Science and Biology
Posted on Wed May 29th, 2024 @ 6:31pm by Captain Maxwell Culver & Lieutenant S'Tera & Lieutenant Dr. Morgan Alexander-Harrington M.D. & Christine Graham
994 words; about a 5 minute read
The Fall of the House of Lyo
Location: Krios: House of Lyo - Transporter Room
Timeline: MD10:0900 hours
Max was exhausted as he entered transporter room, a site of death and destruction. He pulled himself together as he met with his Caitian Science Officer and another Caitian, Doctor Morgan Alexander-Harrington.
“Looks like it’s your turn to try and determine what happened here. There isn’t a clear answer still and I don’t like that.”
"Neither do I! I have been unable to account for what happened. The transporter seems to be in perfect working order but I'm not convinced this was an accident or some random malfunction. This should not have happened. My instincts are saying this was planned and deliberate I want to set up a holographic recreation of the event. That way we can see who did what and when. That should give us a better picture of what happened," S'tera said.
Max scratched the back of his neck and was more than annoyed by the requisite response. “The footage of the event was lost with the computer core when the transporter malfunctioned and exploded. It’s a good idea, but unless you know some way to recreate that moment without audio or video, I just don’t know that it would be possible.”
"Well as a matter of fact, I do. It's called particle mapping. Using tachyons we can map the scene. It will take a bit of equipment to do it but it certainly can be done."
“You have the full capabilities of the newest ship of the line in orbit. Make use of the Intrepid, she should have everything you need. If anyone questions you, these are my orders and they can take it up with me,” Max told her, kindly, but with enough edge at the end to make certain she understood that he was deadly serious.
"Excellent! I will make full use of them! I want answers as much as you do!"
"Understood, From a medical front, it would be useful for anything they recovered to be transferred or made available for medical screening and post-mortems," Morgan commented.
“Ah,” Max said, dragging out the onomatopoeia. “Doctor, your job will be hardest of all. There was nothing left to analyze. The fire was so intense that there was only enough ash to account for three bodies. The High Lord, the Heir Apparent and the transporter operator.
“Genetic testing has confirmed the identity of each. The Federation has confirmed that testing. I’ll have that forwarded to you immediately. The remains have been respectfully returned to their families.
“No, Doctor, I need you to check the room for evidence that no one else was in the room. DNA, RNA, even one mitochondria out of place with records. That includes the men who have access to repairs and maintenance. Yours is, by far, the hardest job. You’ve got the sickbay crew and the EMH to assist.”
Max held up a combadge and touched it. “Hello, Doctor A.H. I hear there is much work to be done,” the perky Andorian said as she attached the combadge to her uniform appropriately.
It had felt like ages since she had been activated. She hadn’t met Doctor Alexander-Harrington, or any of the medical team. Updating her records, she found quite a complete medical roster. No matter, she was active now.
“Oh…I see your pronouns are ‘they/them’. I have adjusted them for better communication, Doctor.” Christine looked around as the afternoon sun blazed high above. “Might I recommend sunscreen for everyone working in this open theater?” she suggested before realizing the Caitian scientist was there. “Well, almost everyone.”
"I'll take it under advisement." The Caitian replied to the EMH, a much better and cheerier model than the Mark One EMHs she's interacted with.
"Yeah we don't burn. We can get hot, but not burned," S'tera said as she started setting particle enhancement sensors. Positioning them to track down and record and particles within a specific time frame. For example, a week before and up to the incident and and hour afterwards. Hopefully that will do the trick. It would take a while to analyze all this but she would find out what happened. She was determined to find out.
"Let me know what you need from me, S'tera. I'll link the sensors to our tricorders."
"Go ahead. I want to determine who was where and when. What I'd like you to do is figure out who's who and if there was somebody there who wasn't supposed to be, identify them." S'tera said.
“Doctors, make sure you’ve got the DNA and RNA scans done. And any other damn thing you can think of, medically of course. If you find anything besides the people meant to be here, make a note. The first rule of assassination is kill the assassin.
“That goes for the maintenance areas that have been accessed. You’ll only have access for about six hours. The Ascendancy will begin at midday, whether you choose to go to the ceremony will be up to you. It’s not required, of course, but the House will be closed to us during and, likely, after.”
"Good idea. Scan everywhere we can. Especially out of the way places. You heard him, Doc. We got six hours so let's make it count. The scanners are calibrated but analyzing the data will take time and your expertise will be helpful. "
With that, she started scanning the main area where it happened. After that would be access tubes and ventilation shafts and such. It was a big place, but she was confident she would be able to scan the vital areas at least.
Max watched as his officers went to work, both with and around each other. He was pleased to see their cooperation on the project, and being stuck together in such a hellish scene, hadn't dampened their spirits.
He backed out of the room quietly, satisfied by their prompt attention to the tasks at hand.