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OnexOne w/Lorut

Posted on Wed May 22nd, 2024 @ 1:42pm by Commander Lorut Vila & Lieutenant JG Aurora House of Kor

888 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Short Treks
Location: XO's Office
Timeline: post-Home

Vila called the young Cetacean Ops officer into her office. It was time that they chatted, one on one. Vila was trying to get the young woman to act a bit more maturely, but she was also trying to get to know the crew a bit better, and since she was more friendly one on one, she decided that individual meetings was the best way to do that.

=/\= Lieutenant Aurora, please report to the XO's office. =/\=

=/\= On my way, Commander. =/\= Aurora had just finished a round of Bat'leth training on the Holodeck, so she switched programs to a shower, cleaned up in record time, and scurried to the Commander's office. Aurora took a breath, straightened her uniform, and pressed the door chime.

=/\=Enter.=/\= Vila arranged her face to (hopefully) be calm and welcoming. =/\=Ah, Lt. Aurora. Nice to see you. Please, sit down.=/\=

"Thank you, Commander, same here," Aurora was trying to be more mature. Apparently to those around her, (from the whispers she'd heard) Aurora had been raised wild, and she didn't know how to behave. Aurora KNEW how to behave, but her Mother's parent's had been free-spirited people, drifting with the wind and tide, free of the cares that the Federation faced.

[You're a part of the Federation now...time to mature...a little] Aurora thought as she sat down.

"Was there something specific you wished to discuss, Commander?" Aurora asked softly.

Vila smiled. "Not exactly," she said. "Can I get you something to drink?" She asked. "I just thought I'd take some time to have a quick chat with the crew," she said. "Just one on one. That way, we can..get to know each other a little. I know I am a little...difficult to work with sometimes, but I hope that we can...get along better." She sighed.

"A cup of Coolamathisara...please? It's a drink from my Mother's Homeworld.'s just that I'm from a mixed race of Warriors and I'm working on being more..." Aurora shrugged, not really knowing how to explain what she meant.

Vila got the drink; somehow, it'd been already programmed into the Replicator system. She turned to Aurora and handed over the glass.

"I see," she said. "I was a warrior back on Bajor in my youth," she said. "With the Resistance. I...understand a bit about it," she said. She would share a bit with Aurora if they discussed it further. "You know that Dr. Gocx was, too, before he joined Starfleet Medical," she said. Most Klingons were, though-at least the ones raised on Kronos.

Aurora's eye's widened slightly at how fast the drink appeared, then they widened even more at the information.

"I've heard of the Resistance...the Klingons have split views about they do about me and my Mother. My Mother's brave, one of the bravest of her people, but I act like a new born Reelar Drumb sometimes! How did you balance your, well, probably NOT natural for you, instinct to run or react wrong?" Aurora wasn't sure what she was asking. She wanted to hear more about Commander Vila's adventures in the Resistance, but she wasn't sure how to word it...not to mention, she was kinda hoping the Commander'd help her "stop being all of this"...meaning her clumsy, inappropriate timing self.

"I didn't," Vila said, flatly. "That's why I I am," she said. "But I hope to work on it more and more over time. For me, it forced me to grow up before I should have. I was six years old when the Cardassians first invaded, and eight when we were finally captured. I joined the Resistance at twelve and joined Starfleet when I was 19. Warring has whole life," she said. "And yes. From what Gocx has shared with me...Kronos isn't a place for the weak of heart." She sighed. "I don't expect you to change fully. We NEED some people who are still unfaded and perky. It's...good for morale," she said. "What I am trying to say is that...while you're maturing and settling into your role, don't let it change your total personality BUT remain professional while at work." She nodded. That was good...she hoped.

"[,] That's awfull! Ahem...I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Ma'am. I'll work on reining in my emotions...and clumsiness. Please, whenever I get off track, can you redirect me?" Aurora looked up at Vila.

Vila smiled lightly. "Of course. And can you let me know if I am...too rude about it? I try not to be, but I AM trying to run a Ship here, and sometimes, I need people to move and move NOW," she said. She was pleased-this was going ok.

"Gulp...Yes, Ma'am, I will. I know you are...stern, but you've never intentionally hurt anyone before." Aurora smiled softly.

Vila smiled lightly. "Thank you. I've taken up enough of your free time. Feel free to go, if you'd like," she said. "I will see you later on for your shift."

Vila watched as Aurora left. That had gone better than she'd hoped!!

Lieutenant JG Aurora House Of Kor
Cetacean Operations Chief Officer
USS Intrepid

Commander Lorut Vila
Executive Officer
USS Intrepid


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