Title 29; Section 14
Posted on Mon Jan 2nd, 2023 @ 11:30pm by Captain Maxwell Culver
Edited on on Tue Jan 17th, 2023 @ 3:11am
215 words; about a 1 minute read
Mission One: Goodwill Tour [Part One]
Location: Zodiac Fleet: Task Group Ancile
Timeline: MD1: 0800 hours
Captain Shon watched as Triton Seabase was launched to much fanfare. He had met Captain Maxwell Culver and to say he was surprised would be an understatement. The Vulcan stood from his command chair.
“We have a task to complete,” the Vulcan told his crew. “Liaise with the rest of the fleet, Ops, and then initiate.”
The task was quickly completed, sending two Ascension class, three Insignia class starships and four California class starships hurtling into orbit.
A small army of workbees launched out of the Ascension classes while the Insignia class starships dropped wedges from their saucer sections. The California class starships tractored each wedge into place.
As quickly as they arrived, the Insignia class starships warped out of orbit. They’re saucer sections missing.
The army of workbees set to task as each of the saucer wedges were unpacked and, with the help of replicated parts beaming in from the California classes, each took shape as a Cerberus class defense platform.
Within two hours, the fleet left orbit of the Romulan planet. Nearly two dozen Cerberus class defense platforms now orbited the planet with two of the larger Hell Hound class platforms at each pole.
Finally, with the activation of the last platform, Captain Shon set course out of the system.