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Ulu Hida's Tavern

Posted on Tue Aug 6th, 2024 @ 3:23pm by Commander Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Commander Frasier Greene

5,378 words; about a 27 minute read

Mission: Short Treks
Location: Ulu Hida's Tavern
Timeline: SL-4

Vila had agreed to see Fraiser again. She'd had a good time the last time, and she wasn't doing anything, anyway. Tonight's dinner was more casual than the last-at a tavern owned by a local that promised "gastronomic delights" but that, to Vila, looked suspiciously like Earth's pub food.

She was wearing tight jeans today, and a pretty floral blouse. She'd taken a bit more time with her hair and makeup and she thought she looked pretty nice, all things considered. This time, they were going to arrive together, and so Vila stood around the lobby of the hotel where they were all staying, waiting. She was early, so she wasn't stressed.

After being in the heart of the disaster in A’ransari Frasier Greene was in desperate need of relief to ward off the cries and scene that returned to his weary thoughts. Agreeing to dine with Vila couldn't have come at better time - though trying to keep work details off the table was going to be hard considering the shared experience.

Thankful his mood was buoyant as he readied himself for their date, his lips twitched at the memory of the previous one ending delightfully in a kiss or two. He hoped they could repeat that again tonight as he dabbed some cologne onto his smooth cheek having given his beard a trim.

Threading his arms into a fresh powder blue shirt he nimbly fixed the buttons and tightened the belt on his khaki chinos before checking the time. "Shoot," he hissed noting that once again he was running behind and dashed for the lobby.

"Hey," Frasier greeted her a short while later. "Sorry I'm late. You look amazing, the uniform doesn't do you justice."

Vila smiled. "It's Ok," she said. "You look nice, too," she said. "The tavern is close. I thought we could just walk," she said. She, too, needed a distraction from the happenings of the night and day before. Things had settled a bit, but Command AND FOP were up her ass, and she was unused to having to do diplomatic stuff-it wasn't her strongest suit, and she was kind of leaning hard on the rest of the crew.

"How was the remainder of your day? I will try to keep work out of things, but..." She trailed off. She did truly care about how he was.

"Sure thing, the walk would be great," he nodded. "My day has been like yours no doubt, busy and taxing. Though I did sleep a bit this afternoon surprisingly."

Vila nodded, and then headed in the direction of the restaurant. "I see," she said. "I have not yet had time to sleep," she said. She'd been going non-stop since the explosion. "How are the patients? Did more people make it?" She hoped so. The initial SitRep was bleak. "At least tonight, the other ships' Security teams will be patrolling so I can sleep a bit," she said. Indeed, the tavern wasn't far, and they arrived there in due time.

Frasier face betrayed how he felt as she spoke eluding to her lack of sleep and interest in the wounded. "Things are still a bit touch and go," he sighed heavily. "We've done the best we can, you did admirably considering what we were against. I hope you can unwind and sleep tonight. Failing that there's a museum in the next block - that might help you feel sleepy. Warm, quiet, cosy and depending on the artefacts a touch on the dull side. "

Vila smiled lightly. "I think so," she said. "And that's good news. There's going to be a lot of explanations to do coming up, and I am not looking forward to it. Namely, who did this, and how and why?" She sighed. They settled in at a booth. "My sleep has, admittedly, been a bit worse since I stopped drinking. I think it's because my brain is" She didn't know. It could be that the pain she'd numbed away was more present, as well.

"That's understandable," Frasier nodded to acknowledge her efforts to improve her wellbeing. "Have you thought about introducing a relaxation technique? Incorporating a routine in your evening may aid to relaxing that active mind of yours and encourage sleeping. I can send you some details when we're back on the ship later if you'd like."

Vila shook her head. "I have tried before. It's...hard for me to suspend disbelief in things like that," she admitted. Finally, a waiter appeared, and orders were placed-an iced Jumja tea for her with a burger and fries. "But...sure. Send it over," she said. "I will try it. No promises, though," she said.

