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Let There Be Light

Posted on Wed Dec 7th, 2022 @ 8:35pm by Captain Maxwell Culver

1,617 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission One: Goodwill Tour [Part One]
Location: Triton Seabase: Bridge
Timeline: MD1: 0730 hours

Max had boarded Triton Seabase shortly after 0500 and had set to work with the Corps of Engineers on the small projects that needed to be completed.

The engine room was fairly small, no bigger than enough for four men to fit tightly, but that was what they did as isolinear chips were being changed out for last minute improvements. Engineers always seemed to think that just 0.5 percent improvement in efficiency was a shining beacon of greatness.

When he had finished with the engine room changes, he helped with a few more tasks, basically securing the open panels, powering up consoles, carrying supplies or some other small task. Max had a mentor tall him that a team works only as hard as their leader. So, he would set the example, on duty anyway.

Max was on the aft deck when he stood up and caught sight of a figure running across the Tower bridge, a long pier between the Tower and the entirely land based colony. As he put away ropes and buoys, he would catch intermittent glimpses of the runner. It wasn’t until they were deciding on the specimen containers that he realized it was his second officer and Chief of Security and Tactical.

“Commander Paxidor, you should come on up. It’s not much of a view yet, but it’s going to be bustling and beautiful soon,” he called out, purposely using her rank and last name as he was on duty.

Vi made her way to the bridge and smiled at her Captain. "Captain." she said with a nod. "Place is still lookin' nice so far." She commented. "Bit of paint, some shiny buttons."

Max motioned to the Chief of Helm and Navigation at her station. “She’s been there for at least an hour,” Max said quietly. “Do you find it odd? Not worrying from a Security point of view, just…odd.”

Vi looked over at the dark haired woman and pursed her lips a little as she thought to herself. "She would have needed clearance to get to this level, even with all that's goin' on." she gestured to the finishing touches the bridge needed. "However, let's go see who we have." she began to move.

Stewart had a restless night and didn’t trust herself not to oversleep in her drunken state. Rather than risk being late, she decided it was better to arrive to her post early and wait out the Romulan ale. Evelyn also took what Captain Naal told her to heart. This was her chance to be an officer without the cloud of Command weighing over her every action and the commanding officer’s decisions. She was determined to make the most of it. Though the tinge of pain that ran through her forehead told her it would need to wait several hours.

Vi approached the woman. She looked a little tired, trying to concentrate on the task at hand and not attract much attention to herself. Vi often found it odd that the people that don't want to seek attention often draw it.

"Good mornin', Lieutenant. Can I see your Starfleet Identification please?" she asked standing by the console. There was no need to be unpleasant at this stage, and if all checked out then another conversation, a lighter one would take place.

Stewart sighed heavily without looking up at Vianola. She rubbed at the headache between her eyes, squeezing the bridge of her nose against it for a moment. It was too damn early for this kind of harassment. “You know who I am, Commander.”, said Stewart. She was doing her best to keep the annoyance out of her voice. She glanced up at the other woman before getting back to work.

Evelyn had never piloted a large watercraft, least of all a sea base. She needed to focus on learning the controls and differences between navigating through space and the water.

"Oh, Evelyn!" Vi said with a bit of shock as a light came on above them. It showed the woman she had met at the Captains residence recently. "You were hiding in the dark." she said with a little laugh and handed her back her ID. She could feel the annoyance from her, as an empath it was a lovely gift to have, and it was understandable in the circumstances.

The light had shown the woman more clearly. The bridge was still coming on with some finishing touches and the light coming on made everything all nice and cheery... well maybe not for a slightly hungover helmswoman.

"Did you enjoy the party?" Vi asked as she sat down a bit on the edge of the console.

Evelyn was confused at the Commander’s words. Who else would be sitting at the helm?, she thought to herself but didn’t dwell on it. Instead, she nodded. “Judging by the hangover and the fact a lot of it is blurry, I’d say so.”, she joked with a smile.

Stewart sat back in her chair and immediately winced when the light of the bridge hit her face. “Maybe a bit too much.”, she added. “And yourself? Any surprises greet you in your bed this morning?”, she playfully teased the woman in jest.

"Nothing but myself and my ability to starfish like the best of them." Vi replied. She didn't tend to take anyone home and hadn't in fact really been with anyone for the last 15 years since the passing of her last partner. It was still something she was working to get past, if past is the right word.

"Honestly though I do not drink that much, and I know my Irish accent might betray me, but I only lived there and am not as metaphorically green blooded as them." Vi chuckled. "I can hold my drink well, and usually go for a run the next morning to detox."

Evelyn laughed at the reference and nodded. “Well, if I remember correctly, I think the rest of us more than made up for your temperance and virtue.”, she teased. “Though it will be a challenge to go for a run-on beach once we are off to sea.”

Vianola laughed. "Yes, it can be a rough run sometimes. Depends how if I have an alpha shift in the morning. Had some rough mornings in class at the Academy that have been seared into my brain."

Stewart nodded in agreement before looking back over her shoulder at Max. “I must say I’m surprised. You and the Captain seem…close.”, she commented quietly to the other woman. It was none of Evelyn’s business, but it was hard not to speculate, given the obvious comfort and familiarity between the two officers. There was a trust there that was obvious to anyone who had eyes. She suspected there would be some idly gossip about the pair once the base gets underway.

"We are, of sorts." Vi admitted looking over at the Captain. "We are of the same people, we are El Aurians. After the destruction of our world the people that managed to escape grew closer through necessity. I think that has made us a lot closer and more accepting of each other as a result. We trust each other, and I look out for him even when he doesn't know I am. He's a good man with a big heart and even more so wants this project to succeed." she looked back at Evelyn realising she'd spoken a bit more than she'd expected.

Evelyn repressed her rhetorical question of how many damned El-Aurians were on this base. Years of being raised by telepaths made her naturally wary of people who could read others unconscious thoughts in some capacity.

That said, she could see that Vianola was not like Max. There was more introspection on her part. There was something there and she wasn’t going to intrude or make a joke at Vianola’s people expense. Instead, Stewart sat up straighter and looked at the woman sincerely. “I guess even a race of listeners needs to unload sometimes.”, she comments quietly to express her understanding.

Not wanting to intrude on the woman, Evelyn looked up at her expectedly. “Was there anything else you needed, Commander?” she asked, her tone more professional to defuse any awkwardness.

"No, not really." Vi shook her head then fixed a stray strand of blonde hair behind her ear. "But if you need me to distract the boss at any time just let me know." she smiled.

Stewart smiled and nodded politely before sneaking the Commander a wink. “Yes, Ma’am,” she said with a playfulness, as if she was in on a secret.

Vi winked and moved off to speak to the Captain once more. "All good, sir. Just Lt. Stewart making sure all is well." she said looking out at the view.

“Fair enough, ladies,” Max responded. “I hoped we’ve got all the bugs worked out before we head out. Launch is just an hour and a half from now. We have our last boarding and breakfast then. I hope to see you both there.”

"We'll be there. I'm just going to head to the shuttle area and keep an eye on final arrivals," Vianola said with a small nod before heading off.

Max nodded. It was time to head above decks. Outside into the humid morning, if the night had been any indication. “I hope the practice helps, Lieutenant. I’ll expect a smooth ride this morning. Bearing the ocean heaving us about a little.”

He smiled and pulled a pair of sunglasses out of the center console. “Smooth sailing ahead, for us all,” he wished.


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