
  • 6 Mission Posts

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Fri Sep 6th, 2024 @ 9:06pm

Crewman Recruit Candice Kayne

Name Candice Kayne

Rank Crewman Recruit

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vision
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4''
Weight 110 lbs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Candy is a short, thin woman of Vissian descent. As such, she has a series of hard, ridged skin protruding from the right side of her face.

Her skin is pale (Caucasian).


Spouse None
Children None
Father Andrew Kayne
Mother Teri Kayne
Brother(s) Andy, Jr.
Sister(s) Merry Kayne

Personality & Traits

General Overview Peppy and outgoing, kind of an airhead, and otherwise just loafs around the ship, Louise is a civilian from the Fleet's Network News attache. She reports on any and all related ship business, and back to the command team about other Fleet happenings.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

-A bit air headed
Ambitions To become a world-famous, published author and journalist someday
Hobbies & Interests -Reading(Yes, she can!)

Personal History Born on Copernicus Colony, Luna (earth's moon), she is the third child of a Starfleet enlisted engineer and a SAHM. Along with her siblings, Louise has traveled the Universe, toted along with her father from ship to ship, starbase to starbase. Her father still serves the Fleet, currently assigned to Starbase 450 as a staff Engineer.

Her older brother, Andy, is also a Fleet engineer, but went to the Academy. Louise got her education at the University of Southern California, originally wanting to be a model and actress. She found journalism, and combined her love of traveling the universe with that, and joined the FNN's Civilian Embedded Reporter corps. She has a Bachelor's degree in communication.
Service Record This is her first posting as an embedded FNN reporter.