Ordering himself an extra cheesy pizza with a side of nachos and lemon soda with ice Frasier smiled. "It takes practice," he continued once the waiter had departed. "Controlled breathing, mediation if you will may help, but everyone is different." he shrugged. "Me, for example when I'm struggling to sleep and can't settle get up again and occupy myself until I'm literally falling asleep." He explained. "During my early days on the Protus, my first posting after the academy I had insomnia for several days or would wake after only a couple of hours of sleep. Those techniques weren't cutting it, mind would race at a hundred miles an hour, I'd spend far too long second guessing myself and my decisions. I instead got my ass out of bed and begun running or cycling in the gym - sure I'd work up a sweat and needed to shower afterwards, but the exercise helped both tire me out physically and allowed me to sort out my head space." He shrugged again, "Like I said everyone is different, I'm sure you'll find something that works best for you soon enough. In the short time I could offer a mild sedative if needs be, but rather leave that as a last resort."

She nodded. "Thanks," she said. "For understanding," she said. "But I AM willing to try it. It's harder for me, since I do Beta shifts usually, to sleep with the ship bustling - I am worried I'll be needed and miss a comms or something," she admitted. "Culver is capable, I know, but still. I AM the XO, and I need to be available." She sighed. "Are you really going to eat all of that?" She giggled. That seemed like SO much food, but then, they hadn't had much time to eat that day. "Luckily, today I am tired enough that I hope I can get a few hours before the Captain returns."

"You could always set up a dampening field to muffled the external sounds inside your cabin," Frasier suggested. "Though, I get it. I have it similarly with Gocx and Morgan plus I'm a bit of workaholic." He chuckled at her comment regarding his menu choices: "You're welcome to a slice or the nachos if you want, be warned though. I may fight you for them I'm pretty hungry."

Vila nodded. "I have in the past, actually," she said. "But I might just do that. And thanks, we'll see. I am hungry myself, but usually just one fatty meal is enough," she said. It was ironic that a doctor was eating that much fat in one sitting, but she supposed that it wasn't his regular diet. "We can walk a bit after dinner, I guess," she said.

"A little bit of comfort food doesn't hurt once in a while," Frasier shrugged. "A walk sounds great," he paused before smiling sly: "Another trip to the park?"

She laughed. "Perhaps," she said. "I haven't decided yet. And I suppose you're right; once in awhile won't hurt. I know I said I like to eat and cook. I am not always healthy, though I try to be. My daily diet is mostly Bajoran food, and we eat a lot of plants, mostly," she said. Their drinks arrived then, and she was grateful for the distraction. She wasn't sure what to talk about-she had many things to tell him, but most were too deep for this kind of thing, and would need to happen in time. But also, the day's events were unsavoury.

"So...have you made any further plans for the last few days of shore leave? Once we disembark from Krios, we're back to work. Headed probably for a skirmish that's been going on the past several weeks," she said. She sighed.

"Probably," Frasier agreed matching her sigh. "Still, we knew this leave would come to an end soon enough, its just a matter of using the time wisely. I've been trying to soak up as much of the culture as I can and enjoy the scenes, though I still can't curb my curiosity." He wiggled forward and place his elbows on the table: "Tomorrow for example I've been invited to Zestrebos a lunar colony on the second moon. Its an R&D centre that's specialises in biological advancements - a bit of a heavy topic for leave I know but it peaked my interest."

Vila smiled. "That sounds fun," she said. She did not offer to go along; he'd ask her if it were that kind of thing, but maybe it was men only. She wouldn't blame them. "Have a good time," she said, sincerely. "I will likely be doing more conferences with Command and the Federation contingency," she said. This was the part of her job she disliked. Her personality issues made it difficult for her to interact in a calm manner, and her need to be constantly moving made it hard for her to sit through hour after hour of bureaucratic stuff. Still, the final day of shore leave would hopefully be quiet. Maybe she could schedule that day for some kind of spa treatment and ignore the rest of the work for a day.

"R&D in biology sounds fascinating," she said. "As you know, I was the science officer," she said. "I love that kind of thing. I do miss it." She said. It was true. She missed getting involved in experiments and research. The waiter reappeared to place their food, and she smiled. "Ooh, that does smell good," she said, picking up her fork.

"You'll welcome to tag along," Frasier replied chiding himself for opening with the offer in the first place. "There'll be plenty of room in the shuttle, that's that if you're not sick of the sight of me by then and can escape your own demands," he added with a smile.

