A Problem Like Maxwell [Back Post]
Posted on Fri Jan 13th, 2023 @ 11:44pm by Captain Maxwell Culver & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell
1,927 words; about a 10 minute read
Mission One: Goodwill Tour [Part One]
Location: Triton Seabase: Counselor’s Office
Timeline: MD2: 1600 hours
Between the partying, the purge and the launch of the base, Max was exhausted. He really wanted to go and lay eyes on his quarters because he had spent the night in his captain’s cabin, just off the bridge. The problem was, he was required to talk to Counselor Campbell once a week. The other problem he helped she would help with was his confusion about Jack.
Max was actually in uniform, since his day had kept him inside all day. He was glad for the change of shoes. In regular duty boots, the crew would have slip slided their way through their days. He also realized the corridors of the base seemed packed. On a starship, you might pass one or two crew. Here, it was more like dodging them.
Reaching Rena’s door, tapped the announce button and waited.
Rena was expecting the Captain; her first patient for the week and he had weekly sessions scheduled for the next year, at least. She was wearing her regular teal colored uniform, her black hair back in a tidy French braid, and her glasses on-she had been reading staff files for her upcoming sessions.
"Captain! Nice to see you. Please come in!" She stepped to the side to let him enter her office. It was finally to her satisfaction-an old, saggy couch against a far wall, and an armchair next to it-none of it matched-and on the couch was a few toss pillows and a blanket, to make it feel "comfortable." She remembered from HQ that he preferred the armchair, and so she pointed to it. "Please, sit down." She crossed to the couch and settled in, cross legged, her PaDD balanced on one knee.
"What brings you in today?" She knew the pat answer was "orders" but what she really meant was "did he have anything besides work to discuss?"
Max took the chair offered. “You’d probably expect me to be flippant, counselor, but I’ve long since passed that part of my counseling sessions. I hope we can continue to work professionally even though, or despite, the fact that I chose you specifically?” he wondered, watching her reactions.
Rena smiled lightly.
"Well, I am glad to hear that, really! We definitely can work together for as long as you'll need me." She said. It sounded maybe a little ominous but she hoped that he recognized that she meant that most people aren't in therapy forever and as soon as he learned some coping skills and achieved whatever goals he was working towards, she could send him out with a clean bill of mental health.
"I tend to keep my sessions pretty casual at first, and person driven. That means that YOU tell me what it is you want to work on, and we'll do that. You can also tell me that you'd rather me lead sessions, and I can do that, too." She watched Max's body language-just as much could be told about someone by their unspoken words as what came out of their mouths. He was sitting flat footed today, a good sign-he was calm, and wasn't subconsciously preparing to flee. She knew from his medical files that he had seen a few other counselors over the years, and so maybe he was comfortable by now with how it worked.
Max nodded and started with his newest problems. “Well, I’ve just come into the El Aurian sense of sound among conversations. And empathy,” he admitted, becoming a bit fidgety as he admitted his newfound sense. “I’m having a bit of difficulty because I expected to be one of the few who never did.” El Aurians were usually adept at engaging these elements of their society.
Rena nodded solemnly. "I understand how that could be...disruptive to you this late in your life. I, admittedly, don't know much about your race, but what I do know is that you are generally empathic people anyway, even if it's not a well honed skill.
“I am confident that you will find this ability to your liking once you get used to it. With some work, you will learn to control and employ it as you WANT or need to, not willy-nilly like it is now.
“If you'd like, I can do some research on ways we can work to hone your skills. One of my mentors worked especially with the telepaths back at HQ, I'm confident he'd be willing to assist." She stopped a moment for him to think about it.
"As for your restlessness, I am not seeing that in you today. Does the banal work of a command keep your mind busy enough, perhaps? What do you do for exercise?"
“I appreciate the offer of help, both from you and on behalf of your mentor,” Max responded Rena, pausing for just a moment. “I’ll be relying on you, and Commander Paxidor has offered her insights as well, but yes…this situation has come at an important and disruptive time.”
Max sat back as he considered her follow up questions. “For exercise, I visit the gym every day for about an hour. Mostly weights and cardio, but with a high intensity workout every other week.”
Now his brow knit in a bit of confusion. “I’m not sure what you mean about restlessness though? I confess that I’ve been excited to take responsibility for the base, and that leaving the city is a relief since it seemed no one wanted us there. Is that what you meant?” he wondered.
