
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Mon Jan 8th, 2024 @ 11:42am

Admiral Albion

Name Albion

Position Special Guest Star

Rank Admiral

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Caitain
Age 79

Physical Appearance

Height 6’ 6”
Weight 260 lbs
Hair Color White and black spotted
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Albion stands tall, a strong warrior who came out of the Dominion War even stronger. It was years before he accepted an ocular replacement for the eye he lost in the war, but he could not live without the cybernetic enhancements to his face and body.

Albion has the appearance of a Siberian Tiger standing on two legs. Humans used to joke that is cats had opposable thumbs, they would conquer the universe, Albion thinks that - through the Federation- Caitians can take their place to bring peace to the universe.


Personality & Traits