Vila laughed. "Perhaps," she said. "I don't want to impinge, though, and only the Prophets know what'll await me when I am done here. Still, if it's quiet, I'll come along."

"I'll keep my fingers crossed for you," he smiled. "Oh here comes our food," he straightened in his seat with a hint of excitement.

The waiter returned with his food and additionally plates to share the loaded pizza if desired. Hungrily Frasier pulled out two slices and tried to catch the strings of cheese that snaked across the table top. Next he heaped on nachos onto this plate before nudging the bowl toward Vila indicating she should help herself if desired.

She chuckled. "You need a fork?" She asked him. She shook her head, but did take a few nachos.

"I...kind of like your face, actually," she said, blushing a little, and looking at her food. She hadn't meant to say it aloud, but there it was. "It's not a bad face, really."

With a slice of pizza hovering a fraction from his lip Frasier instantly halted at her confessional complement. He lowered the slice and a smile lit his features. "Not bad?" he replied with a hint of mirth. "I'll take that!"

Seeing her turn away as if embarrassed, he lent forward over the table and said softly: "I like your face too, especially your eyes and how they shimmer in the light."

She smiled, and blushed a little. "Thank you," she said. Suddenly, she felt unsure and a little awkward. What did one say to that? She also felt a strange sort of feeling in her stomach, something she had felt once but couldn't quite place the name for. "People are going to start staring," she said, pushing the food around with her fork. She had a need to escape but also...was strangely rooted to the spot. More. She wanted more of this...nice words, and quiet time. A chance for peace and serenity in her life. How nice would it be to not have to be on guard all the time?

Frasier withdrew slowly fearing he'd been heavy handed and misunderstood the situation. It'd been several years since he last engaged a women romantically and obviously by the way she shut herself down and poked her food he'd pushed too far too quickly. If he wanted this to work with Vila he'd need patience to reassure her she deserved companionship after some terrible hardships.

"Sorry if I overstepped," he replied sounding somewhat hollow compared a moment, that cheeky spark had dimmed. "I just wanted to share my thoughts." Feeling rejected his gaze returned to his food but felt little desire to eat now as his stomach churned uncomfortably with guilt.

"It's...ok. I am just...unused to it. It's not your fault," she said. She raised her head a little. "I am not used to being rendered speechless, and you did it," she said, with a small smile. "I know it's been awhile for both of us, so there will be some stumbles...but um...if you want this to work do I. And we'll just need to fumble it out together, I think..." now here she was, being too over the top. She paused to sip her iced tea. "What I mean is...this is really nice, and despite my efforts to hate it, I actually have enjoyed our dinners together and I like YOU," she said, more assured now. "I have always thought I was just...broken. But maybe just bent, and I can be straightened out again. I don't know," she said.

Lifting his eyes to study her as she spoke Frasier remained quiet for a moment to take in what she'd said. It was as he'd suspected - they were both a little unsure of one another and how dating game working having been so out of practice, hearing her reassurances she enjoyed his company and was keen to moving forward lessened the uncomfortable feeling in his abdomen.

"I feel that way too," the Doctor replied at length. "Broken and bruised but never totally out. Perhaps we can rediscover ourselves along the way and enjoy whatever happens next? I know our leisure time will be severely capped once leave is over but I hope we can still find time to see one another."

Vila smiled. "I would like that," she said. "I don't know how it will look, but...yeah, that would be nice," she said. What was she doing?! She looked at him again. "But if you tell ANYONE that I have a nice side, I swear to the Prophets that I'll toss you out of an airlock, ok?" She had a reputation to uphold, after all. She couldn't risk at being seen as softening.

Given her desire to remain the Ice Queen on board Frasier had half expected her to decline the tentative offer to continue this building relationship and simple call it a holiday fling. Then return to work as if nothing had ever happened. Personally he'd find that difficult to overcome and would dwell on the what if for far too long.

Her response to at least try was warming and positive, though quickly backed with a humours threat left the human feeling momentarily speechless. Was she serious? The 'nice side' she was keen to hide had been prone to exposure on occasion without his intervention, as XO Vila needed to show compassion despite her own reservations.

