fashion. He made his way to the Captain's home and walked in the open door. It was at that moment that he was horrified to learn he was the first to arrive, right on time.
Vi could see the Romulan XO, Galen, hesitating slightly as he began his walk through the door of the large house that Max now called home. The hesitation was barely noticeable, but Vianola liked to think she noted subtle changes in behaviour. "Thinking about skipping the party?" she asked him in a little Irish lilt.
Vianola wore a sleek, body-hugging white satin dress with a split down one leg. She also held a clutch bag in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. "We can pretend we had a security emergency. I'm sure I can set off an alert somewhere..."
“Too late,” Max responded. The charcuterie board was in place now. He’d been coming down the stairs when the announcement alarm indicated he had guests. He practically ran down the stairs to greet them.
As the Captain spoke Galen glanced at Vi with a look of thanks, and if one looked closely a smile even cracked across his lips.
Galen appeared to be Galen, except he had changed his shirt and pants. Vianola, on the other hand, was dressed to the nines, as the Terran idiom went. Max was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt to accent his tan and his pants were a very light blue. He wore no shoes or socks. “You came to the party, you’ve both got to stay at least thirty minutes, it’s a polite gesture,” he explained to them.
Galen huffed out his cheeks and presented a clear hand-blown glass bottle. The bottle was filled with a thick light blue liquid. It bore no label. "I have been told that it is poor taste on Earth to come to someone's home empty-handed. What's more, is that it is Romulan custom to present your Commanding Officer with a gift on the eve of a mission. So I would like to give you this bottle of Romulan Ale. This is one of five bottles of the 2387 vintage in my possession, it is the last vintage made on Romulus." He held the bottle out toward Culver.
Max took the offering. “Thank you, Galen,” Max responded. He held the bottle gently. “I will have to save this for a special occasion. Such a rare vintage would go to waste at a party like this,” Max added.
Evelyn slipped on her shoes as she approached Max’s house. Walking barefoot through the sand at night seemed like the better option to avoid falling in a dress that only came just above her knee. Her sleeveless dress was a lavender color with a subtle floral pattern that complimented her olive complexion. Despite her better judgment, she knew the party was meant to be casual so she decided to wear her hair down and loose.
With a container of macarons, a recipe that Remy’s mother had shown her to how to replicate, she approached Max, a Romulan and a young blond woman. “I know for a fact not all Romulans are so ornery.” She said to the Romulan before handing Max the container. “Macarons made with Katarian pudding, as a thank you for the invite,” she explained.
Max took the other offering and placed them on the main dining room table. He smiled broadly. “Both for bringing yourself and the macarons.” Realizing everyone was barely inside the house, he invited, “Come in everyone, there’s more than enough room.” That was a bit of an understatement.
Evelyn turned to the young, blonde woman and smiled, offering her hand. “Hi, I’m Evelyn. I’m the helm officer of the Triton,” offering the introduction warmly.
"Vianola." She bowed slightly as the woman introduced herself. "I keep us safe from all that goes bump in the night." she smiled.
Stewart turned her attention to the Romulan. “And I understand you are the Romulan assigned to our base,” she said respectfully if guarded. She nodded in acknowledgment, knowing Romulans were not a fan of the human gesture. “I’m Lieutenant Stewart, as I said, I’m assigned as chief helm officer. A pleasure, sir.”, her tone was polite and almost genuinely respectful.
Finally one who shows some respect. Galen thought. "Jolan Tru Lieutenant! Yes, I have been assigned as Executive Officer. I believe the idea is that I can help guide the Captain through the intricacies of Romulan society. Are you ready to navigate the waters?"
Stewart looked at the man and considered his question. “It’s a lot different than piloting and navigating through space. The variables are different, the differences in mass, trajectory, speed, gravity, and even spatial and dimensional awareness. These are all things that need to be adjusted and compensated for. But as long as one is mindful of them, then there are no problems,” she said hoping to instill a sense of confidence in the Colonel.
Galen nodded and sipped his beverage. He was slightly impressed by her knowledge. "May I ask what if you need to steer the old-fashioned way? Hypothetically speaking of course. If all the systems went down and you had to navigate without them?"
Stewart listened to the man as she poured herself a healthy glass of Romulan ale. She considered his question carefully before she spoke.
“Navigating the water, space, they all use the same basic fundamentals. Everything we, as humans, know about space travel and navigation can trace its direct roots to navigation of the sea. So if you are asking me am I confident I could steer and navigate the base with no instruments, absolutely.”, Evelyn said with conviction, looking at the Colonel, almost challenging him to doubt her abilities as she stood her ground when it came to her skills.
Whether the Lieutenant knew it or not Romulans found people who stood their ground and took pride in their accomplishments to be endearing and worthy of friendship. So, Galen gave the woman a rare smile. "Let us hope that we will never have to push your skills to the limit, shall we."
