A Series of Unfortunate Events, Pt. 1
Posted on Thu Nov 16th, 2023 @ 10:03pm by Captain Lorut Vila & Lieutenant Rowena "Rena" Campbell
Edited on on Mon Nov 20th, 2023 @ 12:01am
1,639 words; about a 8 minute read
Short Treks
Location: Counseling Office
Timeline: MD-01
Rena prepared for her afternoon appointments. She had a full schedule; that morning, she saw the Countess and helped her through her troubles. She had seen a few of the civvies, as well. Now, she was scheduled to talk to Commander Lorut. The woman was a hard nut to crack - clearly, she had trauma and was needing help, but wouldn't ask for it and was struggling to accept what Rena was offering. Still. She was going to try. She got the things set up as she wanted it.
She smiled when the door chime rang, and then she sighed. It was going to be a long afternoon. She gave a long sigh as she opened the door to the XO. "Commander Lorut, it's nice to see you," she said.
Vila really didn't want to be here, but she knew that she had to. Orders were orders, though, so here she is.
"Hi. Same," she said, coming into the office. She sat down, but folded herself into the chair. "Thanks for moving my appointment today. I had...something I had to do earlier. The Captain...needed me for something, rather." She sighed.
"So. I have trauma and make poor decisions."
Rena had settled in across from the Bajoran. Her PADD was ready, and she let Vila get out what was on her mind. She smiled lightly. "Why do you think you make poor decisions?" Rena wondered where that had come from.
Vila shrugged at the counselor. "People have said," she said. "And look. My actions have gotten people hurt before." She looked at the woman.
Rena nodded. Before she addressed the older woman's words, she said something else. "Would you like to hold and pet Porkchop during the session? You look like you could use a furry friend," she said. When the Bajoran looked interested,
Rena stood up, and extracted the sleeping cat from his crate. "This is Porkchop. He IS a registered therapy cat, but he's also a good comfort," she said. "I got him at a pet shop when I did my externships on a Space Station way out in the DQ-Camp Kirelli." Rena then grew serious as she handed the cat to Vila.
"It DOES, at blush, seem like sometimes you might make...not good choices. But from where I've sat, you don't necessarily do things recklessly. You just do them because they make sense to YOU. Perhaps we can work on improving communication in that way between you and everyone else."
Vila let out a sigh, but took the cat and cuddled it close to her.
She had never been a pet person - Ben had wanted a dog, but she'd explained that they lived on a starship, and it didn't really make sense. He'd argue back that it would be good for their future children, and...well, that hadn't panned out, either, did it?!
"I guess that's one way to look at it," she said. "Do you know how I lost my Lieutenant Commander pip when I was on the USS Gallant?"
Vila sighed. "I was on an away mission; we had gotten a distress signal from an unidentified source. I went because my assistant was on maternity leave. Anyway. Turns out it was actually an ambush from the Dominion-some rogue factions wanted blood after their shuttle was shot down. Not by us. Anyway. Just as we were aiming to fire, and the signal went, I shot. Somehow, another officer was hit, instead of an enemy combatant, and he...didn't make it. Starfleet said it was friendly fire and I was to blame.”
“I said it was an ambush, and absolute CHAOS. I ultimately was punished by losing a pip and time in rank. My assignment HERE is meant to rectify that. IF I can stay out of trouble. I am not doing well."
Vila sighed hard, but actually, the gentle purring of the fluffy black cat did help a bit. And she felt better telling someone, finally, who wouldn't judge her or use it as a reason to further inhibit her work.
Rena listened; the incident was in her file, but she wanted to hear it from the woman directly. "I understand why that would be difficult for you to experience.”
“You lost a colleague, and you were blamed. Is that why you...I've read in your file that some of your commanding officers think you are a bit...impetuous and maybe a little dismissive of authority. I think I can see why. If you're interested-at a later date-perhaps we can find a way to petition to have it re-examined? Very few things are forever," she said.
"Now, at our last meeting, you brought up wanting to discuss some things I read from you when you were first introduced to me. Do you want to do that today? Or discuss something else? We can revist your colleague's death on a different day because I don't think it has any bearing on your time here. I don't see your actions as brash or impulsive. I see them more as a woman who is maybe a bit jaded, and...for good reason, and who is trying to find herself again." Rena fell silent to let Lorut pick up her words.
Vila eyeballed the woman. She couldn't tell if the Counselor was being condescending or not. Most people? You could hear it in their tone. The Counselor was good at being netural. Damn it. Maybe this was too much too soon. But it was how she was going to be cleared for full duty sooner rather than later. Not just her physical body had been impacted, but the medical coma had tapped into a LOT of things she thought she'd buried well.
"Sure. Let's discuss that," she said. "You know, back when I was on Ordeve for a mission at my last posting, a Vedek told me that things were different now...but for who? Who are they different for? They're certainly not different for ME. I've never gotten an apology. I've never had my things returned that the Cardassians took. I was only eight! They took my doll," she said. Her eyes filled with tears, and she fought to keep them from falling. "I know it's not much. But it was MINE. It was all I had left."
Rena nodded. "I could see how that would be impactful, Vila. While the Vedek is correct that tensions are better between Bajorans and Cardassians, it absolutely would justify you feeling unheard and uncared about. So..who has it changed for? Some. But not for you. And that's OK." She paused. "There are legal avenues you can take through the JAG program; if you're interested, I can send you some information. To get your doll back. And maybe see some justice."
She waited a moment as the woman seemed to be considering.
"Why don't I do that?" She smiled lightly. "You can make the choice then, if and when you are ready. In the meantime, let's talk about an apology. What would it mean if you could look at one of the Cardassians who were around during that time? Most of them have died or are in jail if they were caught, but I am sure we could also find a legal avenue for you to speak to someone, if you want to. BUT...what I want you to do is a small exercise. I want you to write down your thoughts, as if you were having a conversation with one of them...do it in letter form. Then... send it for incineration. I don't know if this late in your life, an apology would do much, but I think you need to tell your story to someone. Anyone besides me, and that will give you a fresh start. What do you think?"
Vila sighed deeply. “I don’t think that will help; a different counselor had me do similar things. I need… to tell someone who isn’t you or another counselor. Someone who can just listen and let me cry and just… be there.” She continued. “I don’t want or need my doll. I just want to not think about it constantly anymore.”
Rena nodded. “I absolutely understand. I’m sorry I misread your comments earlier.” The Bajoran shook her head but Rena went on.
“I think that talking to someone about your experience will definitely help. If not me-and I completely understand- who? If you figure it out, you can use my office and I can help to mediate. Or not. Whatever works best. I suspect you have a person in mind?”
Vila nodded again. “I do. I don’t think it’s necessary for you to be here, but I do appreciate it,” she said.
Rena smiled. “Good. I think you’ll find, once you share, that it will help you with the nightmares you’re experiencing.”
Vila nodded. That made sense.
"Thank you," she said, quietly.
Rena could tell that Vila's steely resolve was about to return, and so she would end the session here. It wasn't important that the first one be too long. It hadn't covered what she'd HOPED it had, but it had given her some insight, and that was definitely good.
"Alright, Commander, let's end here today, ok?" She said. "Thank you for coming to see me. I hope you can feel comfortable coming back next week," she said. They both knew it was an ordered thing, but Rena DID hope the woman would be well.
She watched the woman stand up, and hold Porkchop out. She took the cat from the Bajoran, and then stood. "Let me show you out," she said. She walked the woman to the door, and watched as she left the anteroom into the corridor before she put Pork back in his carrier.