Was he ready to play with fire? Her hot and cold mood swings were tricky to predict a bit like building a house of cards - one false move... Yet, he couldn't deny his attraction to her nor quash his desire to help her overcome her troubled past and heal.

Was the risk worth it?

There was another emerging option to consider...Scott. Frasier dismissed that thought quickly before it gained momentum. It was confusing enough trying to understand if he could handle Vila without throwing in a complex question about his sexuality just because one man started to flirting with him.

"Then it's a deal," the Doctor returned to matter at hand. "I'll keep the knowledge of your nice side to myself and we're figure out how we can make this work."

She smiled. "Thank you," she said. She WAS kidding. "I um...I AM trying, it's just...there's a lifetime of work to undo and while I undo it, I am not trying to have people peer into my life, you know? Except who I CHOOSE to," she explained. "And I know that sound counter-intuitive to building trust, but....I don't know yet who I can fully trust and who...will be my demise yet," she said. Trusting people was hard for her; trusting ONE person in a romantic and vulnerable way was nearly impossible. It had happened once before, maybe there was hope. "People say that it's been thirty years, and I should be over it. Maybe I should. But I was a CHILD. A child, and that's's something that even adults shouldn't experience..." she sighed. She hadn't meant to bring it up. "We can talk about it later," she said, pushing her plate aside. "I am not...hungry anymore," she said. She was still here, though, rooted to the chair...a good sign as just a few weeks before, she'd probably have left. "But I can promise that at least it'd be better one-on-one; crowds trigger me but one on one things are...ok," she said. It was true; if she was allowed to interact on an individual basis, she did much better-there were less expectations to "perform" and act as if everything was ok. "I have learned that maybe I am not broken...just bent. Perhaps, I can learn to love again?" She sighed again. Why was this so difficult?!

He allowed to speak without interruption as she begun to open up. "It's alright Vila," he tried to reassure her gently. "There's no need to rush into things. I understand completely, and I can promise I'll never push or pressure you into anything." He yearned to hold her hand across the table as she fidgeted with a nervous energy. "You're certainly not broken otherwise we're be having this conversation in sickbay and Campbell would be taking notes." he added with dryly. "I hope you can expose yourself to love again, or at least remain open to the possibility. I must admit before this...draw between us had started I'd resigned to myself to remain alone as punishment for be transgressions. I thought I could live like that, however you've offered me a lifeline I didn't know I needed." Frasier paused and bite his lip momentarily: "I hope we can help each other somehow."

Vila smiled gently. "I...think that makes sense," she said. "I kind of thought that, too," she said. "That I was...I thought my divorce and the problems I've had having children was a punishment for killing matter how justified it was, I was, indeed, responsible for the deaths of many people and that...changes you. People don't understand. People don't understand ME," she said. Not just the ongoing traumas she'd endured, but the fact that she'd repressed all of it to try to fit her ex-husbands visions of what a perfect Officer's wife should look like, while also try to hold down a career and not addressing her mental illness was exhausting and BOUND to fail. "Still...we can...figure it out," she said. "If you want, I'd like to continue on after shore leave," she said. "I could use someone in my corner. Especially because I still have a few more therapy sessions to do before I even begin to unpack the Occupation," she said. She paused a bit before continuing. "How's your food?" A switch of topics, but she was getting antsy and needed to move. She was kinetic-it was how she'd coped so long.

Frasier had nodded and smiled as she spoke indicating he'd like to continue forward with this building relationship and would happily stand in her corner should she need some help.
Her change of direction toward their forgotten food snapped him back into the real world having been transfixed in their emotions.

"Err," he glanced at the uneaten pizza between them. "A bit unappealing right now," he responded. "A shame to waste it. Maybe the staff could pack it up to eat later."

She nodded, and raised her arm to flag a waiter. A bit later, they were packed off in take-out containers. "Alright. Should we drop this off at the hotel or do you want to go directly to the museum or...?" She asked. Or maybe they'd skip all that and move on to the more physical aspects of the evening.

Clutching his boxed food Frasier's twitched as she left the question unfinished. Perhaps he imagined, did her voice drop a notch in a seductive manner or had his thoughts drifted southward again?