Stewart’s small smile matched his and she simply nodded in quiet agreement, gesturing so to him in respect with her glass before taking a long sip.
Rena was still unused to the flamboyancy and maybe flippancy that her CO operated with. She was truly Starfleet-by the book, regimented. She *could* have fun. But only fun if it wasn't so...personal. Still, she knew she'd better at least put in an appearance, though she'd rather be sitting in her room, watching an entertaining hologram, and eating popcorn. Popcorn! Crap! She ran back into her bungalow and grabbed the giant bowl of popcorn she was bringing. It had taken her four rounds with the replicator to get so much but some things couldn't be helped. She was otherwise crap at cooking, and most of her meals were snacks.
She was dressed today in a casual but pretty outfit of flowing, white linen pants, matching white sandals, and a flowy blouse. Her black hair was back in a braid, black skin wore a little makeup but just enough. She slipped her readers into a bag, in case, and grabbed the purse and popcorn to head to the captain's place. After a moment-she lived just behind him-she was there, letting herself in with a soft greeting.
"Hello. I brought...popcorn.."
"Sweet, salted, caramel?" Vi interjected as her ears perked up to the sound of popcorn being mentioned.
Xavier had helped himself to some of the appetizers. Technically, he didn't need to eat, but he did have tastebuds or at least a synthetic version of them, and the taste of the paste he needed was bland at best. So, he enjoyed trying new things.
He was wearing a pair of black slacks and a teal, long-sleeved shirt with a mandarin collar. He was still pale of course, but when examining his image in the mirror that morning, he thought he might be getting the traces of a tan.
The house was incredibly beautiful and amazing without a doubt. It reminded him, that he wanted to leave the ship and find a home for himself. If it was good enough for humanoids, it was good enough for him.
Rena looked up at Vi, the mission CSTO. "Just salted." She hadn't thought about making other kinds, but that would've been nice!! Next time. "Help yourself," Rena said, extending the bowl to the woman. She paused before heading to put the bowl on a table where other food was, and make rounds. She turned to Xavier. "Hello again. What's good here?"
"Well," the android applied enthusiastically, the meatballs are quite tangy and delicious. And these little mini-grilled cheese things are sooooo good. You've got to try them."
"Oh, my favourites." Vi smiled in reference to the salted popcorn.
Rena smiled at Vi. "Enjoy!!" To the android, she nodded. "Thank you for the recommendation."
Max spotted a figure on the pool deck, lounging in one of the chairs. He slipped out of the house to see who had slipped by without a hello.
The bright lighting revealed his guest before Max reached him. His salt and pepper hair giving him away…along with Max’s quickened pulse. “Hello Jack,” Max said with amusement. “Antisocial on purpose or accident?”
Jack sat up and turned to see the homeowner standing just above him and blocked a bit by some tropical foliage. “Maybe on purpose, to draw you away from your crew. To have you to myself for a minute.” Jack gazed at Max in what could only be described as seductive.
Max’s heart sped up now. “Professional or personal?” Max asked, suddenly feeling like he wasn’t ready for the latter.
Jack stood up and approached Max, like an animal stalking its prey. He smiled and the lines at the corner of his eyes wrinkled. “I want you, Max, personally.”
Max couldn’t hide his shock and surprise. “Oh! Um…”
Jack walked past him, giving him two taps to his chest. “I hope you play better with the Romulans than you did here tonight. I don’t think they’ll fall for the, “I think someone just called me,” excuse, Maxy boy.”
Jack grabbed Max’s wrist and brought him back into the house. “I found something you guys lost,” he announced, their CO in hand and obviously embarrassed.
Xavier looked between his two mentors, his brain doing calculations about what was going on between them if anything. "I didn't know you were missing, Captain, is there anything you'd like us to know?"
Rena snorted but Vi beat her to the explanation. Interesting turn of events. She filled a plate and stood behind the others.
"He wasn't lost," Vi spoke with a soft tone. "I know where he is most of the time... that includes when he chooses to disappear to meet mysterious shadows in the dark." she smiled. It was no surprise to her about Jack. Vi had seen them interact back at the bar, and in some other instances to know an attraction was there. It was nice to see but not as subtle to her senses and ever watchful eye.
Max smiled as he wrenched his wrist out of Jack’s hand and tried to stop blushing. “Thank you, Vianola,” he said triumphantly. “Someone managed to sneak in. We need better security.” Max paused, a broad smile on his face. “That is not directed at Vi, but at whoever installed these shields.”
“There’s always a weakness to any shield system, Captain Max,” Jack answered wryly before looking directly at his “catch”. “And to any person, if you look long enough.”
Max couldn’t help the blush on his cheeks. “Okay! Let’s take this party outside. I hope you all brought your swimsuits,” Max proclaimed. “If not, you know where to find a replicator, or just come in as you like!”