Rena shrugged noncommittally. "No, I've just observed that you sometimes flit from thing to thing-if it's not restlessness, I apologize. Can you tell me how it makes you feel, with the Romulans being, um...cold?" She thought he might have envisioned being the great negotiator between the two parties. *SHE* felt like it would happen in time, as most things would, but some people didn't have the same level of patience to wait that she did. She was young still, and had her whole life ahead of her. Captain Culver was, for his people, starting to age, and she realized that he didn't have as long as she to make an impact in the same way.
Max smiled. “I suppose ‘restlessness’ is as good a description as any,” he admitted. As for moving from thing to thing, I suppose that’s just youthful excitement. As a commanding officer, it’s all seriousness and business. Sometimes I prefer the crew see the captain as a person.”
Max paused as he thought about her statement further. “Or are you talking about my interactions with Jack?” he wondered.
Rena sipped her tea, looking at him innocently. "I was just talking in generalities, Max. What are YOU talking about?" She'd let him lead this topic-she was dying to know but she also had her ethics and belief in formalities.
Max scoffed. “Oh please! I can tell he’s interested in more than a friendly relationship, Counselor. My Oath of Celibacy still stands in Starfleet. I can’t say the attraction isn’t mutual, but he’s still a child. That much is obvious.
“Besides, there may be complications there,” Max finished his answer in obscurity.
Rena nodded gravely. "I understand the age gap problem, and the complications that presents for romantic entanglements. I also am a firm believer that the heart does as it wishes, humanoid sensibilities be damned." She paused to finish her tea.
"Let's talk about those complications. Besides fraternization, and the age difference...well, I am not sure how much that actually counts; MY people consider him a grown man, fully grown, and old enough to consent to romantic relationships, and any other relationship, for that matter.
“I don't think the question would even occur to most people here. And, if I can speak frankly, you don't really strike me as the type to care much about what the Fleet thinks. Can you tell me more about the vow of celibacy, though? What purpose does it serve in your culture?" Rena gave him a few avenues to continue the discussion.
Max smiled at the lines of questioning. “Let’s start with that last question, counselor. As far as I’m aware, I’m the only El Aurian who’s had a vow of celibacy on file for Starfleet. I did that because, to be honest, my peers were emotionally incapable of seeing the difference between them and someone almost twice their age.
“And not to be narcissistic, but I’ve been told I’m attractive. The vow of celibacy took away that sense of physical attraction,” Max paused as he considered the next line of questioning.
“As for Jack, age isn’t the problem. He’s two years older than me. As for appearances, ageism isn’t my worry either. But, Jack is an unregulated vigilante according to Starfleet; someone we should be imprisoning at least. I’ve got special latitude to work with the Rangers here, but I don’t think that ‘fraternizing’ with them fits into that special latitude.”
Rena let the words hang in the air. She was surprised, a bit, but on the other hand...not at all. Somehow, it seemed fitting for him. She thought carefully for a moment.
"I haven't read his dossier yet, but I wasn't picking up anything too alarming when I met him briefly at the party." She was careful to make sure that she was noting that she hadn't "read" anyone-she didn't, and her skills weren't that sharp anyway, even if she'd WANTED to. It felt...not right to her. Still, she was always aware of the aura or "vibes" that people gave off, and he didn't feel to her to be bad or evil. "But I actually understand now, the problem." And what should she suggest he do? She hadn't a clue. "Short of pure avoidance, I can teach you some skills. Mostly things to focus on, such as breathing or a mantra or even a mental picture, should the need arise and you...forget your vows a moment." She paused a beat, and sipped at her tea. "Maybe asking Commander Paxidor to keep them occupied so you can avoid them is wise." She sipped the final sip, and smiled.
Max knew that Vianola and Galen would be keeping the Rangers busy as soon as their ship landed. The problem was, the poisoning which had opened his El Aurian abilities, was also the reason Jack would be tied up for some time. It also affected Max’s trust deeply.
"Since our sessions will be weekly, we can end here, unless you have more for me today. Does this time and day of the week work for you? You can let me know at your convenience."
“My work schedule has varied significantly, but I will try to make this time available in my schedule,” Max paused before adding, “I wish Starfleet had sent me a yeoman to help with that type of thing.
After that, she went from "counselor" to "officer" quickly. "Thank you for stopping by, sir. It was good to see you one on one again."
Max stood and reflexively pulled his jacket down. “It was good to see you as well, Counselor. I see now that I’ve made the right choice in recruiting you. If you can make me talk comfortably, the rest of the crew should be a breeze.”
Max gave Rena a two finger salute over his brow as he left her office. “Until next week.”