A sudden desire to kiss her firmly as if answer rose like a wave threatened to take control - thankfully the cool evening air that greeted them on the street with swirl of drizzle quelled his hot headiness. Just moments before she'd expressed a desire to explore the options and he'd assured her they'd go sedately. Leaping fool heartedly into bed with one another just to relive the tension and satisfy his primal desire could be more damaging long term.

But my God was it tempting

"What it is you'd like to do?" he returned the question. "You're the one who needed to relax this evening and get some sleep."

Damn it. He was right, though. She HAD said that, and it was probably a good idea to take this slower. For her sake more than his. "Let's drop this stuff off. I heard that there was some live music in the lounge at the hotel," she said. "We could have a nightcap and listen, then go to bed," she said. That was at once fun, relaxing, and intimate enough to continue the date vibe but not too high-pressure. She hoped. Maybe.

"That sounds good," Frasier nodded in agreement. "Settle in a over stuffed sofa with a glass of something sounds a nice way to end the evening. Unless it's something up beat we could always share a dance or two."

She smiled. It wasn't exactly a holo-movie worthy seduction scene, but it'd do. "Alright, let's go," she said, leading the way out. A little bit later, they were back at the hotel after a bit of chit chat as they walked along. It seemed to be going well-the talk was more natural, less the kind of awkward, forced things one discussed on a first or even second date. It was nice, and she did suppose that taking it slow was a good idea. No need to rush too quickly into ANYTHING. Once they were settled, and their things beamed to their rooms, she, once more, led the way to the lounge. What she had read was "live music" turned out to be more or less a Vic Fontaine type hologram. Groan. Oh, well, maybe she could spin up some decent old Sol Jazz, or something, at least-a thing she'd once heard and fell in love with.

"Huh," Frasier read over the genre of tonight live music selection. "Not my first choice but maybe they'll take requests?" he asked as they headed toward a comfortable looking couch before sinking heavily into it.

"Oh!" he explained as the furniture practically ate them forcing their bodies closer together tighter than they'd previous expected. He squirmed a little to offer her more space so at least their hips were not touching, however this still left their knees rubbing together, just enough to maintain the embers of the sexual tension they shared.

The tightness of her jeans enhanced her shapely legs, along with gentle hint of her perfume and general close proximity caused the Doctor to squirm further.

His promise to go slow was being tested once more, he glanced at her wondering how she'd react to this awkwardness.

Vila was aware of Fraiser's awkwardness. She decided to play it cool; no need to make him feel embarrassed or further awkward. She smiled lightly. "Perhaps," she said. "What kind of music do you like?" She asked. She moved her knee slightly, trying to make it more out of the way, but it seemed futile because it actually rubbed against his. Whoops. "Sorry, the booth is a little more...cozy than I thought," she said. She WANTED to move directly next to him, but she was able to control herself. For now. She wasn't ever so happy as when the waitress showed up to take a drink order. She ordered an iced tea, though she REALLY wanted a glass of wine because she didnt' know how to navigate this. "So...I hope I didn't ruin your after-dinner plans," she said. "There's still time to do something else...." she offered.

"No, not at all," Frasier replied a little breathlessly. God, he cringed at the sound of his own voice. He felt a teenager in class squirming to disguise the ranging hormones after a pretty girl winked at him.

Control yourself, dammit! He chided himself nervously pulling his shirt to maintain some dignity and was seriously regretting his choice of snug chinos.

"Perhaps we should sit somewhere else," he suggested. "One with a table for your drink?"

Vila considered a moment. She could work this one of two ways. She opted for safe. "Let's do that," she said, standing up. It was a bit of an awkward thing, considering how deeply they had sunk into the oversized cushions. Luckily, a quiet table was still available near the back-still close enough to hear the music but enough out of the way that they wouldn't be called on for "requests".

"Thanks," he replied relieved she was demonstrating restraint too. Tugging fiercely at his shirt as they crossed the lounge Frasier was glad to hide himself under the table, if only it was that easy to cover his flushed face.

"Where we're we? Ah, yes, music choices." he continued forcing himself to concentrate on something else. "I'm actually a bit of a sucker for the terrible corny pop songs, I blame awful children entertainment James used to go to. Or at least I should, honestly I just like to sing, though I'm sure others will say I'm pretty terrible."