In her little hider-hole behind the android and security woman, Rena processed Max's reaction to the Terran. Unluckily for the Captain, her memory was good and she would jot down these little tidbits for later, for future references in a session or two. She turned back again to the Android. "Is it possible for you to even go into water?" She was truly curious.
Xavier may not have ever been in a relationship, so he had no practical experience, but he was intuitive to know then that his suspicions had been correct. "Perhaps, the two of you should get a shuttle," he quipped.
After a bit of an angry glance at the android, Max continued outside. In the pool room, he changed into a pair of swim shorts.
Meanwhile, Jack moved toward the android. “That was not appropriate,” Jack warned. “I may be flirting with the captain, but I don’t get the feeling he’s flirting back. Scale back and be a little more discreet, Xavier.”
The android cocked his head and looked at his boss. "I am sorry. What you two do, or don't do is none of my business, though I would point out I think he may be more interested in you than he is letting on."
"I was just trying to make what you humans call a joke."
Jack looked at the android pityingly. “ No, I’m sorry. It was funny, just not at the captain’s expense in front of his crew, okay?”
Changing the topic, Jack asked, should we go swimming? I’m sure we can find some appropriate swimwear in the replicator.”
"Yes, I am sure we could, what do you think will look good on me?"
“If you want to attract attention, something small,” Jack answered as he pulled up a menu showing skimpy speedos. “I think this party is a bit too tame for that, so maybe some trunks,” Jack suggested. “Something in blue, to match your icy eyes.”
A swimming pool is where Galen knew he would take his exit from this party. He started for the door and for a moment was stopped by the view of the sky. It seemed that the Captain's home had the best view of the night sky. It was at this moment that he realized the second thing that he hated about this assignment. It was planet side Galen would much rather be out there on his ship.
Stewart smiled at the thought of everyone continuing to have fun. She was about to ask which replicator was free when she saw the Romulan’s frown and his skulking away. She had noticed the man indignant most of the night. When he hesitated on the patio, watching the stars, she decided it was time to take a break from the lively banter and get some air.
Evelyn glanced at Vianola and Rena, “I’m up for it if you are. I can’t be the only female in that pool,” she said playfully with a smile.
Rena shrugged. "I may wet my feet. I did dress in my suit under this outfit, so I am definitely game. I prefer swimming as exercise anyway." She was a little chubby but LOVED the water. "Come on, Commander. It'll be fun. You DO have fun, right?" The counselor asked, lightly teasing, but also serious. The last day to have this kind of silly, childlike fun before the serious work of setting up a new planetary base began.
Evelyn grinned at Rena’s response and turned her attention to Vianola. “Commander?” prompted, though her tone was more of a playful challenge.
Vianola looked down at her dress and smiled. "I don't have a bathing suit..." she literally only has underwear on. No bra, only pants as her dress was quite tight-fitting. "I'm afraid skinny dipping was not something I'd planned for."
Evelyn noticed the Colonel still lingered on the patio on the far side of the house. The expression on his face drew her attention. “I’ll be along in a minute. Go on ahead.” She said to the other women before making her way from the group to the patio on the far side.
There was one thing that the Captain's austentatious home was good for. That was stargazing. It did offer the best view of the sky and so Galen took advantage of that and was lost in thought. So lost in fact that he did not hear or notice Evelyn come out on the patio.
Max re-entered the house and started taking platters of sandwiches outside. Truth be told, the Romulan food was edible but tasteless. Most of it reminded him of tofu, both is taste and texture. It was no wonder they were a dour people, in general, based on their food choices alone. With few exceptions, Romulan ale being one of them, the food was unsatisfying to an El-Aurian palette.
Dropping platters onto the outdoor tables, he was glad of not having to worry about insects and lizards entering the complex due to the shield that protected the house. Except from vigilantes like Jack. Max wondered what he was going to do about the Rangers. It would be easier to accept them, with some ground rules than reject them and make enemies of their group.
It would also be easier if he wasn’t so infatuated with Jack. He kept telling himself that infatuation is a childish dream, but he wasn’t so sure.
A second trip inside caught Jack and Xavier talking quietly in the corner, probably about Xavier’s ill-timed joke at the expense of them both. He doubted the android felt embarrassed by it at all. “Gentlemen, joining us in the pool?”
"Yes, just deciding on what I should wear."
Max nodded as he grabbed some more of the food. “I have some drinks on ice outside, but if you wouldn’t mind carrying something out,” Max asked as he balanced two more platters on his way back out.
“Of course, Max,” Jack responded with a bit more reserve.
"I think I should probably avoid the speedo Jack, what do you think? Maybe go with those white trunks? Oh, and I'm sure I can carry anything that needs to be carried.
Jack nodded. “Let’s get our suits replicated, get changed and bring something outside with us as we go.” Jack indicated some of the open doors down the hallway. “I’m sure there are plenty of rooms down there to change.”