OnexOne w/Lorut
Posted on Fri Aug 9th, 2024 @ 1:18pm by Captain Lorut Vila & Lieutenant JG Scott Jones
1,114 words; about a 6 minute read
Short Treks
Location: XO's Office
Timeline: pre-MD1
Vila had called Scott to her office. As part of her continuing attempts at being "friendlier", and given her recent ability to calm down given her rolls in the hay with Fraiser, she was making efforts to get to know the crew on a more personal basis.
She replicated herself a cup of coffee and settled in with her PADD to wait. While she waited, she did duty rosters for the upcoming workweek.
Scott stood outside the door, wondering why he had been called to the XO's office... at least this early in his time on board. Giving his uniform one last fuss to make sure it was sitting correctly, he pressed the door chime and waited for a response.
Vila smiled lightly. "Come in," she called out. "Hello, Captain Jones," she said. "Sit down. Anything you'd like from the replicator?" She asked.
"A coffee please, if you don't mind," he chose a seat and tried not to look awkward, still working out why he was here. "And Captain is still a weird thing to hear. I know pilots are on a different kind of ranking system, but it still feels weird to hear," he gave a smile as he lowered his shoulders down from his ears.
Vila simply nodded, and ordered the coffee from her personal replicator. A perk of being XO was that she got one in her office. "I bet," she said. "I am still adjusting to Executive Officer myself," she said. "I called you in today because I am trying to meet one on one with all of the crew," she said, "just to discuss anything that you might not want to bring up to the Captain or that I can address immediately," she said. "I find that one on one meetings are...easier for me. Crowds overwhelm me sometimes," she said.
"Oh that I fully feel," Scott relaxed and confessed, "I don't know if it is because my department is more reactionary than planning, but I never feel like there is much for the fighter department to offer in terms of discussion. We are good to fly within a few moments notice, just tell us what to shoot at." He took a sip of the coffee, part of what made up Scott's blood the way he drank it. "There isn't too much to bring up other wise, it has been a little more challenging getting established here and forming some friendships. Cross-departmental work needs a little adjustment on my end. But things that should come in time," he was trying to professionally skim the surface.
Vila nodded as he dove into the discussion. "Is there something I can do to help you get established?" She asked. "As for the interdepartmental work, don't worry. You onboarded just before Shore Leave. It's understandable that you wouldn't have much time yet to interact professionally with the necessary departments. Please let me know immediately if you find any resistance. You SHOULDN'T, but just in case," she said.
"Thank you Commander," Scott smiled, "I think everything will come in time. Hopefully my report on dealing with the pirate raid reaches you one day and there was a particular difficult pilot who raised a few concerns when they decided to switch off their comms. They aren't usually one from what it seems, but I do have them on my personal no fly list. For interdepartmental work, I have heard that there's a possibility the ship is looking for people to take the helm. I don't mind doing the odd double shift to help out. Maybe it gets my face known? Maybe it shows that fighter pilots can be as good as any other officer. That is, with yourself and the Captain's approval. I promise not to treat her like one of the fighters despite how nimble of a ship she is."
Vila nodded. "Yes, our current helmsman is a bit overworked," she said. "I'll put you on the schedule," she said, making a note for herself. "Do you have a shift preference?" She asked. She went on. "Oh? I usually let Department heads deal with their own people, but if you need me or the Captain to step in, please ask," she said. Bad-coping the trouble makers was her favorite pastime.
"If it was my own pilot, it would be dealt with," Scott began, "but Lieutenant Wara TĂȘte was allowed to fly and demonstrated some dangerous choices. Flagrant disregard for command, turning her comms off. With everything that's gone on of late I haven't had time to speak to Security myself or have a conversation with her." He paused, thinking of everything that had gone on in his short time here and how he has hardly had a second to breathe into the ship, "As for the helm, I am happy for any shift you see fit. I also don't mind popping up should the Straighter Wing not require anything. We do tend to be quiet until called upon, and, there are only so many drills one can run."
Vila nodded. "That is unfortunate," she said, making a note. "I will ask Security to stop by to chat with you, or you can go on your own time, whatever is fine," she said. "I'll let you speak with Ms. Tete but if she's not receptive, feel free to let me know," she said. "And of course. I usually command the big chair at Beta shift, while Culver takes Alpha and Lyo is on mids," she said. "I am a night owl, and it works out. I have some drills in mind to do with the whole ship shortly, after we launch from Xavier's planet in a week or so; at that point, there is nothing pressing that we will need to address." Yet, though knowing the weirdos that inhabited this sector of space, it was anyone's guess.
"Make sure you also check in with Counseling and Medical if you haven't already," she said, as a reminder. "I know those of us who transfer directly are usually up to date but just as a courtesy, please," she said.
"Medical is a check," Scott began as he stood, knowing time was up, "and I will swing by counselling to make an appointment. I always ask for a double slot, just in case," he joked with a slight laugh.
Vila smiled. "Very funny," she said. "Anyway. Thank you for your time. We're done here if you don't have anything else. I don't stand on ceremony, so you're just free to go," she said. She didn't like the pomp of saluting and all that BS.
This was going better than she thought so far, at least.