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Sat Mar 23rd, 2024 @ 4:42pm

Ensign Shiv Th'zhalner

Name Shiv Th'zhalner

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 175
Hair Color White
Eye Color Amber
Physical Description Lean musculature, Talish Andorian with forward facing antennae, walks with his shoulders and back straight, but usually keeps his head tilted just slightly forward, especially when speaking with someone.


Spouse N/A
Father Shriizh Ch'Shesnik, Keshnes Th'kaasnik
Mother Lila Sh'Variinas, Jaamizha Zh'kraaniska

Personality & Traits

General Overview Shiv has a serious side when it comes to work. He has aspirations to do well in Starfleet and to earn a promotion quickly and by merits. Outside of work, he's still young and has wild oats to sew. He has a tendency to overcompensate for his Andorian genetics which tend to make them more naturally suspicious and combative by suppressing those tendencies and welcoming people in social situations and being friendly to coworkers and new people. Not that he hasn't lost his temper a time or two. He's working on it.
Strengths & Weaknesses Computer systems, analytics, loyal to friends once you've earned his trust he will do anything for you, fun and welcoming in most social situations, he does know offensive and defensive moves thanks to his Andorian upbringing should the need arise.

Life sciences, biology, medicine, quick temper, if put in a combat situation he can lose himself and go overboard.
Ambitions Move up in the ranks at Starfleet. Learn to control his temper, so that he can be a more well-rounded officer and possible take command one day
Hobbies & Interests Rock climbing, Ice Hockey (And an Andorian sport that is similar that pits 3 teams against one another), fine dining

Personal History Shiv grew up on Andoria, raised with his two sisters. His parents were largely involved in the Agriculture industry on Andoria, though many also had a long history of serving as medical officers in the Guard as well as Starfleet. Shiv enjoyed school as a child, taking a special interest in math, computers, physics and engineering. Life sciences, including botany and agriculture didn't take his interest as he was being slightly rebellious and trying to separate himself from his family, so he deliberately refused to learn it, receiving only average marks in those classes. Something he regrets now.

In preparatory school he spent most of his time in his studies, including Academy prep work and in sports, and didn't keep much of a social life on Andoria. Once he got into the Academy, he remained focused on his work, but he relaxed a little and learned the importance of making friends and became a part of a social circle for his four years there majoring in systems operations and taking some engineering classes.
Service Record This is Shiv's first assignment after graduating Starfleet