Vila raised an eyebrow. "Like...karaoke?" She asked, leaning forward. " do I," she said. "I first discovered it in a dive bar back on Earth, YEARS ago, but..." she smiled. "Maybe someday?" She said.

"Yes, like karaoke," a wide grin spilt his face at her confession.

She noticed he seemed...nervous. "Look, you don't have to worry, no one we know is here," she said. "Is that what you're worried about?" She asked. "We could always go upstairs..." she made sure her tone of voice was concerned, and not suggestive. Not that she didn't WANT to, but..slow was good.

"Oh," Frasier shrunk back momentarily feeling embarrassed again. "It's OK, I'm OK," he added quickly resisting her urge to squirm at her suggestion. Surely she knew what was going on... did he really have to spell it out?

"I promised we'd go slow," he tried to explain and licked his lips nervously. "And if we go upstairs or somewhere private... would be challenging to hold onto that." Hopefully she'd fill in the blanks and not make this any worse, of course she could just to tease and ramp up the tension.

Vila nodded. "Ok, then," she said, letting it go. "If you're sure," she said. She sipped her drink. "So. Any final plans for tomorrow?" She asked. "I know I return to the ship at 0700, but I am the XO. You all don't have to back until 1700," she said. Department heads had to be back at 5 pm, the rest were allowed to be out until the beginning of their shifts-and they better show up ready to work, if they knew what was good for them. "Have you managed to do much relaxing?" She asked, making small talk.

"It depends on how long I'm on Zestrebos," Frasier nodded, relieved she'd changed the topic. "I've been exploring the cities and emerging myself in the culture. Maybe not everyone's choice as I'm still pretty busy, still, I have find time for myself for some relaxation. What about you?"

Vila smiled. "That sounds relaxing," she said. "No, it truly does. I DO appreciate nature." She was Bajoran; being in the country was in her blood. "I will probably spend tomorrow preparing for launch and a rendezvous with the other ships in the area," she said. "And I should probably check in with Dr. Campbell," she said. "Somewhere in all of that, I will find some time to rest," she said.

"Make sure you do," he added. with a hint of seriousness. "You'll need your game face for whatever we come against next. Considering the trails we've had so far, anything could happen next. The Captain will need your support throughout."

Vila nodded, but sighed. "I know," she said. "I know I've already said but...I never WANTED to be a commanding officer. I was content being Chief Science Officer my whole life," she said. "It's what I am GOOD at," she said. "It was this, though, or a reassignment to Planitia Utiopia, and at least on a ship, there's more of a chance of getting to see Bajor more often. Sometimes I feel like...I am failing everyone," she said. "I just...I hope I can handle it. And not...I don't know, start an intergalactic war. I am not always good at diplomacy, and I don't like large groups of people. They overwhelm me," she said. She hadn't planned on...this, though. "I think....I don't know. Dr. Campbell says it'll be better. But when? I am already on the Fleet's short list of people to can when they are able. Admiral Albion and I do not get along. Since the explosion, things are a bit more tense, even...I kind of feel like *I* am being blamed for not having good security, even though I knew literally two days before docked that El'Ansari even existed," she sighed. Some of it was probably projection, sure.

"You're not failing anybody," Frasier assured her. "Everyone has there strengths. weakness, pros and cons - it just normal. Albion and Culver are likely testing you to push yourself out of your comfort zone to strengthen your development toward your own command. You are good at what you do, don't doubt yourself."

She smiled. "Thanks," she said. "I just...sometimes I feel like no one likes me, and while that's not my goal, per se, I DO need people to listen and trust my leadership." She sighed. "Anyway. Maybe it just needs more time." She shrugged. She paused to sip her tea. "Sorry for spoiling the mood..." she trailed off. She wanted to kiss him again but she wasn't sure if HERE was the best choice. On the other hand, she didn't care what people thought usually. After another moment of mental gymnastics, she simply leaned over and kissed him fully.

"That's OK, its been a -" Frasier begun before he was silenced by her lips. He couldn't withhold the smile that built as they kissed nor hold back a his response by returning her affection.

She pulled away after a second, and smiled. "Thanks," she said, but closed her eyes and kissed him again.


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