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Specific Updates to Your Orders

Posted on Wed Aug 16th, 2023 @ 11:18pm by Captain Maxwell Culver & Captain Lorut Vila & Admiral Albion
Edited on on Wed Aug 16th, 2023 @ 11:34pm

784 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Drastic Change
Location: Triton Seabase: Vila’s Quarters
Timeline: MD30: 1335 hours

The Caitian Anmiral sat back in his chair at Starbase 17. He let out a yawn that resounded in his new office. For moment, he was both pleased and surprised that he was able to still yawn. He supposed as much cybernetic Tiger as he was, he was still enough Caitian enough to continue small, life-affirming moments like yawning. He may have some days felt more Borg than Caitian, but perhaps a yawn could break that idea.

Still, Albion had to speak to Lorut Vila, Commander of the USS Intrepid, about her new counseling orders. Probably because she would scream at them for an hour before closing the channel.

Vila sat across from the Admiral, at the table that the Fleet decided would suffice as a dining table and briefing room-she never used it, so she didn't care-a steaming mug of coffee in front of her.

"What brings you here today, Admiral? Culver took a personal day, I don't know the details, which means I need to be on the Bridge in twenty-five minutes," her tone was cool but just slightly North of truly insubordinate. She wasn't super familiar with THIS Admiral, though he seemed to know plenty about HER.

Albion chuckled, a sound almost pleasant to the ears until one saw the body attached. “Nothing that will take up that much time, Commander. I’m sure you’re aware of Starfleet policy regarding those in your…” he paused as he considered the right word for his purpose, “state of physical and emotional loss?”

Vila blinked. "What do you mean? Are you ORDERING me to get counseling? You can't DO that!" She said, aghast. "I'd as soon resign my commission. It's the Fleet's fault, anyway. If you people responded faster to Bajor's requests for help more timely, we might not be here." She was highly annoyed, and upset. She knew she wasn't OK, but how dare he! Men and their absolute audacity.

“Commander,” Albion responded, no sense of humor in his voice now. “I’ll let you know we’ve ordered officers of higher rank to regular counseling.” He paused as he tipped his head. “This order comes down from Starfleet counseling based on more recent experiences than the Occupation. Now, you can follow the order and make it simple, or, you can ignore the order and risk your commission. Just be aware that IF you walk away now, there may not be an option to return to Starfleet duty. Don’t think you’re a special case, Commander.”

She gave him a look full of venom. She knew he was right. but she wasn't about to admit it. She'd go. She just sit there. If he was intent on wasting HER time, they could pay the Counselor to waste hers, too.

"Fine. Tell Campbell I'll be there," she said. "Anything else?"

“You already have an appointment scheduled for the day after launch. 1330 hours should accommodate your work and lunch schedule. I’ll advance the time to Captain Culver so he knows not to expect you immediately after your lunch period.

“Counselor Campbell will be sending me monthly reports on your meetings. If you show progress, the meetings may come to an end, Commander. However,” he huffed a large breath out through distended nostrils. “If you waste your time, and more importantly, her time…well, you may find an extension of time added on or an increased frequency of visits - or both.” Again, the admiral left no room for argument.

“Try not to see this as something to get through, Commander, just to get back to your duties. Try to see this as time dedicated to sorting your complex feelings.” ’Jesus,’ the felinoid repeated a human term. ’I’m starting to sound like my counselor. A cat in a tin can ordering someone else to counseling. What will they think of next?’

She shrugged. "I have no feelings to sort, but I'll be there," she said. At least it's a free hour of time she didn't have to work. Silver linings everywhere. And at least the Counselor didn't seem the type to care MUCH about protocols-she could fuck around for awhile.

“Very well,” Admiral Albion responded. “The counselor will send me a log of your time with her, not the content of your conversations, just a log that you’re complying with orders. I would remind you again to take advantage of the opportunity this present, Commander Lorut. Albion out.”

With that, the holoscreen deactivated and the table appeared to be a table again.

She sighed deeply, and threw the coffee cup she was holding against the wall. It landed with a *thunk* into the recycler. "Damn."


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