Wide, Open Horizons
Posted on Thu Aug 24th, 2023 @ 5:25pm by Captain Maxwell Culver
Edited on Thu Aug 24th, 2023 @ 6:27pm
273 words; about a 1 minute read
“Computer begin recording. Stardate 47634 point 44.
Today we launched the USS Intrepid, NCC-90272, the sixth ship to bear the name and the second Constitution class. Her previous incarnation, a Duderstadt class, was destroyed at the second Battle of Sector 001. Now known as “the last attempt at Borg assimilation of Earth”. At least, for some time, I hope.
“It feels different. Sitting in the BIG chair on a starship is certainly different to sitting in the same seat on the bridge of Triton Seabase. In time, I suspect we’ll return to that place, but for now, we are settling in for a long period of exploration. At first, I considered this some form of punishment for failing at diplomacy with the Romulan Star Empire, but a letter from the Praetor himself assured me that this assignment couldn’t have gone to any other captain in Starfleet. As the Romulans slowly rebuild what they had on Romulus, they respectfully requested my assignment to explore their lost Empire.
That, coupled with my growing empathy and telepathy, makes me the perfect candidate to steer this ship to Kaitos, classified Homeworld of the El-Aurians. It’s located in Federation territory just inside the Beta Quadrant. A chance to go home and a chance to obtain a mentor.
Nearly my entire senior staff has joined me, leaving Triton Seabase to explore. To return to the Federation tenets. Strange, new worlds, new life and new civilizations, boldly going…I sound like a poster.
Needless to say, I think we’re all a little excited!
Computer end recording.”
Captain Maxwell Culver
USS Intrepid